A devastated planet Ch. 5

A stone cold expression crossed over the prince's face then, it made Liliana want to recoil away from him, she could feel the frozen chill radiating off him… had she touched a nerve?

"We did have females… once…" He replied bitterly, pulling away from Liliana as he proceeded to slowly stalk his way around the spherical shaped room… his entire mood had changed from flirtatious and lustful… to just downright brooding "Vuul was ravaged by a plague shortly after I was born… strangely, it only infected our females… none survived… in order to have mates, my species has had to resort to exploring the cosmos in search of reproductively compatible species to mate with if we wish for our race to continue on… as it would turn out, humans have proven to be the most compatible yet… and believe me, Liliana, we've looked far and wide… you think I traveled all this way through all these lightyears, a six month journey… what, just for fun?"

Liliana was utterly shocked… all the females from his planet were dead?

"This plague…" Liliana murmured "Is it still dangerous to the female gender?"

Nisnieth paused in his pacing and turned to look at Liliana, his expression softening a touch, his shook his head gently, his silken purple hair swaying subtly along with his movements "No, only to pureblooded females of the Vuul race… my cousin, Lorn, actually volunteered to do experiment with breeding with your species first, he brought his chosen bride back to the planet… she never got sick at all and not long after, she gave him a set of twins… a boy and a girl… the daughter's health was closely monitored for the whole first year of her life, she is to this day, an exceptionally happy and healthy child. My cousin's wife is perfectly fine as well, quite happy too after she'd allowed herself to really look at the good life she can have with Lorn. So, my dearest bride, you have nothing to worry about"

"I… I'm really sorry that happened to your species, that's really awful and I can understand why you'd be so desperate…" Liliana said in response, pausing as if to consider her words before continuing "However… this… I don't want this… I think if you actually gave human dating a try, you might find yourself a girl more than willing to run off with you and play 'alien princess', but… that isn't me… I want to go home... please…"

Nisnieth gave her a saddened look and with a sigh, he came over to sit on the edge of the bed, fixing a pitying expression upon her "And go back to what, Liliana? Being treated like the orphaned nobody for the rest of your life? To always having people look down on you for being from another walk of life than them? Perhaps you get this 'higher education' you are so keen on, but what then? Do you think you'll be taken seriously over those with the money and connections to get what they want? You would make a tempting punching bag and victim for them..."

Liliana felt like she'd been punched in the stomach as she looked him in the face… she hated to admit it, but what he said didn't entirely sound like nonsense… a lot of those rich awful people at the barn tonight were majoring in the same things she was and they'd likely be competing for the same jobs down the road… what was she going to do if those people followed her for the rest of her life? What if they were always there to torment her?

The mocking faces of those manipulative bitches entered her mind and instantly, Liliana felt her chest tighten with emotion…

"How do you know all this?" Liliana asked him, her voice trembling a bit.

Nisnieth's face was gentle and patient "I told you… I've been watching you for quite some time now… I wanted to help you back at the barn, but I wasn't able to… too many eyes, you see… I couldn't risk being exposed by that money human eyes like that, what if they took pictures of anything they saw? That's way too many humans to make 'vanish'... especially when we need the disappearance of our brides to not draw so much attention… I was relieved when you managed to escape and I could get to you before they did"

"They were coming after me?" Liliana asked wide eyed, feeling her stomach grow ice cold, she'd thought they'd decided not to bother with her.

With a disgusted expression, Nisnieth nodded "Yes, they were organizing who would chase after you in one of the males trucks… I won't divulge to you what they discussed, you don't need to hear that and it's nothing you need to worry about anymore. No one will ever look down upon you or treat you with disrespect ever again"