
"Your Majesty, you must hold justice for my Fire Origin Sect, my Sect was destroyed by Blood Demon Hall....", cried out a woman kneeling on a marvel made floor which served as floor for a Gigantic Hall which had ancient aura about it, this Hall however only contained seven people currently, three of them sitting on right and two on left and one of who was dressed in beautiful and majestic red rope which with what seemed be a pattern of fire on it, beside him was a old man with temperament of that of a scholar and a servent.

Seeing that the man on main seat has not reacted the woman continued, "Your Majesty, my Sect has always been loyal to the Kingdom and my Master was close friends with your father the previous Majesty....I-I beg you to take revenge and bring justice to my Sect...", Still haven't heard of anything the woman gritted her teeth and in trembling voice said,

"Y-Your Majesty, if you help me t-take revenge, I will f-f-forever will serve y-you..",


But before she could finish her words there was majestic and unquestionable voice that stopped her, the woman looked up forcefully with her peerless face and diamond like eyes which currently doing there best to hold on to the tears, only to see the man in throne look at her and said,

"Miss Yun, you don't need to do this... your Sect was one of the crucial part of this Kingdom, we had very close ties to each other so it's natural that the revenge should be taken by us as well...", the man said with mixed emotions hidden in is voice.

However the woman who was called Miss Yun had relevied face and as she about to speak again, "Miss Yun should get some rest, it should not be easy on you to travel this far...", the woman stopped and with some hesitation bowed,

"I thank Your Majesty..",

With this all five people who were silent stood up and said together in same tone,

"We thank Your Majesty..", and bowed along with that.

"Hmm...", said the man in throne and then disappeared at that instant without any warning.


Appearing at a very big room which had a giant bed enough for ten or more people, the man who who was previously sitting in throne with stone face didn't have that face at all, instead it was replaced by an anxious and nervous face.

Looking around the room which all decorated in red and had like dozen old looking structure and figures, the man cursed under his breath,

"Damm it...Why me??, What hell did I do to get this??,

But no matter how much he cursed, he still got no response from anyone.

Yes, as you expect this person is someone who has transmigrated in this world, he came here after dying in his in previous world, was University student in his previous world who had just graduated and was looking for a job, but fate was never on his side and yet he was happy or at least pretended he was and then, finally one day he got his chance, a call for interview and as he was walking down the street to his destination, he was hit by a car which was driven by drunk driver, so in a sense he died a death common to many and as a unknown person to everyone.

Thinking all of this, the man in the red robe sighed, and closed his eyes and felt great amount of power in his body, this was not in fact magic or any kind of miracle, this is what he got from cultivating or to be more accurate this is the strength of the previous owner of this body, which he got when arriving in this world and as you expect this was odd.

Chu Feng, is the name of this body and he is not some nobody, as he is the Current King of Crimson Flame Kingdom which is located in Profound Spirit Continent, this world is different in many ways but mainly it is because people here can cultivate.

Cultivation here is mainstream and it has the final say, weather you are weak or you are strong, it will all depend on how good your cultivation is. Chu Feng as the king of Crimson Flame Kingdom is at 5th Stage of Golden Core Realm, which as far he knows is peak in surrounding fifty or so kingdoms. When someone starts cultivation he or she first achieves Body Refining Realm and then Spirit Establishment Realm in which a cultivator establishes connection from Heaven and Earth, then they have to open Spirit Sea in there consciousness and increase in size of there Spirit Sea corresponds to their Cultivation.

As for why people cultivate, that would be for the long life which comes with the increase of their cultivation.

Chu Feng has already been in this world for three days, and still he could not comprehend full extent of his powers, after all the cultivation of 5th Stage of Golden Core Realm is not small.

Just as he was immersed in his thoughts, he heard a knock from door,

"Your Majesty, Pavilion Master Lin seeks audience..", came old yet stable voice along with that.

Chu Feng who already accepted the reality of situation and what's happening around him replied in a tone in which the King should do, "Hmm.., Take him to my Study Room..",

"Yes", came voice from outside.

Chu Feng putting aside messy thoughts begin to think about other stuff, the voice that came was of Old Bai from his memories, he is the current Stewart of the Palace. He too is one of the experts in Royal Family of Crimson Flame Kingdom. Old Bai as he knows is of his father's generation and has served him too, and the reason why he is called an expert was because of strength which even higher then him at 9th Stage of Golden Core Realm.

And as for "Pavilion Master Lin" he mentioned was one of powerful businessman of his Crimson Flame Kingdom and surrounding few territories. He is current owner of Calm Sea Pavilion, its influence and power would be enough to be as strong as a Kingdom and many Kings in surrounding countries treat him as honered guest, but he has another identify and work which is unaware to everyone expect for few and in those few he also exists, Calm Sea Pavilion was established by his grandfather, the former king as the means of keeping an eye on other Kingdoms and weakening them.

Chu Feng really was shocked when he first found about it, the former Chu Feng has met Pavilion Master Lin, but for him this would be first time.

At first he was terrified and scared about suddenly appering in different world, he was anxious about the fact if anyone would notice his abnormalities and only after some time when he found out that no one has discovered anything and even Old Bai didn't, so he became relaxed and existed, after all to become a King from a loser who has nothing is dream of everyone.

Walking in long corridor of his palace, which had name King's Residence, Chu Feng was not nervous then few days back but still he still kept his caution over his change of expression, he knew too little about this world and his biggest concern was how his former self died as he still in dark about that.