A Vuulian Snake- Ch. 13

~Planet Vuul, the royal palace~

"Son of a bitch!"

A loud almost musical crash echoed about the chamber as a fine lhorod crystal goblet was hurled at the wall by a furious Vuulian male… vibrant purple hair cut just below his ears framed his handsome face perfectly, while a lock of aqua blue hair bound in lhorod crystal beads hung down against his right cheek, his aqua blue eyes were filled with a quaking rage as he stared at the viewing screen before him… showing Nisnieth walking out of his ship's chambers with his arm around a raven haired human's waist.

A frustrated angry howl broke past his lips as he slammed his hand down on a shiny sapphire blue button on the control panel, his body shook for a good moment or two before he started taking deep breaths, in and out, in and out…

"It didn't take you very long to find a suitable bride… did it, big brother? You always were the biggest pain in my ass overachiever… father's favorite… his perfect faultless heir…"

Turning away from the black viewscreen, Prince Grilk, youngest son of King Raikar, angrily kicked at a large shard of crystal that lay at his feet "Give me a break! I could be just as great as that arrogant show off! Ignorant moron doesn't even know I planted spy observers throughout his damn ship! I am the intelligent one! Me! I am the one that should lead planet Vuul, not him!"

Grilk brought his right hand up to his mouth as he sighed and lightly tapped at his lips with a curved pointer finger… if his older brother returned to Vuul with his bride… even worse, a pregnant bride… that would ruin all of his ambitions and scheming, precautions would be set in place to protect Nisnieth's heir and there would no way in hell he would have a chance at pulling off something quick, desperate and clever… he'd never have a chance at the damn throne, that stupid baby would be better protected that even their most sacred temples…

"I am getting ahead of myself…This isn't over yet..." Grilk reassured himself, taking another deep breath as he closed his eyes and released it slowly "I can still fix this… granted, I will have to grow bolder and take greater risks… but I can still salvage this… I am clever… I am smart… I can take the upperhand…"

His eyelids lifting, a cruel smirk curved his lips as his aqua blue eyes sparkled malevolently "Pity you had to go and become such an even larger thorn in my side, brother… I'll have to get rid of you now… you and that raven haired temptress…"

Honestly, he had hoped he wouldn't need to get rid of Nisnieth, he was confident his picky older brother would return home empty handed and he'd get his turn to search for a suitable bride… surely, their father would have awarded the throne to the first son to conceive an heir…

Unfortunately, Nisnieth had to complicate things and actually find a broad he liked… this showed Grilk that Nisnieth wasn't nearly as reliably fickle as he'd been in the past, which complicated his plans. So much for usurping the throne without any blood spilled.

The prince sighed "Eh, I suppose I knew it was a stretch anyway, nothing ever goes so flawlessly smooth as that… perhaps, this is just going to be a test of my cunning and my worthiness to be king... "

Chuckling, Grilk strode forward through the glittering sea of lhorod crystal shards adorning the floor and placed his hand upon the starburst symbol upon the wall to activate the door mechanism and then stepped through into his personal bedchambers. The doors closed behind him silently… no starburst showed on the other side.

No one knew about the secret room connected to his chambers, he went about it's construction in absolute secrecy… and of course, murdered the builders and scientists involved immediately after it's completion. Couldn't have anyone getting cold feet and telling the king after all.

There was Lorn to worry about as well… as well that little brat of his… he worried that with the child being female and females being so precious to their people's future right now… his father might turn around after Nisnieth dies and name that squealing pain in the ass the heir…

Oddly enough, it wouldn't shock Grilk at all if his father passed right over him… he was always saying how over ambitious he is and lacking in the compassion a leader should have.

Hah! Compassion… the only thing that mattered was power, that was the whole damn point of the throne… wasn't it? That throne symbolized supreme power… and he would be damned before anything else but himself was going to be sitting on it...