Silver Grant

Hi, my name is Silver Grant. I was born on 23 April 2000 in a brand new working-class family in New York. When I was 4 I had lost my parents to a car crash that was caused by a truck t-boning the side of the car. The only reason I survived was because of pure luck but was it really luck. Because of that accident, I was orphaned due to not having any other relatives. Due to the accident, I had Amaxophobia (Phobia of being in a car).

Thankfully the orphanage that I was placed in felt pity for me and took me in and guided me through the trauma of losing my parents. Thankfully I took after my parents who were geniuses, I made a few friends, taught myself all of the general knowledge by reading books at the library near the orphanage. As I grew up I found joy in playing music, reading, and cooking. In my mid-teenage years, I started finding any job that paid well with moderate hours to help pay for music and cooking lessons at school.

After I finished school I chose to have a career in hospitality and became a small-time chef. As the years passed by I never got over my phobia, but I found a loophole for transport. I learnt how to ride a motorcycle.


- Random Saturday in early 2019 -

I was happy with my life, I had myself a girlfriend, a stable job as a sous chef at a semi-famous restaurant and whenever I would have free time I would read web novels. After waking up at around 7 am I made myself and my girlfriend a light breakfast and decided to do a light jog around the neighbourhood. As I was jogging by I noticed a little girl run into the road chasing a ball, but what caught my attention was the truck that was beeping its horn vigorously that was about to hit the child and the mother screaming on the footpath. I don't know what I was thinking but before I knew it I was already running towards the child and was currently pushes her out of the way, just before I was hit something happened, my whole life flashed before my eyes and the first thought that I had was 'Huh, mom and pops lost their life to a truck and after 15 years truck-Kun decided to come and visit me' then bang and all I can see is utter white.

~3rd Person~

There was nothing in this emptiness except a genderless figure bowing before Silver and in his

moment of shock, the figure said in a voice that sounded like a female and a male speaking at the same time.

???-"Thank you for saving The Savour."

Silver-"Where am I, who are you and who is this Savour?"

God-"Where are my manners, I am what you would call God and I govern this universe, you are currently in my domain, and The Savour is that little girl that you just saved from being hit by Truck-Kun who had mistaken her for someone else, in the future she is destined to save earth from climate change and proceeds to travel through the universe and preventing its destruction."

Silver-"Wait, what, seriously?"

God-"Yup, but regretfully I cannot take you back to earth because your body has already died which gives you two options, Reincarnate back to earth with a clean slate or you can transmigrate to another universe of your choosing and because of you collected karma due to saving The Savour I can grant you two wishes."

After god said that Silver had a face of utter shock that soon changed to contemplation.

God-"Any questions."

Silver-"Just two. If I transmigrate are there any limits to the wishes."

God-"There is only the one. which is you can't wish for extra wishes, what world and timeline you transmigrate to does not count as a wish, that's for free."

Silver-"Ok that also answers my second question. I think I will transmigrate but can I have a bit of time to think of where I want to go and what my wishes are going to be."

God-"Yeah have as much time as you want."

After an unknown amount of time of contemplating the pros and cons of a bunch of wishes that mc's had used in the numerous web novels he had read when he was alive he finally had a grand thought.

Silver-"For my first wish I would like an almighty system that has everything a system could have."

God-"That can be done."

Silver-"And for my second wish, I wish that after she gets over my death that my girlfriend finds love again and has a long and happy life."

God-"I can't grant that second wish because there is no need for it, she will already find love again and have 2 children with a couple of grandkids and live till 93, so there is no need for that wish, you can think of another one."

Silver-"That's good to hear, can I have some more time then?"

God-"Of course."

After another what seemed like a couple of hours, Silver chooses his second wish.

Silver-"I want to have an easy life so for my second wish, I wish to have an unlimited source of all currencies for the system."

God-"If you do want to live an easy life that is a wise choice, very well it shall be done. Well, I guess I will leave you to it, you can select the world and timeline through your system. Depending on how you use your system I may never see you again so farewell young Silver I sincerely hope you have a wonderful life."

{Ding, Integrating system to hosts soul in 3..2..1.. Done}

Silver-"That confirms the first wish."

{Congratulations host, God has gifted an unlimited amount of all currencies}

Silver-"And that confirms the second."

{Would host please select what world you would like to travel to and what timeline, also your appearance.}

Silver-"Well I had already chosen what world I would choose when I was told that I can transmigrate. System please transmigrate me to a world that is a mixture world of the television shows Teen Wolf and The Originals and make it that the plot of Teen Wolf Starts when Hope is born in The Originals. Transmigrate me 3 days before the plot starts."

{Very well host, please create your appearance.}

After a couple hours of Silver creating his appearance, he tells his new system.

Silver-"Alright system send me through."

{Very host. Host will arrive in}




{Welcome Host to your new world.}