Chapter 38. Wake up, Death Lord! (Part 3)

Cough cough

Eliana coughs blood as she lays on the ground. The entire area of her surrounding was charred black, the ground crushed in many parts.

Her abdomen is bleeding as well where her right arm used to be. Her eyes were semi-closed, while they seemed dizzy and disoriented.

'Damn it, I am not a combat type, why do I have to go through this?'

She couldn't even speak as her whole body hurts. She feels her vitality slowly seeping away as she looks towards the sky.

'Truly, I knew those vermin were planning something, but I didn't expect to be that big of a plan'

She grimaces as she starts remembering the battle and where everything started going wrong.

Her eyes close slowly as she tries to breathe correctly.

The battle for the defense of Gardan Village was going well. Everyone was doing what they were told to do, and while some people went off sometimes or simply died, it was still accounted on the plan.

But the relentless wave of monsters never stopped as if something was pushing them out in hordes.

Eliana looked at the battlefield seriously with a sharp gaze. Giving orders constantly to help maintain coordination.

Large monsters started appearing, but Azalea and her group mostly took care of them while players tried to take care of the smaller minions.

Peko was like a wild card appearing in different parts of the battlefield to support and weaken the enemy monsters. Her actions were swift and merciless as pus started coming off of some lizards and various died gruesomely.

She could easily see some players shuddering when watching that beautiful woman on the battlefield going like a Death Reaper.

Then Eliana frowned as she could see more large monsters appearing and the army started to be pushed back slightly. She clicked her tongue and it was then that Peko appeared beside her.

"Should we activate the rings?"

Eliana without answering thought about the overall situation and gave it the go.

Soon, Peko activated the Core Ring, fierce Darkness coagulated through the field, and while some were put off by that, they soon got used to that as the Darkness was making them stronger.

Like that, the defending army managed to regain the advantage, massacring the monsters that came close. Peko mostly focused on maintaining the magic circle, but she still supported the battlefield with her curses.

'Everything was going smoothly until then'

Eliana recalls when that sudden event happened.

While the defending army was gaining ground repelling the monsters, a tremor shook the battlefield.

'But it wasn't the earth that was trembling… it felt like the space was the one shaking'

It was then that she noticed that dark green glow. Just thinking about it makes Eliana clench her teeth harshly in rage.

'That bastard Lolo, I am going to make him pay for this

Lolo and other players when they felt the space trembling shook rings glowing with a dark green color.

Eliana's eyes shrunk to needles as she immediately shouted.


As she shouted that, she also gave the coordination rings of the one who took those rings out.

Peko immediately activated the countermagic of the Amplification rings. The Core Rings had two functions over the other rings. One was to coordinate and amplify the power of the users, and the other was…

'To generate a direct link to Peko's curses'

But she knew she was too late when she saw the expression of Lolo smiling crazily while his face was twisted in pain because of the second effect of the Amplification Rings.

Malevolent dark green light shone to the sky as they converged on a single point. The feeling of the space trembling increased until Eliana could feel it cracking at that part.

Then it happened.

A Fissure in space appeared.

She could clearly remember her stomach sinking at that point as something sinister started creeping out of that fissure.

She immediately gave orders to kill rapidly those bastards, but even then, she knew it was futile.

A hand came out of the rift in space. Its pale skin and blood-red claws contrasted.

Soon, the entire body of that came out.

A demon with devilish beauty as she overviewed the whole battlefield. Her entire body was shrouded in blood-red flames. Bat-like wings hung on her back as she maintained her flight.

Her pupils looked like a slit as fire sprouted from her eyes and her hair.

Eliana instantly knew she was no match for that monster. Hell, even if Ardha was here, he might not necessarily be able to face that demon.

And the expression of that demon made her shudder, as a crazy smile appeared on her face. Madness twisted her expression as she started laughing maniacally.

- Hidden Quest!

A Fissure has appeared on the field. The risk of this is enormous as the demon is still around, the stabilizing factors won't be able to work properly. Defeat the Demonic Imp from the Chaos Realm, Rish.

Quest Level: B

Eliana looked at the quest that had appeared and her expression hardened as she thought furiously. Then she clenched her teeth and gave Peko with Azalea some directions.

Then she hid with her skill.

Azalea and Peko looked at the demon with resolve as their power increased.

Overwhelming auras clashed on the battlefield, as the rest of the army refocused on fighting against the wave of monsters.

Thankfully they seemed to be decreasing, but the fight that happened was brutal. The demon without caring about anything wildly attacked. Peko and Azalea did their best to redirect those attacks towards the monsters, but some fell against the army and Gardan.

Azalea gripped her giant sword tightly as she attacked with overwhelming strength.

Soon, the three were filled with wounds all over their body, as the demon then smirks and flies towards Gardan.

Azalea and Peko chase after her, but the monster was still faster. The demon then congregated a mass of fire to attack the entirety of Gardan.

It was then that she appeared.

Peko didn't think twice and did what Eliana told her to do before.

Redirect all the power of the Amplification magic to Eliana's ring.

Rish noticed that something wrong happened as she looked to her side.

Eliana appeared beside her as the Amplification ring exploded with a mass of darkness shrouding her entire right arm. Her dagger cracked up as she barely could hold that power, but it was enough. She didn't need much time anyways.

The blade stabbed right in towards the supposed heart of the demon was.

Rish spouted blood as the attack went right in, and she attacked Eliana with a twisted expression filled with fury. Her claws penetrated Eliana's abdomen as she was flung like a fireball towards the ground.

The congregated mass of fire was also thrown, but Azalea managed to arrive on time.

She couldn't see what happened next as she fell like a rocket towards the ground. Despite her being in almost perfect condition, a single attack left her at the border of death.

An explosion occurred where Azalea received the attack of Rish.

'Well, considering I am still alive, Azalea should've managed to fend off that attack.'

A silhouette then appears in Eliana's sight. Her body despite having bruised on many parts of her body exuded a powerful and majestic aura. Her dress of darkness expanded, covering the field with it.

"I am sorry… I wish I was stronger to help you out more"

Eliana's eyes turn cloudy as she feels her vitality reaching zero.

Kaiser's General, Eliana, died.


Eroda opened his eyes suddenly as he feels the space vibrating. His expression turns serious as he immediately moves and activates magic circles all around Hellish Town.

Everyone was startled at the sudden change, but all of the natives look seriously at the sky.

Eroda grits his teeth as his expression harden. Veins start showing on his forehead as his face contorts because of the enormous pressure.

But despite his efforts, the trembling space starts rocking harder as he then notices a pillar of a dark green glow coming to the sky.

His expression turns fierce as he immediately recognizes that glow.


Eroda growls as that name surges in his mind.

Demonic Dark Dragon, Dakarius. A being far beyond his level was now exerting his pressure on this realm.

Powerful undulations come from Eroda as an Aura filled with tremendous power surrounds him. The entirety of Hellish Town is surrounded by overflowing magical power.

But the space soon starts breaking apart despite all his efforts.

Two enormous Fissures appear in the sky, unequaled to the ones appearing on Gardan and Storm Lake.

The whole town feels the pressure in the sky as demons start coming from it.

Another fissure was forming but Eroda manages to suppress that one while putting in all his power.

An enormous being appears from one of the fissures, its entire body filled with holes spouting gas. It looked like a worm, its skin radiating an ominous aura of pestilence.

On the other fissure, a demonic beast comes out. It stood on four legs as the beast carried an enormous club with its two hands. Its head had two enormous horns and its eyes emitted a blood-red glow filled with malice. Its entire body as if painted with a red color shined.

Pestilence worm, Ugurand.

Demonic Centaur, Ira.

Soon, a gruesome battle started on Hellish Town.