Blood Mist Forest


Pavilion Master Lin was shocked and nearly passed out when heard request of Old Bai, there was a reason why Forbidden Medicine is called as Forbidden.

Alchemy is a very popular Way which is chosen by many, the Pills and Vials they create are means which help Cultivation easy. But there are still some Pills which are considered not for the General use, as they side effects which are irreversible and beyond any cure.

Soaring Sky Pill is one such pill, it is rare Pill and is very hard to make. Soaring in Sky is usually refered to Soul Spirit Realm Cultivator as they are able to fly. When a Peak Golden Core Realm Cultivator takes this Pill he or she will feel a rapid increase in strength and Spirit Qi in their Diatian, but this doesn't come without any side effects.

Usually, taking this Pill is considered last option for any cultivator, as side effects for that include death or a broken Diatian. And with Broken Diatian one can not Cultivate.

So taking a Soaring Sky Pill will mean end of one's Cultivation path and Old Bai asking for that would mean he was asking for Death.

"Old Bai.... situation is grave....I get that, but asking for something like this...!?!", questioned Pavilion Master Lin.

"I want be ready for any situation....", replied Old Bai without changing his expression.

"B-But...", Pavilion Master Lin wanted to continue.


"Let's not talk about this...",

Master Lin just sighed and said nothing else.

Old Bai leaned forward and asked Master Lin,

"What about Ice Blood Lotus...?",

Master Lin took a deep breath and calmed himself before answering,

"We have located Ice Blood Lotus and it is in perfect condition as well as there a chance we might be able to get it without breaking a sweat....", Master Lin said.

"But.....", said Old Bai interjecting himself.

"But, the problem is whose hands it's in...", said Lin with unusual voice.

"Huh!..Is it someone we can't deal...or does that someone wants something in return...?", Old Bai said.

"Well.....the owner of Ice Blood Lotus is Third Prince of Azure Wood Kingdom you know there is tussle going on between Third Prince and Crown Prince for the throne.....he already asked for help from Calm Sea Pavilion and I am sure if we want Ice Blood Lotus he can give it to us....but with..", said Lin hesitating time and time again.

"But with the promise that Calm Sea Pavilion will help him...", stated Old Bai.

"Yes..", said Lin.

Old Bai stood up and got ready to go out, stating along the way,

"This is a big matter, I need to discuss with Majesty about this and while I do that, you open a channel so that we can have a discussion with Third Prince....also send all the intelligence about him to me....I will relate that to Majesty.....and finally lookout for Chen Clan...",

"I Understand..", said Lin while bowing to Old Bai.


Far from Crimson City and Crimson Flame Kingdom, there strange and unpredictable Forest, it is one of most mysterious places in surroundings and it was well known for it's Dangerous Monster Beasts living in this Forest.

People knew it by many names, for common people this place was called as Forest of Nothingness and for the Cultivators this place was called Forest of Blood Mist.

The reason for different names, lies in peoples perception. To normal people this Forest was a Forbidden Zone and they will not go even if there life was on line. To Cultivator this place was Land of opportunities, it was a legend that whoever entered deep in this Forest never returned and they died horribly that their blood transformed into Mist that lies here forever.

Forest of Blood Mist was always surrounded by Red Fog which gave smell of blood.

Few years back when all of Blood Mist started to appear, Cultivator from nearby noticed this abnormality and came investigate, however they never went back from their search. This attracted Major forces from surroundings to act.

However soon the same thing happened and they too disappeared, eventually this place was Forbidden and Forgotten. Until, a rouge Cultivator discovered a great treasure which helped him breakthrough to Golden Core Realm and from then on daring Cultivators from all around come here and try there luck.

Blood Mist Forest is a special existence which is not under any influence but rather a open territory on its self. It was divided in three Regions based on the dangers one can face there.

They were Outer Region, Inner Region and Core Region. On the terms of Cultivation of one the region can also be classified, Outer Region for Core Formation Realm Cultivator or below, Inner Region for Golden Core Realm Cultivator and lastly Core Region for Soul Spirit Realm Cultivator or above.

However unknown to world their was something in the Core Region which should not be here. That was the Headquarters of Blood Demon Hall.

Deep in Blood Mist Forest there is Castle, made up of Red brick which seemed as blood.

The Castle by natural formation of rocks, which made impossible to see it without any special assistance.

Currently, In Castle's Main Hall there was conference going on, the Hall was filled with people sitting left and right, all of them were dressed up in Black Ropes. One thing that was common in all of them was the Aura they were radiating, compared to Chen Clan Old Master they were probably more powerful.

They all were at Soul Spirit Realm and probably stronger then any Soul Spirit Realm Cultivator. However one sitting in middle was different he wasn't radiating any Aura, but had an extraordinary momentum that expressed unquestionable authority.

A masked man stood up, took out a paper and started to read it,

"Report....Third Elder Yan has lead Forty Golden Core Realm Cultivators, Hundred Core Formation Realm Cultivators and Three Hundred Spirit Establishment Realm Cultivators to seige Fire Origin Sect...The seige was a success with the cost of Two Golden Core Realm Cultivators and Twenty Core Formation Realm Cultivators as well as death of Fifty Spirit Establishment Realm Cultivators... However the mission to capture the target has failed...",

The Man who was sitting in middle was a Middle aged man with hair and beard, after hearing the report which Masked man said he only said one word without opening his eyes,


"According to the report which was summited by Third Elder Yan....the Target escaped through the tunnel which was located in underground of Sect Master's Residence.....The initial Intel was wrong and Third Elder had no idea about this tunnel.....the Intel didn't mention it...", said Masked man without any emotion.

"Do we know where is Target now....?", asked Man again.

"Yes, Crimson Flame Kingdom...!!",