Chapter 3. Mader. (Part 2)

We evade the attack and take formation. Mader seems to flinch as he sees me destroy the blood orb. I can see that the effects are already working. He seems to be getting weaker. We charge towards him and Peko starts to curse. Mader however, suddenly smiles viciously while making a grandiose gesture, causing a dark barrier to form that surrounds him and explode in all direction—repelling us back and disrupting our attacks.

Taking advantage of our situation he starts a charge towards Peko, but Vladi reacts by firing at him, which seems to have been rendered useless from the dark shield which he had just conjured. Zenith now jumps into battle and takes his attention away from Peko. Their attacks collide and Mader begins a barrage of magical attack in all directions.

He is starting to push us back the degree to which seems to be lessening from the effects of Peko's curse. He begins to redirect his attention to Peko, but our barrage of endless attacks was forming a defensive barrier that blocked his advances.

We exchange attacks and our group seems to be coming out on top.

Peko even re-joins the battle and assists with her magical attacks.

Corning him with our attacks, it seems that it would finally be over—that is until he suddenly begins to talk.

"Well, well, you aren't half assed after all" He says while smiling and I suddenly felt that some of my strength has just left me

'Dammit, so this is what I sensed earlier' the thought hits me, I was naïve, this is a C-Class boss monster and it clearly said 'The power it has reunited'

He had claimed lives by absorbing them and made them fuel for his power

"But if that is all you got, then you should just disappear" As he says this, he starts attacking more furiously.

Peko's curses just make him go back to normal, but we are already being weakened. Isa is hit by one of his attacks and she moans in pain.


"Does it hurt, milady? If it does, then please, receive more" he utters which to us is a signal for the impending torture that was about to occur.

Zenith uses a Power wave along while Arksen and I back him up with a magical attack.

He evades them, but I use my Fire Enhancement along with Sprint and instantly close our distance.

He stumbles a bit surprised, and I slash him. He receives damage and Zenith is now behind him to continue our attack doing a downward slash, Mader tries to block the downward slash with his hands which are now covered a dark battle aura, but the blade's contact creates an explosion which both repels us and simultaneously damages Mader.

But the attack went through, and it hit Mader's arm with everything, at this he flinched and made an explosion sending us away, but it damaged him too

"This hurt, you know?" He says with an icy stare and a cold smile. His Health was still at 50%

At his words a chill went down my spine, it seems something big will happen.

"Envelope of Pain" Suddenly a Dark ball with a mix of red appears on his hand.

"The Priestess will go first" he shouts and the attack flies at Peko.

"Eh?" it envelops her, and she lets out a scream from her mouth as wounds start to open.

Zenith immediately reacts, but instead of going towards Peko, he lunges toward Mader and started attacking in a frenzied manner.

My legs moved too along with Arksen and we start going all out. Peko falls to the floor unconscious

Mader simply shows a smile.

The three of us start to go berserk


I back off when I saw the ball from the monster's hands.

He utters

"The Priestess will go first" and the ball now envelops Peko, making her scream in agony and pain

At this, the men react and start attacking; I too send a Full Buster and Isa attacks with her Dashing Bash for speed.

Ardha's eyes were of a fiery red, but instead of the pure thrill or excitement which it usually consists of, it had a darker color mixed in. Anger surfaced in his face, but with a cool manner he just continued to attack.

As the ball dissipated from Peko's body, she just hits the ground; as I ran to help her, an attack comes at my direction. Luckily, Isa appears in time to shield the attack, it pushes her back, but she is able to hold her ground.

I arrive to where Peko is and give her a Health potion while taking her to a safer location.

I resume my attacks and Isa periodically heading to shield me.

"Charged~" Says the monster with a cheerful tone which made chills go down my spine

I see that darkness begins to envelope him and he appears where Isa was standing, his hand now the shape of a giant claw, ready to pierce its target.

He swings down to strike her but Arksen appears, pushing her away and in the process is stabbed, his Health depletes to the red zone.

Bleeding from his wound, he doesn't seem to care but moves his arm and steps to direct a punch with all of his remaining energy.

The Monster is sent flying with a contorted expression from the sudden punch

Arksen's body hits the floor as his health reaches zero. His body didn't disappear however as the battle is still ongoing. Nevertheless, his consciousness should have been disconnected.

"Nicolas!" shouts Isa in a desperate manner. Even if he has died before, it was more because of his stupidity. His death now, however, feels so real, as if a real person is dying in front of our eyes; even more shocking is that it is our friend who had just hit the ground.

Isa didn't seem to realize this was inside the game, but it seems Ardha is continuing to attack furiously along with Zenith.

She resumes bashing him and I fire off charged Full Busters. It is just smiling in a maniac manner while defending against our attacks.

The thing's life was at 30%, it seems to be going down slowly when compared to when the fight started—with Peko out, it is slowly getting stronger, but its health is getting depleted by our attacks.

Then the Monster suddenly boosted its speed and starts attacking back. Ardha is sent flying but with minimal damages; it seems it is trying to make space. Zenith is also pushed off with brutal strength. Then it appeared in front of Isa again who now seems prepared for it and attacks back.

As it was about to do the same attack as before, I aim towards its head with a Full Buster connecting squarely.

But something was off, his hand isn't covered in Darkness like before—then I realize that a spear is logged in Isa's back.

The monster is madly smiling.

Isa clenches her hands on the spear and says

"Holy Sacrifice!" And her body shines in a Holy aura that envelopes her, burning the Monster as her life is being consumed.

Ardha makes a gesture with his hand as if he was trying to reach them.

Isa dies too


'Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill… No… I am going to destroy that thing' I was thinking while attacking to the 'Human' in front of me who harmed Peko and killed Arksen along with Isa.

My attacks with Heaven Splitter are penetrating his dark defenses, and even more damage was given with my alignment

Yet as the thing starts to laugh, my anger grows with every slash I make, and it seems Ardha is going into frenzy too, shown in his eyes and action.

Nonetheless, we are not fools; we can't afford to attack blindly to this being. Thus, I wait for an opportune moment to realize everything; seconds pass, and they feel like years.

It makes its move and seems to go where Vladi is, my legs hit the ground before he did, and it seems that Ardha thought the same as he charges along with me.

I reach it first thanks to my Heaven Splitter at full capacity, after all, I am going all out on this.

I appear before the being, it is in shock for a bit, but changes its focus towards me and I use everything on this slash. To retaliate it charges a ball of Darkness full of energy. Even if I am resistant to it, I am not invulnerable. If my attack is done, then I will receive its attack at point bank range and probably become disabled for the rest of the battle.

But I will do everything to end it here, if I can't, I have a reliable companion to take it after me.

'Heaven Splitter, Death force' and my slash hits cleanly and for a second, I felt all my muscles being torn as wounds start appearing.

'I mad— 'my thought is interrupted by a blast that hits me dead on and sends me like a bullet to the wall

My head is numb, my body couldn't move anymore, and my vision is so blurry as my consciousness begins to leave me.

'Peko…' Then my gaze went to my friend and a sole thought came '…Sorry'


"ZEEEENIIIITH!" I shout and start hitting Mader with my whole self, that blast hit his plexus dead on, and it was strong enough to send him flying at lightning speed.

I then see towards Vladi who is panicking. I shout towards her "Vladi, get Peko and Zenith out of here, and attend to his wounds!"

"Bu- "

"No buts! GO!" I said while annulling this Monster's attacks. He appears to be greatly damaged by the attack Zenith just did

She runs towards her while nodding, picking Zenith and giving him a potion while I was restraining this being in front of me.

"Now we are alone… didn't expect that boy to be the Death Lord" Says Mader while smiling as he attacks

"But even with me in this state, I am still stronger than you" He finishes as he charges again and attacks me with a Dark Ball

'Elemental Enhancement: Wind, Absorption'

I absorb the ball and feel that my body is burning up to the foreign energy. This is all or nothing, I can't spare to be beaten now!

"Elemental Enhancement: Dark" And darkness envelops me as well as unbearable pain. Mader's expression changes and he laughs maniacally

"HAHAHAHA" he starts throwing attacks to me

My darkness coat, however, stops them. Dark gauntlets form on my arms as I absorb and nullify attacks with it, my mana is decreasing rapidly, and my health was also going down from the pain I was receiving from this technique.

I start attacking too, with everything I had.

'Elemental Blending, Elemental Enhancement: Fire&Wind 20%' I push my body as it was screaming.

Our attacks are coming and going, my reason starts to fade from the growing pain and the end is drawing near.

Mader's Health is almost depleted, but his attacks are still stronger than ever

At the ongoing battle he finds an opening and makes a spear on his hands and stabs me with a victorious smile.

At the stab, I just made the darkness in my gauntlets to disperse and formed hands that held him.

He realizes at my action and he laughs as my sword which pierces him. He falls to the ground still not dying, but totally disabled.

I dissipate the darkness and formed a fireball on my right hand, Mader, at seeing this, says

"What, you will light me on fire to kill me?" smirking with the little strength he has left.

'Elemental Enhancing: Earth' My wounds are starting to bleed more, but I simple rotate my hands to form a fireball.

"I am not going to kill you" I utter while my fire is being coated with darkness "I am going to erase you" The fireball mixes with the Light and Holy affinities that I absorbed when Isa made her last attack

His eyes are wide open at the realization that hit him, and he smirks.

I remember my master's words about Light and Dark. My Fireball is becoming denser and denser, melding with the elements and making it stronger.

Thanks to the Holy attribute, it is becoming Sacred, but I need even more power to erase him. Thus, I pushed my Earth Enhancement even as my life begins to leave me.

The condensed Fire I hold in my hands now complete, I slowly put it on Mader who starts screaming in Pain even as his life was decreasing in minuscule amounts, after all, it is just a normal fireball.


My legs give in and I could not really move anymore


I simply respond to him with "Of course, you were once human, and I am one too, don't think I will just have mercy on you"

He gazes at me, his face becomes expressionless, and I stare into the darkness as his face begins to slowly fade from existence.

Congratulations! You have defeated Evil being Mader

+200 Fame

Leveled up x2

The room has become a safe zone for a week

You have completed the quest!

+500 Fame

Your Elemental enhancement has been upgraded!

You can use Light and Dark now

You have received the diary of the Evil being

You have acquired the skill Dark Coat

Go to Gardan's Village to receive your rewards

- "Vladi, Mader is dead, I am also going to die soon, it would be better to attend Peko and Zenith here" I PMed Vladi as I watched my friends disappear in a grey light and my Health reaching zero

You have died

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