Don't expect much.

This is my first time writing any form of Fanfic/Short novel so don't expect much from me. Even though my first and only language is english my grammar is utter trash, so i fyou find any mistakes leave a paragraph/chapter comment to help me improve if I keep up with writing this. I am not writing this for recognition or anything of the sort, I am simple bored and running out of webnovel's and manga to read and I thought I might as well try.

As you could probably tell from the title this will be a transmigration crossover between the television shows Teen wolf and The Originals and depending if I want to watch it and involve it if I get that far in the fanfic maybe even Legacies.

Again don't expect much and I will post a chapter whenever I feel like.

Last notes. Again I am doing this because I'm bored so if you don't like it don't read it and leave toxic comments, but if you do enjoy it, that's great, leave a comment.