Evil God's Aura

Far away from Profound Spirit Continent in deep space, there is a world bigger then Profound Spirit Continent. It was probably ten times larger and more dense Spirit Qi on it.

But the most unusual part about this planet was that there was structure attached to the planet itself, this huge structure was bigger than the Planet and was square in shape. If one looked closely, they would see this structure as a giant chessboard which was big enough that made it look like world of it's own.

Currently, on this Giant Chessboard, there was a game going on between two entities, on one side was Old Man who looked like he will die at any moment, but the aura around him said otherwise as it was powerful enough to cause stars and celestial bodies to tremble. And on the other side was a man who had Golden Armor on his body alongside a huge Sword floating around him.

Both of them were silent, until a movement in Chessboard was felt and right after that did the man with Golden Armor spoke, "HAHA..... Finally I won a game... How's that...??",

The Old man opened his eyes and sighed, "But, you lost to me already.. approximately Ninty Nine times...",.

The Golden Armored Man stiffed and then proceed to laugh bitterly, "Come On those were just practice matches...",

Old Man too smiled and once again shook his head. Just he was about to open his mouth, his expression changed drastically and he looked into one direction with his Lazer sharp eyes which seemed to tear the void and see anything. At the same time Golden Armored Man too turned in that direction, but unlike the Old Man's face which had fierce expression, he had that of fear and anxiety.

"This aura.....No doubt about it... This is Evil God's...", Old Man said with solemn voice.

"Damm!...How is this possible...", Clenching his Jaws said Golden Armored Man.

"I am not sure....as he is far from here.... very very far...",

The man crushed something and a shadowy figure appered below him, kneeling on one of his legs.

"Hall Master...I want you find the source of this Aura and bring it back here...Dead or Alive....and do it in secret...",

"Yes, Sect Master..", replied shadowy figure and disappeared without a trace.

"Sage Master, What do you think..",

"I have no doubt that this is the aura of Evil God... although weak, but pure in nature... unlike the previous ones we captured.... Whatever might be the case be, we need to find it quickly.... I am sure... others have detected it too...",

And this was exactly the case other peoples who were powerful enough to sense it, knew whose was it.

In far away planet, which was same in size with one in which the Chessboard was attached. But there was major difference between the two of them, as this world was very dark, up to the point where it won't be spotted from far away.

Currently, on this Planet's highest peak was a throne situated, but this throne was made of skulls of humans, beasts and what not.

Sitting in this throne was a figure who was covered in dark mist and was difficult to make out any shape or gender of the person.

"After All these years.. you're back.... HAHAHA... Evil God...oh... Evil God....I suppose you stay dead for long.... HAHAHA.....",

Long ago, it is said that there was a cultivator who wrecked havoc in Cultivation World all with his eyes, that was latter know as Evil God's Scarlet Eyes.


All of this was unknown to Chu Feng who was currently unconscious in secret room, but if someone else would be here they will be shocked to extreme, as the Cultivation of his was constantly increasing,

6th Stage of Golden Core Realm,

7th Stage of Golden Core Realm,

8th Stage of Golden Core Realm,

9th Stage of Golden Core Realm,

It finally stopped and seemed to hit the bottleneck.

Chu Feng who was in deep sleep didn't realize anything as his body was going through a Heaven Defiying Change, his injured body had now been healed and his soul which felt pain of an unimaginable amount, now only felt comfert.

The Ring of Eternity which was in his Sea of Consciousness, and Had Aura surrounding it now was shinning with bright blue light. And it also appered in his hand.

After a period of time which felt like Eternity, Chu Feng woke up and had confused emotions about what just happened.

First he was nearly killed by a powerful existence who wanted his body, then he saw a bright red eye before dying and now here he is not dead, not even injured, this all felt like a dream.

But as he looked towards his left hand, he knew that this was reality and he did experienced all of that. Chu Feng tried to calm himself down and decided concentrate his mind.

As he did this, he noticed that he had extra set of memories in his mind, other then the memories that he had on Earth and memories of this World Chu Feng, there was another set of memories.

As he tried to get explore these memories, it gradually became clear who did belong to. All of these memories came from Eternal Emperor himself after failed to take over his body, after going through the Eternal Emperor memories he gradually understood what had happened.

"Evil God's Scarlet Eye...", mumbled Chu Feng, these were words of Eternal Emperor as he saw the bright red eye. He thought about this matter for a while but ultimately gave up as even Eternal Emperor didn't know anything about it other then it's name.

What made Chu Feng excited was the thing why Eternal Emperor called as such.

Eternal Emperor created a organization called the Eternal Hall while he was alive, and for why it was know as such was because it will pop up every time wherever Eternal Emperor went.

The reson why Eternal Emperor died was because of Ring of Eternity. The main use of Ring of Eternity was to enslave people, and store them inside the Ring for Eternity and if anyone is able to refine the Ring he or she shall be the master of all of souls trapped inside the Ring.

Eternal Emperor wasn't able to refine the Ring but used a secret method to be able to use it's powers to certain extent. And it was this that lead to him being chased and killed by other powerful cultivators and it was only due to the Ring that a part of his soul survived the attack.

However it was different for Chu Feng who was able to refine the Ring by some unknown reason.

Chu Feng opened his eyes in the secret room, he was very excited and happy with this new development.

Regarding the sealed beings inside the Ring, who were know as Soul Servants, there were beings Sealed who were as powerful as Eternal Emperor himself, but least powerful being sealed was at Peak of Soul Spirit Realm.

This was power Chu Feng needed to get out of his current predicament.