Chapter 13. Days before War. (Part 1)

"Hey, Ardha, how are you!" Says Tact Hand cheerfully while working on something.

"Hi! I am doing fine myself, and you?" I grin while remembering that month we were in here and I continue "But we cannot spend any time idling around, can I help you with your job?"

He nods seriously and says, "You got the Blacksmithing Skill after all, how high is it?" He asks before answering me with a serious expression, he is a master Blacksmith after all, and the people of the village would need the best for them to bring out everything they have

"Intermediate Level 1 nearing 2, I will also offer my help to Thane as my Tailoring has hit Intermediate too" I say, hoping that this would be enough

"It seems you haven't wasted your time if you got those two in Intermediate despite being a warrior… you would have made a fine craftsman, I will let you help me, and Thane will need a hand too. We are one of the few master crafters here" Says the dwarf as he hands me a sword which base is already done.

"Hurry! We don't have time to waste around!" And at his shout I start working like crazy, but even if my works are good, I can't really match his quality even if I take more time doing them. It also seems he does some extra things while making them, but I cannot bring myself to try and learn them as it would take a lot of time, time we didn't have at all.

As I finished helping Tact Hand for today, I go towards Thane and he takes my help gladly. Many of the villagers are out getting materials, while some are building walls around the village, fortifying it. Ms. Jacy is helping around too, not only in cooking but in training too, it seems she is some type of Power Assassin…

The others went to help in different areas, my two crafting skills were increasing incredibly fast. At least, way faster than these few months filled with battle.

Tact Hand and Thane ask us what our level is. I give a smile and answer them truthfully. They get a bit surprised by the three-digit number, but nod satisfied at the end, saying that we do seem stronger than the last time we were here.

"So, you have Killing intent now…" Says Thane while I am working for him almost in a whisper and I shrug saying

"Yes, but how did you know?" I ask curiously as I glance at his silhouette.

"I can feel it and I think most of us can… except the youngsters that recently came from their training to help in battle" Says Thane as a matter of fact.

"Figures…" I say while I am doing my work, that really wasn't a stat I wanted to have, but it was created already because of my bloodlust that day. Whenever I remember Mader, I feel my blood freezing.

"Well, you will need it for later, so it is good that you got it" Says Thane while handing me more work

I just nod and begin working more as my concentration hit its peak while doing it. There are more important things to focus on, as I move my hands with minute calculations to increase my craft.


Tyrfing is training in a basement as many of the other members are too. Despite having a high level, she didn't lack training her skills, as she felt they are short on power. Suddenly, another female player asks her curiously.

"Hey Tyrfing, do you think you can win against Kagito on a one on one?" Alisa, one of Tyrfing's friends who is also one of the founders of the guild, looks at her with bright curiosity in her eyes.

"I don't know, that's why I am training" Says Tyrfing, as she remembers the fact that Kaiser will participate as the defenders of the place her Guild is going to invade. She was a bit surprised but also foresaw this as the difficulty of the quest is B+, the + means that it is some kind of special quest as it is vaguely described on the webpage of the game.

"Hoho, but you are still undefeated" Alisa gives a cheeky smile as she answers.

"Yet he is still ranked above me" Tyrfing says seriously, a small frown shown on her face.

"Levels doesn't mean anything if the person is weak~" Alisa pouts as she says that, faith in her Guild leader obvious in her voice.

That is true, in many cases people focused in levels more than stats and skills, making them fall behind of what they are truly capable of, but…

" He isn't in that kind of case… you saw him when he battled against Da Dragons" Tyrfing says with a sour expression. If Kagito was a useless guy like those, he would only have risen higher at the first stages of the game, but would have fallen behind later, thing that never happened.

"Hmmm, that's true… but he still died at the end of it. Even if they won, their leader just recklessly died in the midst of the battle. If he tries the same with us, you can hold him off and he will be swiftly killed~"

"If he just does that, then I will kill him… but there was something weird… no normal person would just go in and leave everything up to luck. Even in the case where they believed in their skills, no one would be certain if the battle could be picked up if the leader just died and the morale of the troops plummeted to the ground…and there was that change in point of view too, so there might be someone else commanding the troops, too"

"There might be many variables, but you will be able to keep it up, after all, we are with you~" Says Alisa confidently. Her prowess as a magician gave her quite a boost in confidence as she declares that.

"Of course! I said we would win, didn't I?" Says Tyrfing with a smile to her friend. Noticing some footsteps towards their direction, they look and see someone enter the place they were training at.

"Yo, Tyrf~ the departure date has been given, it will be at first hour tomorrow" Says a man who has a cloak that covers his body, giving him airs an unassuming air.

"Thanks for telling me, Rain, but you could have PMed me" Says Tyrfing addressing her friend Rainbow, one of the 'few' assassins of the guild that is also a player.

"Coming personally is more fun and my stealth increases too~" Says the man aloof as he moves back and disappears without saying goodbye

*Whistle* "Fast as always, that man" Says Alisa as if she is surprised of Rainbow and his quick speed.

"That's troublesome sometimes. It is good to have him in our side" Says Tyrfing with a sigh. Taking away her weapon, she starts walking out along with Alisa and continues

"And it seems our march will start soon. Alisa, let's go, the others must be waiting for us too"

"Yes, leader~" Answers her friend with a cheerful smile as they walk off that dark basement as the sun shone in the sky and touched their faces.

The hidden maiden rise bringing war with her.

"It's time for War".

Tyrfing Level: 266 Maiden of War


"Hey! Tyrfing is a woman!" Shouts Kagito as he logs in during the trip to Hellish Village



"You… no, I shouldn't be surprised anymore…" Says Eliana while sighing along with Arthur.

"You knew? Why didn't you tell me!?" Exclaims Kagito to the two people in front of him who were looking at him with a bitter expression.

"…I am going to check on the others" Says Arthur as he excuses himself

"I thought you had the brains to check on our opponents beforehand… and even so, what if she is a woman?" Says Eliana in a reproachful manner, staring dagger at Kagito.

"Well, I checked on them before we got to the village… and, well, I will have to fight her, and you know, she is pretty strong, I think she is stronger than me" Says Kagito as if he is minding his words and trying to change the topic a bit.

"You useless man, you won't tell me something that you cannot fight women?" Says Eliana in a freezing cold tone.

"No, I will fight" Says Kagito in a conclusive tone

"Then why does being a woman matter, huh?"

"Umm, well, she IS a woman, in every part of it, kind of hard to describe… like you? Maybe she isn't so bossy…" Says Kagito and he stops at the last part as he suddenly feels a threatening aura besides him and jumps backward.

"Huh… so that's it? Then go train if you think you are going to lose" Says Eliana ending her argument with Kagito as she leaves

'That was close, for a moment I almost had to fight for my life… but she really is bossy despite that cool attitude of hers' Thinks Kagito to himself and goes outside as he sees Arthur and ask him.

"Arthur! I need to train, be my sparring opponent" Says Kagito to one of his new friends, Arthur didn't seem like a bad guy and he is really straightforward with his words. Maybe that's why Eliana picked him as a commander.

"Oh, you are alive?" Says Arthur in an amusing manner.

"Barely, but don't evade my request" Kagito responds as if used to those questions.

"… Okay, let me call a priest and another person to help me out" Says Arthur while shrugging. After all, the man before him is a monster, the more the battle lasts, stronger he becomes! If he didn't know his true class, then he would have thought that Kagito is a berserker.

"Okay" Says Kagito while being a bit troubled because of his behavior during battle, it is because of the stat and skills he got during his first quest that he was like that anyways… not his fault at all!

"We will help" Says a man who has a Great axe on his back and is with a Priest besides him.

At this, Arthur grins. He has his competitive spirit too, and he wouldn't lose with these two besides him and just says "That's great, Fury, Allen, please help me beat this guy up"

"Umm, guys… that's a bit of an overk-"Was saying Kagito as he senses an attack from behind and suddenly moves away to evade it.

"I will join too" Says Eliana as she appears suddenly with a cold aura and a dagger in hand.

"Blessings" Mutters Allen, the priest as he is cracking his knuckles along with giving buffs, and Fury getting his great axe out.

"…this is not training…" whispers Kagito while getting ready to go against these four that are strong enough to be considered the strongest amongst the people in the guild.

'I should've better shut my mouth' thinks the now cornered man by these four monsters that seems to be getting ready to kill him. A cold feeling shrouds his back as he gets ready to battle with all his strength. If he didn't he would be transformed into a meat pulp in no time.

The fight broke loose, as they are going against each other and the people are watching the monsters of their Guild with excited looks as many commented on it as if they were making a footage of it.

It was quite thrilling watching Kagito evading every attack with much difficulty, barely fighting back against his four opponents. Everyone cheering for their guild leader to do the impossible as he was cornered time and time again.

Days before the War, the Leader of the Kaiser Guild has almost died a number of times already.