The lust of a prince p.2 Ch.11 (18+ content warning)

Those alien aqua eyes stared into her pale blues, she could see the sensual excitement all over his face… all while the heel of his hand continued to tease her with how much more amazing he could make her feel if she just succumbed to him… and oh did she want to…

Nisnieth leaned down and lightly dragged his top row of teeth over her right nipple, the sensation upon the ultra sensitive peak prompted the girl to release a quivering sort of hybrid between a sigh and a moan… it obviously amused Nisnieth as his low sexy chuckle was caught by her ears…

"Say it, beautiful… tell your prince what you want…" he purred at her, he brought his face to hers, theirs hovering barely even a centimeter apart, his voice was soft and husky with arousal "What does my little lusty human want her male to do to her?"

A shiver quaked through Liliana's aroused body, she swallowed hard and responded in a shaky voice that more than communicated her struggle with the storm brewing within "Please… please touch me… I'm going to explode if you don't…"

Nisnieth grinned, his aqua eyes glittering mischievously "But I am touching you… you shall need to be more specific, my darling…"

Liliana groaned her frustration "My clit… please… I need it… I need it so badly…"

Pressing the heel of his palm harder against her fleshy petals, squashing them against her clit, his tone teasing and seductive "You mean here?"

"Yeeeees!" Liliana wailed desperately, angling her hips up in an attempt at seizing more "Inside! Please! I can't take it anymore!"

"Whatever my bride commands…" Nisnieth murmured, brushing his lips against hers… just before two fingers dipped inside between the petals of her woman's flower…

He found the sensitive bundle of nerves quickly, he grinned into her face as he lightly flicked it, the expression on her face as she gasped at the sensation was intoxicating… he lowered his fingers to her entrance and gathered some wetness from there, returning then to her eager tender clit…

Liliana's head fell back against the pillows as those fingers proceeded to move in slow lazy circles around the trembling bud, her eyes fluttered shut as she surrendered to the sensation of his caressing fingers… her mouth fell slightly agape as she gasped her delighted pleasure…

"Like that, do you, my love? Does it feel good?" Nisnieth whispered, caressing his lips across her cheek "Should I stop now?"

"D-don't stop… oh please, don't stop… it's good… so good…" Liliana panted, her legs opening wider to allow him more access "Mm… touch me harder… I need it…"

"But do you want it?" Nisnieth replied "You need it, yes… but do you want it?"

Liliana opened her eyes to look at him and nodded vigorously "I want it… I want it…!"

"Well, far be it from me to deny my woman something she so earnestly desires…" He replied, his grin akin to the cat that got the canary.

Those delightful fingers between her thighs pressed down harder on her clit and moved in faster, rougher circles, Liliana's panting grew heavier and faster as her legs fell open as wide as she could without making it painful.

"Yes… yes… yes…" Liliana moaned softly, her eyes just about rolling to the back of her head as she was brought closer to a lusty climax "Nis… oh Nis… yes… don't stop! I'm so close!"

A third finger joined the fun and Liliana's hips were wobbling side to side from the intensity of how vigorously Nisnieth was stroking her, he couldn't help but lick his lips as his eyes drank in the expression of sheer euphoria on his bride's face.

Grinning ear to ear in his own excitement, Nisnieth brought in his thumb to take ravishing her clit, while the middle and index finger of his other hand plunged into her tight dripping wet heat… his reward was everything he hoped as Liliana's sweet virgin body reacted with her middle arching up and a low lusty moan escaping her.

"Oh… oh my stars… that's incredible!" The girl marveled, she'd masterbated before… but she never tried putting fingers in herself before, she'd never imagined it would feel so pleasurable.

"Then you will love what comes next…" Nisnieth replied, his lips curved with a sly sensuous smirk… there was nothing to make a prince feel like a raw and primal male like the positive reaction of his woman to his passions.

Before Liliana had a split second to ponder what that meant, the two fingers inside her began to piston in and out her squeezing depths, his other hand still all the while still working away at her clit… the raven haired human was breathing heavier than ever now, her heart pounding in her chest almost in perfect rhythm with the decadently erotic pulsing of her clit…

She couldn't even speak now as her her tilted back on the pillows, her mouth wide open with whimpering moans as her eyes were glued to Nisnieth's excited face… she could feel it, she was going to cum at any moment now…

"That's it… coat my fingers in your juices…" Nisnieth encouraged her, his low aroused tone only serving to excite Liliana further "I bet you taste incredible… and I fully plan to find out…"

Just as Liliana was about to free fall right over that edge into sweet release… Nisnieth withdrew his fingers, though he didn't make her wonder for more than a moment why, the prince slid down Liliana's hot aroused body until he was settled with his shoulders between her thighs.

Liliana went red as a beet as she realized what he was intending to do, but all thoughts of shying away were dust at the first stroke of his hot velvety tongue over her sopping pink heat, she heard him give a long pleasured moan before he raised his head, his tongue licking his lips slowly.

"Dessert has nothing on you, my bride…" he murmured before lowering his head back down… where he began a ravenous feast upon every drop Liliana's womanhood gave him, his moans mingled with Liliana's as he quickly pushed her right back up to that precipice…

"Yes! Yes!" Was all Liliana could manage as that skillful tongue flicked aggressively at her clit "Yes! Yes!"

In the next moment, Liliana's whole brain exploded in shimmering colors as her body tightened up and a joyous cry broke past her parted lips… and then… Nisnieth's mouth and chin were coated in Liliana's glistening love juices… he raised up onto his knees and grinned down at her as he licked his lips, he brought up a hand to wipe his chin before licking his fingers clean of the sweet wetness.

"Mmm, so sweet… you are quite the treat, my love…" he smirked at her as she lay there riding out the effects of the intense orgasm "Another time, I'll teach you how to pleasure a male… but tonight… tonight is all about you, baby…"

Liliana released a small 'eep' noise as Nisnieth descended upon her body, the prince fully intending to please his bride the whole night until she passed out unable to take any more...