Chapter 61: Return...

Pah...! A sound suddenly resounded throughout a forest making birds and beast alike stand on alert and flee from there.

There was just one single dark bird flying over them in circle and chirping.

"You idiot... what have you done again...?" A rough and furious voice (but not that much in fact) was heard yelling after the "Pah" sounded out.

"I'm sorry..." In reply, another voice a younger one it seems was heard apologizing in a feeble and small voice.

But hearing it closely with good ears, one could clearly say and point out that there was not an ounce of sincere apology in that said apology and so...


"Aouch...It hurt !"

"It was the goal of it...!" The deep voice said and then added.

"I let you alone for a few weeks and this is what happened...sigh... What should I do...? Tell me..." The voice said in a tired voice.

"I'm sorry...Gramps..." the grandson apologized again with his head held down in guilt.

Those two were of course Garp and Edam, with the later being hit for all the mess he had caused, that is to say...

Unvoluntarily (or maybe not) erase the filth-... cough... I mean some important beings off the surface of this planet.

Unvoluntarily (or maybe not) destroying a kingdom filled with trash-... cough... I mean honest and innocent citizens.

And the most serious and maybe the worst for Garp...

Having made a mess of the forest and the mountain...

He say that he too had grown up here and it hurt his heart to see the forest in this state or so he said..

Edam "..."

The little monkey was quite tempted to complain and say "What about you when you destroyed it just to catch us huh...Tch Hypocrite...!" But even a monkey knew when to stay silent and not put his life on the line meaninglessly.

However for him...

Pah...! He was hit again for God only know why...



*Few hours ago*

After having taken the ship to leave to Dawn island, Edam was flabestered to witness the extend of the damage he has caused in this raging rampage of his.

When the newspaper were saying that the kingdom was now a mess, it was clearly just an understatement to minimize the repercussion that it would have on the world...clearly...

The Goa Kingdom didn't looked like anything it was before.

The huge castle which stood proudly at the center of the capital was now gone..., as if it had been smashed into smithereens, like a puzzle whose countless pieces had been scattered everywhere.

The various mansions and building which were encircling the castle too were made into a mess.

The Kingdom's ground which was once beautifull and orned with the finest materials which could be found only at the four corners of East-Blue was now covered with cracks akin to gruesome scars stretching across the entire Kingdom...

Even the air had changed... turning from a pure and refreshing air to something disgusting and repulsive, making everyone who breath it to feel like puking. It now didn't smelled any better than Grey Terminal if nlt worse.

As for the people... they looked just like some lost dogs. It was mostly the case for the noble's people, their districts area were the most touched by this desolated atmosphere, their home too were the most destroyed while the the poorest people who lived far away from the castle and mansions were saved.

The once welcoming and heart-warming kingdom was now nothing more than a place of desolation....

As if...

As if the Devil itself had repainted it to his own convenience...

But although the state of the Kingdom was really unbelievable and despairing somewhat...

There was one thing that stood apart from anything else... something that was even more fabulous...

Up in the sky...

An enormous and gigantic ring could be seen up there, tearing apart the sky into a circle, forming a halo across the entire island that even after days and days of being up there didn't seem to fade away at all.

It was like an eternal mark of the "God-Slayer" passage in this now pitiful-looking country.

This sight was as magical as threatening...

Nobody knew if it was a threat left behind from this godly being or if it was just left behind by the simple fact that he had grace this earth of his divine presence but one thing was certain...

This godly being was not just an invention of people's crazy minds or whatnot and this ring was one of the many proofs...

...Out there... in the vast world, there was really a crazy person who didn't care to kill a celestial dragon...

This halo in the sky was also one of the reasons that this new-wanted-man wanted poster's reward was so exagerated... they couldn't possibly leave someone as dangerous roaming the seas in this way, impossible...

In some newspaper, it was said and even comfirmed by the government that this new person was in fact a new recruit in the infamous Revolutinaries army which was led by the infamous Dragon.

Anyway the island which had been put under "quarantine" had been released as the economy of the country would have take a blow otherwise, so after a week of searching in vain for the wanted-man, the Navy decided to lift the restrictions imposed on the island, allowing the economy to run again.

But the number of marine's warship guarding the island was still as numerous.

Unknow to the folks, the numbers of ships before was the perfect number for a Buster Call...


As for Edam he too had quite a shock to see the mess he did.

His grandpa Z once told him that his transformation as a huge monster was the very definition of the Embodiment of destruction and chaos capable to erase an entire country off the map and even more if left free in the wild. ( Not something to tell a kid about but...meh...)

But this new "thing" as he didn't know how to call it yet... was clearly as dangerous if not even more dangerous than the "Moon-light Transformation"...

And the worst in Edam's opinion was that...

This new transformation didn't seemed to have a prerequisite conditions at all...apart from an excessive out-burst of rage and hate.

In contrary to his moon-light transformation which required a full moon to transform, this one didn't need anything like that apart from anger it seems and that...

That was bad somehow...

It was just like when people would drink just to relax a bit, but then would lose control of their actions and mess around.

It was near the same for Edam...down to the single detail that his lost of control was extreme...really extreme...

And it was something that Edam came to dislike... losing control of himself that is. Though this time he didn't really complain about for obvious reasons, he still didn't like this feeling.

He didn't care to hurt bad people unconsciously... but he couldn't tolerate to hurt innocent people, people who didn't wronged him before.

Although he was no saint and he was clearly aware of it himself, he still... it just didn't feel right to hurt others for no reason at all... and those two transformation were going against his will.

And from then on, he swore to one day take full control over his beastly side and this unknown state of his.


And anyway, the situation now brought us here, where Edam was reprimanded by Garp.

"...Sigh...Sengoku cannot be inform of that..." Garp sighed as he thought about all the incoming troubles if this were to be know.

But fortunately, there was no proof nor any witness to talk about. Better than anything was that, Edam was even on another island or so for who know the reason but anyway.

"Anyway we will just say that you had wanted to invite a friend to your birthday-..." At this last sentence of his, Garp paused abruptly as if finding something really unsettling as he then looked at this eldest grandson of his who still had his head down and lowered it even more after he heard his grandfather's words.

After all the events which took places recently, even he, his own grandfather came to forgot that it was supposed to be Edam's eleven birthday this month.

From any other day of the year on which it could have happened... it had to be now... it had to be... that very day...


What a disaster... truly...

Garp's eyes that were strict a moment ago seemed to warm up a bit with a touch of sadness deep in it as he then crouched down to reach Edam's height, startling the latter who began to slowly tremble...

Looking at him for a bit, Garp couldn't see Edam's face as it was hidden by some strands of his hairs, he still knew what was happening...


'You couldn't do anything about it... silly...'

Garp put his rough hand on his head to rubbed it gently... silently...





Tears were slowly dripping off the little monkey's face as he tried to hold it back... in vain...

He was even gnashing his teeth and tightening his fist out of sadness and sorrow but no matter what the tears didn't want to stop flowing out, dripping his clothes wet as second passed by...


I wasn't... here...

I wasn't here when "he" needed me... I wasn't here when "they" needed me...

...I feel so useless...

...I'm the strongest of them, their big brother but I wasn't here when he/they needed me...

'...Strong...' she said... as if I was strong...

...Someone strong can protect his family, his friends...or just be there for them...

...But I can't even do that...

...I'm weak...


The little monkey then cried out all the tears his body had gathered throughout the years as he then vent up all the sadness and frustration he was keeping inside recently...

While beside him, Garp kept listening to him silently... never saying a word at all... keeping quiet the entire time, never leaving his side.

And although he never say a word, his silence was warmer and more comforting than any words.




I too am so weak...

I've cried when I wrote this final scene..😔

Like truly cried out... maybe because I was listening to "sadness and sorrow"... who know...I really have to work on my Dao of sadness.

Anyway mistakes please...thanks👍