A dream

Selene was dreaming of falling, clashing of swords, gashing of blood from her veins, rustling of the wind by wings, slashing clothes, ripping of somebody's.. wings? Then another scene flashed where Selene was running out of air to be breathe, she ran for almost 30 minutes. Her current body is not in the right condition to run like you're in a marathon. But what she did was its more than a marathon. She ran to save her life from those two people trying to kill her. Selene turned her head back to see if the guys are still running after her but there's no one. She breathes heavily and rested her back on the big tree. The fresh air in this forest sooth inside her lungs. She close her to feel it then it relaxes her.

A young man with silver hair, prominent nose and crimson eyes, landed from the sky. Revealing his broad shoulders and took heavy steps towards Selene that is resting under an old oak tree. He bent his knees as he came closer at her to examined her face. His eyes is full of awe and curiosity.

Selene take a deep long breath then breath out. She was thinking how to get out from this forest. So she open her eyes, she shouts the hell out of her when she saw the face of man right into her face. Without thinking she raise her hand and then clench it. Selene punch the face of man. Then she heard him groan in pain.

He thought he broke his nose that he sat down involuntarily from the lady's punch. "That hurts." he grunted in pain as he rubbed the bridge of his nose that has been hurt.

The birds were panicking when she shouted. She thought that those two people that hunts her will find her anytime soon because of her shout. "The hell? You scared the hell out me!" Selene said to the man. "Who are you! Why did you take me here?" She saw him bleeding. "And you're bleeding!", she screamed.

He stood and took off the dirt on his pants. His hand rubbed his earlobe with the deafening of the lady's voice. "Women."

"Hey! Are you one of those two people who hunt me?" She raise her arms then clench her hands like she's ready to fight. Her knees are shaking.

He gave her a grim looked. "Do I look like a bad guy to you?" He asked with a knot on his forehead.

"Well looks can be deceiving!" She smirked at the guy.

He arched a brow at her and bent his body towards her to level their gaze, straightly looking at her with his deep set eyes. "So am I deceitful for you?"

The man who is five inches taller than her bent his body forward that makes her took a step backward and hold her breathe. "Yes!" She said trying to make her voice firm. Then she turn her head in sideway, she heard some footsteps closer to them. Then she push the man by her hands. "Shit! They were here." She said panicking. She turn around to find some tree or bush where she can hide.

He saw fear in her eyes so out of his protective instinct, he grabbed her arm and lead her to the nearest and hidden cave.

She gasp when the man grabbed her arm. In instinct she just run after him. "What are you doing?" She asked the man while they were running. In few away she saw a cave.

"Helping you." He said in a monotonous voice. He brushed off the vines blocking the entrance of the cave and led her there.

She bend down and rested her hands on her knees. Catching her breath. She looked around the dark cave. The light from the entrance didn't cover the whole cave. Then there are some vines that covering the light from the sun. "Did you live here? Are you Tarzan?" Selene stupidly asked the man.

"No, I didn't." He faced her. "Do I look like a cave man to you?" He gave her a smirk.

"Grumpy. Tarzan is more handsome than you." He murmured. "Tss."

His eyes glow in amusement. "Grumpy?" He sneered. "Why can't you be grateful that I hid you from those two who has been hunting you?" He arched his brow, questioning and examining the lady next to him. "What's your reason for running away?"

Selene turn her back and peep her eyes on the vines that covers the cave's entrance. She want to know if the two guys are still there outside. "Because I know their biggest secret that's why they want me to kill me." She said without looking at him.

"Could you tell me their secrets?" He asked more.

She turn her back again to face him. He's really tall. Iris need to tilt her head up a little bit to look at him. "Why would I tell you? I don't know you at all." She cross her arms in front her chest.

He grabbed her through her waist and locked his eyes on hers. "Tell me." He commanded rather than demanded.

Selene gasp when he grabbed her waist to him. By the move Iris look into her eyes and meet his gaze. She rest her hands on his firm chest. "W-What are you doing!" She push him away when she's back into her senses.

"Asking you." He said in a non saccharine voice.

"Do you need to grabbed my waist?" She arched her brow. "And why are you here in this place?"

"To add an effect." He grinned. "I am looking for a clue as to how I can save myself from being trapped in this world."

"Effect? And trapped in this world? Are you on drugs?" She said and shake her head in disbelief.

He shook his head. "You wouldn't believe it anyway." Then he heard a rustling sound.

"Shit!" She goes behind the man. "What was that sound!" She said and she feel like she'll get a heart attack.

"Those men seemed to track us down." He held her pulse and walked deeper down the cave. "There is another way out here."

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" She cursed repeatedly as she followed him. His gripped on to her pulse is being tighter. "I don't wanna die. Not this time." she feels like she wants to cry.

"I wouldn't let you die." They emerged out from the cave and stood on the brink. He faced her. "Do you trust me?"

Selene stepped her foot backward. "No. No. No." The tears begin to shed into her face. Then she looked at the man. "I'll die if I fall down."

He saw the shadows of the men approaching the exit. "We don't have time!" He sneered.

"Please don't. I don't know how to swim." She looked at him, begging. Crying.

Out of time, he wrapped her around his arms and plunge down to the cliff, his hands on her head, covering, protecting.

Before she could say something, the man wrapped his arms arms her then jumped off the cliff. Just in seconds Iris felt the cold water in her entire skin.

He swam to resurface with her, holding his breath.

Selene was struggling in the water. She don't know how to swim. She could drink plenty of sea water.

He plunged down and lifted Selene to resurface on the sea. He swam as fast as he could and found a rock immersed on the ocean. He put Selene above the rock and put pressure on her chest to let out the sea water she drunk.

Selene cough so hard to make the sea water out. Then she sit up from the rock. "Shit. I'm almost there!" She hit the arm of the man.

He grunted. "Can you not be grateful at the very least?" He started to regret saving her.

"I'm sorry. I really thought that I'd die." She sobbed.

He cupped her face. "Hush, now." He imprisoned her into his arms to gave her an assurance that she is safe with him.

She sniffed. "Are we already safe here?" She looks at her then she wipes her tears away.

He shook his head. He stood on the rock and offered his hand. "We're too far from the shore."

Selene looked at him when he stood up then she looked down to his hand. She put her hand on him, stood up. "I can't swim." She pouted.

"Who said about swimming." He put his arms around her and without informing, he jumped up to the sky and his wings spread and flapped for a flight but since his wings are ripped, he couldnt fly.

Fuzzy, sweaty as Selene was after her deep slumber in the wilderness as she under the acacia tree, a blurry image of an abrupt cast out from heaven to earth, she heard a soft, muffled cracking sound of dry leaves from a distance made by the footsteps. She lift her body lightly and smoothly hid behind a bush as she took a peek between its stems, she found the most warm smile in white clothing emerged, confused, and worried. "Spain.."