
The first time they met, they stood on different sides. Both of them strangers but with tremendous potential, yet too young and weak to become powerhouses of their races.

By coincidence or by fate, they fought alongside each other, growing bit by bit.

Adventures and wars made them grow and become powerful.

Emotions and rationality creating new resolutions made them wiser and become firmer.

Forming bonds with others, while also painfully losing them. They stood stalwart, no hesitation in their expression, protecting the wills of the past and those of the future.

Fissures appeared and a battle filled with fraught ensued.

One fell and the other stood. Unyielding will showing in his eyes as he looked at his enemies. Remembering the last words of his friend as he smiled softly yet firmly at him, he wielded his power.

"Now, it's your turn"

He moved forward to the battlefield without faltering and fought and fought.

Darkness befell as the night ensued.

A single star shined the brightest that day.

The one that indicated Victory.