Chapter 18. Kaiser vs Prinny, Brigade. (Part 3)

'It seems the War is reaching a climax' Eliana thinks as she is seeing the ongoing battle, many of the army's soldier have died procuring to have no casualties of the NPCs, which are the Barbarians and the Villagers, but now they are being pushed back against their enemies because of their sheer numbers and strength. While we have decreased their numbers considerably, they still had enough to pressure us.

The battle is looking grim for them if it continues like that, many are becoming exhausted and even with Kagito's buffs from his Class were good, they have a time limit and a range, and even so, the Prinnies attacks seem to have doubled!

Their soldiers have become troublesome as many of them didn't go down without giving a last hit and that constant pressure is making the Kaisers to fall back.

'If Kagito doesn't defeat Tyrfing, then our loss would almost be certain, as when he dies, a huge blow will be taken to us. Even if I trust that Ardha can block the attacks until their battle is over, I have to recognize that woman isn't the best match for him'

She seemed to practice her Skills constantly, her defense is better and power output is stronger than his. Kagito would have to go to the extremes to defeat her, he might even die doing so, but he should do it, it seemed she put a last resort attack because of the sudden buffs, but with this magnitude, the aftereffects must be huge if they can't pull it off.

'And that will mean our win… and now…'

"Get out, you might have gotten pass but there is no way I wouldn't be able to detect you" Says Eliana to her surroundings as she evades a sudden attack and steps back. Looking at the figure appearing before her coldly.

"And I wanted to do a surprise attack… you have good detection skills" Says a man while sighing. An unassuming cloak surrounded his whole body, without being able to see if he had any more weapons.

"But I doubt you can win against me, so die peacefully" He says as he disappears within the shadows and starts attacking Eliana suddenly.

As they engage in battle, Eliana start doing magical attacks to defend herself, while also throwing small daggers to his opponent to maintain him at bay. Despite her efforts, she is slowly getting cornered. It is obvious that he is stronger than her as the battle proceeded until she is finally cornered with nowhere to go.

Then he just charges against her at full speed, but he stops abruptly and step back fast while putting his hand on his side and this time it is Eliana to smile.

"Crap…" Says the man as he is bleeding and suddenly seemed to slow down "So, you have another person here… my bad to not notice" his complexion pales bit by bit as he starts to sweat profusely. Obvious signs of poison and curses on his body were seen.

Peko appeared at the last minute to stab the cloaked man, she was hidden with one of Eliana's skill, Hiding, and waited for the best time to attack. As she saw that the opponent was only focusing on charging against Eliana, she used his momentum to stab her dagger further, thus the bleeding won't be stopped soon. It was also a nice moment for Eliana to gain combat experience against assassinations, so Peko didn't want to interfere much.

"I doubt you can win against us, so please, die peacefully" Are the words that came from Eliana's mouth as a smile curved on her face as she starts attacking her opponent along with Peko.

The man struggled for a bit but soon he dies anticlimactically by their cooperative attacks.

"Now we have to wait for the men to complete their part" Peko just says while watching to the far away battle that is going on

"Yes, but we cannot sit idling about it, we have to stall for time here. Tell the villagers to go to the frontlines"

"Okay" Says Peko as she disappears again, striving to give some hell to the enemies.

"It's time to end this!"


My fight against Tyrfing has started, my body was asking for more as we continued exchanging blows. It would have been suicide in any way just to charge at her like that, but Ardha promised that he would take care of most of the incoming attacks of the other generals and their platoons. It is crazy if you think about that, but I somehow know he can pull it off… Intuition, maybe, but they have not failed me.

Tyrfing seems to have a cold look, but I know that inside her is the same feeling to continue fighting as she exudes uncontrollable fighting spirit. I am losing the track of time we have been fighting, a single good hit from either of us can mean the end of the battle and the War itself, being the Leader is too troublesome when this happen, but…

'This is so fun! Let's go to the next gear now!' And my attacks become more furious as I am falling in a berserk state. I can't reason properly now, everything I want is to go faster and stronger. She is really strong!

Block, attack, evade and attack again… as our attacks became like the eye of a storm, we couldn't stop, she is starting to grin too, her attacks become heavier, but I don't care anymore, I want to fight with everything I have!

My swords move, my legs kick, my head crashes against hers. We looked at each other's eyes as savagery ran through our veins. I felt my body is answering what I want to do.

Our battle is reaching a finale as my stamina is going down since I didn't even have it full before, and my Health is reaching the red zone… I inspire deeply as my attacks continue, a small idea formulating in my head.

An attack comes from her in a horizontal manner 'Won't be able to evade it' was the first thought crossing my mind, and, while the most logical answer at that point would have been to move slightly and receive it with my left hand, then deflect it because of the lost power rang out in my head, I decided to not move as I started another motion.

I received the attack head on. I felt blood flowing out of my mouth as I could vaguely see my health bar rapidly reaching 0. I close my eyes as my plan had succeeded. My hand was in front and a satisfied smile came out of my face as I coughed more blood. Sheesh, this game is too real.

"You are a monster…" Says Tyrfing as blood is coming out from her mouth too. I pierced her armor with a full-fledged stab after I received her attack. I would have lost if I tried to parry it as my body couldn't really go on anymore and it seemed she still had plenty of energy, so I had to bet everything with a last attack to her lung and heart… but it seems I missed the heart slightly.

"Look who is talking…" I answer her back as I see how my comrade is faring and the sight is incredible. He is attacking and blocking at the same time, he is being slightly pushed back, but everything seemed under control. As I watch that he is about to do another thing, I say "And there is someone that is way stronger than us…"

She shows an amazed expression and I wanted to laugh but couldn't, my sides are killing me… literally.

Then a message appears showing that I accomplished my mission.

-You have killed the enemy's Leader…

'Geez, it's really troublesome being a leader…'

- You have died

You cannot log in for 24 hours and the penalties has been applied


'It seems the fight between our leaders has ended in a draw' I am thinking as I see Kagito die with Tyrfing. My mission is done, but I won't die without getting these people go with me.

I have activated the Razer Body Skill and it seems that my resistance has increased; I could use Elemental Blending easily and could even exceed the limits a bit.

But my enemies are no push-overs, I received almost any kind of attacks, my annulment skill was saving me, and my fast recovery is starting to skyrocket for a reason. Each of my skills were transcending their current realms, each bit of training at the Dungeon of Wishes paid off.

But I noticed, the death of their leader affected them greatly, their previously fierce attacks that made me step back at first before activating Razer Body are gone.

They are now sluggish and it seemed they are starting to get in pain, their speed and the magical attacks are decreasing as I could parry easily all the attacks, but I couldn't leave them be for them to try to recover, and as the time is reaching its end then I might as well go with a bang!


You have activated Overflow, time before it deactivates – 20 minutes

The time is doubled because of my Skill and the Runic Armor reacting with the Razer set. And now I am fully charged again, but this time I will go beyond what I normally can do!

"Elemental Blending, Elemental Enhancing: Fire, Lightning and Dark' I use three elements at once and something interesting happened along with overflow

Because of the blending and control over it you have received a bonus

5% Increase to all status temporarily

5% Extra increase in Strength

2% Extra increase in Agility

10% Extra increase in defensive skill and defense

This is unexpected, but I gladly accept them as I start going wild, thanks to the Ring of Leech, my power increases exponentially and I even start absorbing the attacks of my enemies, getting more bonuses while my attacks are going faster than my enemy could keep up with.

They began dying as I swing my sword around and it feels I am cutting air. My body feels so light and manageable that I felt like I could do anything. I start kicking around too, and then I thought of an interesting idea.

A magical attack came towards me and I moved fast 'Runic Sword, Absorption' as I absorbed the attack, I make a swing to the magician and release the attack, it went towards him with extreme speed and ended up killing him in one go.

'I can even enhance the attacks I absorbed. Maybe I should try another blending…'

'Elemental Blending, Elemental Enhancing: Wind, Water and Earth' and my senses sharpened but this time something different happened. The buffs I got this time are different, of course they depended on the elements I used but the wind one gave something unexpected.

-You can control the Overflow up to 30%

-You can create new attacks

-Your mana regeneration has increased

-Your magical attacks will go over one level

-You can learn and understand the skills you are shown and received

They are plenty more than before, and I start going all-out with magical attacks this time. I feel that my control is increasing, and even if I exceeded what my body could take, the water element started doing its job and I could hold a bit longer.

But I didn't have time to waste testing new combinations as my time is reaching an end, and when it does, my body will surely stop moving because of the after effects.

So, I became more entranced in the battle, my opponent seemed to move in slow motion, and my attacks are at lightning speed even without the lightning element.

As I start thinking that some of the energy remains with the armor and sword, enhancing my movements

I go faster, stronger, I strived for power during my limited time, and as I continue attacking, I detected something in front of me that I almost ignored.

Your opponent has forfeited

Kaiser Guild wins the war!

You have levelled up x2

All your status has increased by 3

You have gained 702 contribution points

Your fame has increased by 1430

You have received a new title! The Nightmare of the Battlefield

+5 To all status

When fighting against many your stats will increase by 5%

When fighting against many your movement speed will be increased by 10%

Your Fighting Spirit and Killing intent's effect increases by 15%

You might inflict terror to your enemies

Quest Updated! Inform the King about your triumph

I was surprised when I saw the notification. My body was not used to stop fighting, but the sheer joy easily overwhelmed my intentions to continue fighting.

'We won…'

I look at the defeated side that vanishes in a grey light except the NPCs that are dropping their weapons.

'We truly won…'

As I look to the side of my comrades, I just shouted along with them, celebrating our victory with a roar.

My tears start flowing down as I roar with the thousands of soldiers that helped us accomplish our wish, as a sole thought goes through my head while looking at the blurred vast sky.

'We did it, Master'


"…Hey, that's the Death Lord, right?" Says Greenfield while watching the battle unfold, clear awe showing on his face.

"Yes, he is… it was a possibility that they were together as their levels are similar, but it truly is amusing" Says Park amazed at the discovery.

They are watching the battle in a large TV as they bought stuff to eat, the battle continues but Park grasped something and exclaims.

"No way!"

"Huh? What's up?" Asks Greenfield. He is surprised too at the strength of the individuals, but it isn't for his friend, that usually remains composed, to shout like that.

"Don't you see? That Ardha is an Elemental warrior!" Exclaims Park again while pointing at the TV.

At this, Greenfield's eyes open wide and watch at Ardha. Then, he mutters "…That's impossible, that is a high tier hidden class, and it seems his control level over it is very good… there shouldn't be anyone with that class until the Elemental Elves are discovered…"

"That's why! And his control over the Elements seems really good!" Says Park astonished at the sight.

"That kid is a monster" Are the words that leaves Greenfield's mouth, after all, using even one of the elements is hard, and that is almost a special job for elemental elves. Even if they have higher affinity to the elements, their physical powers are weak so they should enhance them greatly with special skills.

"We might get to see something really interesting sooner than we expected" Says Park as he watches attentively the Tv to not miss a single part, and it happened.

The battle between the Guild leaders was spectacular, but what is even more incredible is the person who is handling the entire squad of commanders and their platoons.

As Kagito and Tyrfing died, something even more amazing happened! They knew about the skill that Tyrfing used was more of a do or die, so the army must be heavily weakened now, but Ardha showed a different story.

He is clearly using three elements at once, and it seems he could handle them quite well; their jaws are almost touching the ground as they watch him going all out

"A human Elemental Warrior that can handle three elements at once at this stage of the game… and that is without counting on Zenith who seems to have gone berserk while fighting against the enemy and started obliterating them…" Says the amazed Greenfield

And then the conclusion of the battle came, with the Kaisers winning and shouting with glory as the man known as Ardha is ingrained into their heads.

But it isn't only him, many interesting individuals started appearing, some are well hidden, but they are there to be found in the vast world of Parallel.

"Hahahahahahaha! You have won, my friend" Says Park while laughing.

"Yes, and I still can't believe it…" Says Greenfield still glued to the Tv.

"But you will have to, as it has really happened" Says Park with a grin as he stands up and stretches

"Well, lunch is on me, let's go"

At his co-worker's words, Greenfield perked up and stood up too, ready to go out "I'm going to make you pay a whole lot, when I am this surprised my hunger increases"

"Don't worry, this will be nothing compared to what will come later"

"That's true~" They say as they go out and just coincided in one thing at that time

'Ardha… he might be more of a monster than our Zenith'