Chapter 57: Big News

The next day after the Calamity stroke Dawn island.

Big News...!

All over the world, the news spread as quickly as a wildfire.

A Celestial Dragon has been murdered...!

In front of the Goa Kingdom's citizens, marines, nobles, and royalty, a descendant of the creator has been murdered... plainly... in a leisurely manner...

According to the different testimonies of the people present at that moment, everything happened quickly.

The calm weather had changed abruptly and a ray of bloody light exploded suddenly from about the center of Mount Colubo.

However no one knew if the ray came from the sky or from the earth as they were too busy to bid farewell to the celestial dragon. Some claim that it came from the ground and some other claim that it came from the sky.

Every persons interrogated affirm without doubt and hesitation that they saw a golden-haired man floating in the air, surrounded by a sort of halo of threatening red light coming from the sky. The said man then smashed the gigantic ship of the world noble into pieces, watching the said noble burn and drown into the sea quietly.

Though there were diverse opinions on the matter, one idea seemed to come back again and again...

"It was God's retribution, i'm telling you...!" a beggar said in his testimony.

"That's right, God came to get revenge for the child that was murdered by the celestial dragon not long before it happened..." A Navy soldier present there said confidently.

"It's true ! Only God can do that..." A normal citizen said.

Not long after that according to some reliable source, the beggar was dragged to prison, the soldier went before a court martial, and the citizen became a beggar.

A dozen of other people kept saying the same sort of things.

Unknown to the folk, the Navy and the Government went into an even more ridiculous uproar when they learned that, after the Noble was killed, every people present on the port, in the whole kingdom even suddenly fell unconscious for an unknown reason as this "Godly being" disappeared to who know where...


In the office of a certain fleet-admiral...

"What...!? What is a Conqueror's haki user doing in east-blue...!?" A furious Sengoku yelled at a Den Den Mushi.

"Who know..." A lazy voice replied...lazily... it was of course Kizaru the light-man admiral.

"You say that the kingdom's palace and the town are destroyed...?!" Sengoku shouted at another snail furiously.

" is..." Another voice replied, it was Aokiji.

"Find this guy immediately...!" the fleet-admiral yelled his lungs out before sitting exhaustingly on his chair.

"Yeah, yeah..." Another voice deeper and grumpy somehow sounded. Akainu he was.


One of the most puzzling thing is that, even after having put the entire island into "quarantine" and having it search for a whole week, no trace of this "Godly being" could be found at all.

As such a wanted poster has been issued to find this person... while a newspaper written by a certain journalist introduced that unkown mysterious floating being, world noble killer and kingdom

The God-Slayer...!

Wanted for crimes against "humanity" ! The worst crime to possibly perpetrate !

The reward for the lucky guy who will catch him alive was...

On billion berry cash along with a paradise island to enjoy for the rest of one's lifetime. Not really surprising for the crime commited but still.


Five hundred thousand berry cash for any hint of its whereabout. Really a lot for a single hint...

And with this generous offer from the government itself, a great chase began throughout the island to find this man...


Meanwhile on another island somewhere.

"Kuwahahaha...!" Lying on a deckchair and sipping on his really fresh looking tea glass, a bird-like person could be seen laughing his heart out.

"Haaah... Morgan-san wasn't that a bit too presumptuous... even for you...I mean the title God-Slayer is a bit over the top..." On the side what look like a friend of this Morgan voiced out his opinion.

"Kuwahahaha... Ain't that exciting instead... those celestial dragons seemed to really have a shitty luck now, it's the second time that a celestial dragon die in the same year, Kuwahahaha..."

"Hum...I guess it is exciting is clearly not the same case from then and now. For the previous murder, the fish-man was only suspected of it, whereas now it was basically a public execution of a World Noble, a direct strike to the government... Many say that it is the revolutionary Dragon but clearly it wasn't him..." The friend said and explained thoughtfully.

"I'm really curious about this person though...killing a World Noble without batting an eye... now this is new...Kuwahaha..." the bird-like man said laughing like a vilain.

"True, a pity that no trace of him can be found..." The guy said with a tinge of disappointment.

And they continued to enjoy themselves but still wondering who was the guy.

Was it a political message or something... was it the rise of a new powerhouse to be reckoned with maybe ?


And meanwhile lying in a bed somewhere, a kid, a boy could be seen sleeping soundlessly.

The guy was black-haired, a rather handsome face, and some plain looking clothes, hidden by some strands of his hair, a small nasty scar could be seen on the right side of his forehead. (A/N: look at the cover✌).

Right by the side, a green-haired boy of about the same age or lesser could be seen looking at the window and beyond it to rest on someone, on a girl exactly.

His gaze was one of frustration as he clearly didn't want to stay here any further than that but could not do otherwise.

He was so angry and frustrated that he began to gnash his teeth in anger as his body tremble in result.

"Dammit what a waste of time...!" the green-haired boy exclaimed quietly as he turned again to the sleeping boy and thought.

'Dammit, wake up quickly it's been a day now...!' The green-haired boys was sit crossed-legs but his feet were restless, always moving like a sewing machine.

And as if the sleeping boy has heard his thoughts, his eyelashes seemed to fluttered slightly as he opened his eyes slowly, revealing a pair of limpid but somehow hazy black eyes.

This black-haired boy's eyes then darted to the green-haired boy's face instinctively as his face frowned a bit as he sat, his gaze wondering at the room he was in quietly.

Seeing this the green-haired boy was about to say something but seem to hesitate a bit not really knowing what to say in this situation. As a result he was outrunned.

"Who...who are you ?" the black-haired boy asked.

"I'm Zoro..."



Excuse me,

So there some question I want to ask because I'm not too sure about it...

Cough, cough...

First of all, do you think that a one billion berry as a reward is too much or too few (for killing a Noble I mean)?

Second, do you think that Zoro hometown is too far away to be reach by flying ?

I'm not sure and I'm tired right now so...

I will (maybe) change some things depending on your answers and my opinion (maybe) ...thanks.✌

Oh and like always, point out the mistake I've made.