Chapter 15. Days before War. (Part 3)

It had been months since we started our way in the Almighty Zone, our enemies were like copies of The Wisher and our attacks seems to bounce off, dealing little damage if not done correctly. Their attacks were heavy, especially when they shot some kinds of beam from their palms. Those were tremendously strong, and I had to be extra careful as I couldn't even absorb nor nullify them.

Almighty Creature Level: 330

Health: 250000

Mana: 250000

"Those are Almighty creatures, they are creations from The Wisher… well, not exactly creations but they are born because of his presence. Be careful against those and remember what you learnt on the other floors as your attacks won't do even 50% damage from what they can originally inflict" Said Dei as a tip to us when we started.

If it was one, it was manageable, but two? That was trouble right there. Even as we advanced and improved, it didn't seem they were getting any easier, in fact, they were harder to defeat. That seemed quite a common patter from the previous floors as I smile bitterly and continue forward with the others.

Our attacks sharpened and our senses became clear, taking advantage of each moment they showed a careless behavior, trying to inflict the maximum damage we possibly could to defeat these creatures, as they didn't have any weakness at all! If something, all of its qualities were its strength!

Be it range of attack, power, speed, foresight, magical manipulation, and defense, there was nothing he didn't excel at. Fending off our attacks with ease as well as counterattacking with their own.

Truly Almighty creatures

As we advanced, we saw their movements were similar, as if they had set commands. They never tried to obliterate us completely, but would we be damned if they fought a bit less hard.

And after the seventh month from honing our techniques and mental strength we met that being again, we didn't really stand a chance against it as we step before it. Bu we were resolved to fight until the end, nothing would stop us from reaching our goal, even if we had to slay a God!

But now I comprehended why it was one of the absolute beings in this world, his pure presence was beyond those creatures would ever have as they were just his copies.

"You have finally arrived" Said The Wisher as he walked towards us, but it felt strange it was as if he was not moving at all… The ethereal man seemed to be smiling as he approached us, while at the same time remaining stationary.

"…" All of us stayed silent as he stopped before us, yet I felt 'he' was so far away.

"You showed me some interesting things… you who are wishers like me, may I help you complete them" Says The Wisher as he moved his hands again, and something enveloped us. I didn't feel like I should resist as my consciousness faded and my memories locked themselves. For some reason, I felt strangely relaxed.

Everything went pitch-black and a sole message appeared later when we woke up.

You have completed the Quest!

For completing the Dungeon of Wishes you will receive the following rewards

You have created the Charisma Status

+10 to all Status

+100 Fighting Spirit, Charisma, Endurance and Perseverance

+10000 Fame

You have received The Wisher's Blessing – Cannot see description


"… And then we woke up and came here the fastest we could manage"

"…The Wisher" Eliana enters in thoughts and plays with her hair.

Kagito asks "And you don't remember anything when you got enveloped by The Wisher's skill?"

"Not a thing~" Answers Arksen for me, we all look troubled as it is a fragment, we cannot remember but we know something happened there. What was it? We didn't know.

"But that dungeon… sounds tough" Says Myriad as she looks at us.

"You truly are the Top players" Says Arthur despondently and at the same time admiration leaking from his voice

"But somehow… it was relaxing" Says Zenith this time and Peko continues "Yeah, it was as if a load came off of our shoulders"

"That's true" Continues Isa and I have to nod at that, it might be troublesome to not remember, but the feeling we got was a soothing one, so we don't think it was anything bad.

"But it feels weird…" Mutters Eliana as she looks at us, "It is almost as if…"

"The Wisher wanted us to pass?" I continued the rest of her words, as I have thought about the same, and shook my head with a tight smile, "I felt that too, but I could not make sense of it either".

Eliana nods at my words and falls into contemplation again.

"Well, we have chatted for a long time; we need to prepare too for the big battle tomorrow" Says Fury as he gets up and stretches.

I chuckle at his forward attitude and look at everyone here. It seems we can trust these people, well, Eliana is the one that chose them

"Yes, let's prepare" We say as we get up and prepare for the big battle tomorrow

But what concerns me the most is their leader, with silver hair and crimson blood eyes as if they are demanding blood from the battlefield.

Tyrfing, the Maiden of War and the one who will have to go against her will have to be our own Leader

Kagito, the Giver, Slaughter of Giants.


"Hey Thane, are you alright?" Asks Tact Hand concerned to his fellow friend who seems to be paler than before.

"Not really, putting my life essence on the leather armor was too much. If it wasn't for Eroda, I might be dead by now" Says Thane with a faint smile as he sits on a chair, his hands resting on it trembles a bit.

"You could've made excellent armor without doing that. What you did was really dangerous"

"I know, if I worked with everything I got, I could've made an armor with better bonuses, defense and durability, but what Ardha needs now is what can make him improve, not what can temporarily help him" Says Thane with resolution in his eyes.

"You are right, but… that temporary would be like 4 years, and what will you do for tomorrow in your weakened state?" Asks worriedly the 'dwarf'

"I know it would have lasted for years, but I had to do it now, he is at the peak of his growth, and after this battle, even if I was better, I would have to use too much energy. In the future I might not even be able to give him at least that. That body will help him greatly for later too, and it will be good if he has it now to train on it" Answers Thane, without a single regret in his words as he stands up weakly. Strength coursed in every action he makes.

Thane looks up and continues, "It will be good if he can inherit it too, kids should grow up, heh" as he smiles widely. 'And the old will perish' His thoughts continues, and he closes his eyes, giving off a relaxed stance.

Tact Hand just sighs and nods. After all, what was done cannot be changed already, and Thane is right, the Razer's body will help Ardha greatly, what makes that race terrifying is their ability to store power and their extreme endurance.

"Let's go, Tact… no, Teran, it is time for war" Says Thane, as he is leaving the house, to his companion

"Been a while since you have called me that, Shade" Says Teran, calling his friend by his real name and leaving with him to where Eroda and the other villagers are assembled.

These two were the Old Demons that once were strong enough to push Plate back centuries ago; they might not even have half the power from that time, and most of their powers were locked to remain in their mortal forms…

But they are no pushovers; they are even willing to die using everything they have before letting the enemy win over them, even destroying those locks that contains them.

It is time to bring some Chaos like those old days when they attacked the Earth Realm.

Teran the Brionac and Shade the Razer.