Jim Squad

Yui, leader of Jim Squad, one of the most equipped squad in Assassin's Guild, his silver eyes met hers as he lounged at the head of the table. He frowned. Her stomach twisted.

"To who we owe the pleasure of your visit, milady?" Finally he asked. The location of the Assassin's Guild was well-guarded secret but knowing what is in the novel made Selene to have the upper hand. For now.

Before speaking, she studied the other four people assembled in the underground chamber. "I want you to hire me."

Yui looked flustered but his looks returned to being impassived. "And how are we going to compensate you?"

She looked around again but she hated all these unreadable masks surrounding her. "Train me. Hone my skills to become one of your top tier assassins and you don't have to worry about your resources."

Tatsu, the youngest member of Jim Squad butt in, "And what made you think we need your resources?" Tatsu walked towards her and leaned forward leaving a one inch distance before their nose touch. "We kill in a noble way and not for money."

Matching his stare, Selene with full of determination, "That's why I am asking you to train me. I won't kill anybody. I am just here to protect myself and what is important to me. I offer you resources so I can support your legacy."

Yui stood up and tap Tatsu's shoulder. "We'll train you but our secrets, you must keep it until your last breath."

Her eyes lit up with joy.

"Tatsu will be the one to train you, though." Yui's smug face says it all.