Chapter 27. Dorek. (Part 3)

We reach the Storm Lake quickly, clashing with a burst of strikes that Dorek gave at a distance. I instantly knew that those strikes were Dorek playing around.

'Even so, they were quite heavy'

I look with a serious expression ahead as I finally see the Alligator Prince.

A huge pillar stood in the middle of the lake. On top of it is Dorek sitting on a throne, grasping an imposing Halberd. Everything is Icy blue, the same color as Dorek's body.

Forts could be seen around the lake with Lizardmen on top of it with bows and arrows. A gap in the center could be seen with the army of ground Lizardmen there. The entirety of the area is filled with these mobs that just trying to count them would make one dizzy.

'I can't see the Generals' Just as I think that a volley of arrows comes our way.

Of our first line of attack, we simply evaded or destroyed the incoming arrows. The rest used the defense mechanism, be it magical or physical, as they started spreading out in groups to assault the sides. Our long-range soldiers started attacking their archers and their structure.

From what I could see, a lot of the enemy archers put down their bows and started taking out their weapons to fight in a frontal confrontation. But there were some imposing ones still on the Forts.

Sharpshooters. They would be troublesome, but well, we have a magnificent Sharpshooter in our team, who also has her group.

I spearhead the battle with Zenith. Despite it being dangerous, we were confident that we could break into their numbers, it would make it easier for the incoming attack group to start fighting also.

I saw Dorek, who has a taunting smile as he is still sitting on his throne without moving an inch.

'Well then, we will just have to drag him out' I grin as I wield my swords, a surge of power running in my body.

Elemental Blending, Two-Elemental Enhancing: Fire and Light

I could feel a tremendous amount of destructive power close to me too as I wave my swords at the incoming swarm of enemies.


Two loud explosions ensued as a portion of the army was cracked open by Zenith savagely wielded his swords, killing every living being in front of him so efficiently it is terrifying.

It was then that I noticed something that made me smile, the face of Dorek wasn't smiling anymore, as a snarl appeared on its face.

Soon, the armies clashed against each other as fearsome cries of battle came out.

Powerful blasts happened at each piece of the battlefield, I slashed my swords hard to kill a few lizardmen in front of me. I obtained exp at a ridiculous rate, but the percentage was so low that I couldn't even laugh.

'Well, leveling up is getting harder and harder the closer I am to level 400' I thought while creating a powerful horizontal Fire Slash, extending it in a radius of tens of meters.

Taking a little breather from the mobs, I look at my surroundings. I could see everyone battling hard, the Barbarians were breaking havoc with us as the attack group. Arksen and Kagito were tasked to the middle, they had the best eyes of us to take into account the whole battlefield and lead. Isa and Juran stayed at the back, assisting whoever is in need. Vladi was taking control of the Sharpshooters with Grudell and Isca.

Isa wanted to go with the attack group, but his heavy shooting abilities were need more at the back, in the end he conceded but with the agreement he will move to the battlefield if the need arises.

With everyone moving around I noticed something very important that made me frown.

The Generals weren't at Dorek's side, nor were they at the current battlefield.

After I realize that I look at Dorek. As if he is reading my thoughts, he smirks at me.

'Tsk, he wants to surround us. Well, we were well aware that something like that could happen'

I look towards Isa and Juran, they are going to have a bit of a hard time dealing with those monsters, bu they should be able to hold on. Well, Kagito and Arksen should've realized before me, I am sure they are already organizing.

I look at the mob closing on me again and I look at Zenith who seemed to erase monsters with every swing of his sword.

'Time to pick up the pace' I thought as I started moving in a frenzy to clear up the path of mosnters towards Dorek. Although my action used quite a bit of stamina and mana, my Fast Recovery is going full swing, making me a monster in terms of a long-term battle. Of course, that is if I don't use Overflow, I always have to all out with that skill.

'But with these little things I don't really need it'

Splitting in half monsters that were besides me, I stomp forward and create a crater, making some fall while killing them with my swords. Some tried to attack me through the sides or my back, but before they can even touch my I create a tornado on my spots. Blades of winds hurt the monsters, making it easier to finish them off.

Feeling a powerful attack from the direction of the lake, I move swiftly and counter with my own. Dorek and I interlock gazes again as he is standing up from his Ice Throne. Having an expressionless face, he slowly lifts his left hand and snapped his fingers.

The sound, albeit soft, reverberated through the whole battlefield. Strong undulations of the Earth and Wind Element appeared right after the snap.

I feel the direction they are coming from as I swing my sword hard to my right. Wind blades of fire expanded terrifyingly from my swords as the ground broke apart towards that direction.

'Well, it is showy, but it isn't all that useful' I think as not a lot of enemies were engulfed at that attack, though it did create disarray in their midst, 'but it works good as a sign'

Just as I think that I see a group from the middle guarding against the right flank just as a mass of earth lizardmen accompanied with Zar appears. But above them are something more troublesome.

'Damn, flying monsters' I grit my teeth at the sight of the flying lizards commanded by the Wind General that we haven't seen until now.

Urges to go to the middle and back battlefield come to me but I forcibly suppress them as I look towards Dorek. A taunting smile appears on his face as he grabs forward with the same hand he snapped his fingers.

My expression changes as I look upward, a great gust of cold sweeps our area.


A simple AoE attack, yet it has become incredibly fearful as I look at that giant magic circle above us. Just as I am lifting Dei to Annul the magic before it causes damage, I feel a powerful wave of strength besides me directed towards the magic circle, splitting it in half

I move my head towards that direction, and I see Zenith who had waved his sword upward. Then, he thrust his swords downwards, piercing the ground.

"Ardha!" He shouts at my name as I do the same as Zenith. A wide smile appears on my face.

"Field of Flaming Death!" We shout at the same time as we activate our skills. Because we are far away from everyone else at the front, we cast our very own collaborate AoE skill.

A tremendous field of fire tinged with a dark purplish color expanded through the battlefield, affecting all of the monsters in the zone.

While this skill isn't really helpful against very strong monsters, it was great against these small fries. Every one of the attack team understood the attack as they moved around it to not be affected and attack the monsters from the sides.

Zenith and I take our swords out of the ground as we swiftly start killing everything from the affected zone. All the monsters were weakened greatly as we don't have to use much effort to take them out.

It has become truly a field of them for them, plunging our enemies into chaos.

Of course, it didn't last for a long time, as I feel the temperature decreasing rapidly as a very dangerous attack comes from the pillar. A slash full of the ice element razed the field, killing even enemy monsters as it spread towards me and Zenith, dispersing our skill swiftly.

I lift my head as I watch Dorek with its teeth showing menacingly, his Halberd on both of his hands as he had made a full swing. He stands up in a proper posture and starts coming down with ice stair steps appearing wherever he stepped on.

The Prince Dorek is finally coming down from his Throne.

And we welcomed him with wide arms.