Chapter 42. Split the Heavens, Crush the Earth! (Part 3)

Arthur runs towards the direction Eliana fell with all his might.

'Those bastards!'

Arthur's eyes were bloodshot as he ran, his breath ragging because of the constant fight.

He wanted to retreat and help Peko and Azalea out, but Eliana's order was strict in that he should command the army until the wave of monsters wouldn't be a problem anymore.

He gripped his sword tightly and directed the field as the sub-commander as he heard and parried the constant clashes of those three. The first thing he did was cut down Lolo.

'I swear I will kill him whenever I see him'

The vein on his forehead was pumping blood constantly as he didn't dare to stop for a second. He made sure that the raid was almost done for him to go out of his position to help out. He commanded some players to help regroup and assist towards Gardan as soon as possible.

Then he arrived at the place Azalea received that enormous attack from Rish. The entire place was still hot with the ground looking like coal. A burnt smell assaulted his nostril as he waved at some flames with his sword, dispersing them swiftly.

Just as his sight readjusts itself, the first thing his eyes fall on is on that burnt body.

'She has been messed up.'

The beautiful outlook of Azalea had been changed as wounds of burns were all over her body. The right side of his face had a fearful burnt tracing down towards her neck, shoulder and back. The ever-beautiful warrior was reduced to this state.

But even then, she still valiantly gripped her sword with her left hand. Her left eye exuded an indomitable spirit. Receiving most of that attack didn't burn her spirit at all, her powerful aura still swept everywhere even with her barely standing body.

Rish stood on the ground with a fearsome face as she tried to burn that dark aura wreaking havoc on the serious injury that Eliana gave her. On the other side, stands Peko watching Rish closely, her aura of darkness sweeping the entire place she is in. Each power battled against the other in the air as Arthur witnessed everything.

Then, his eyes fall on that desolate body on the scorched ground. A serious injury rested on her stomach, so serious that it almost split her in two. Her eyes lose their shine as she gives one final look at Peko's back

From that, Arthur grips his sword tightly while exhaling, looking with undying determination at Rish.

From the gaze of Eliana, he could understand her last order without needing her to tell him.

Protect Peko at all costs.

The Knight of Kaiser steps forward as he wields his sword to carry the will of his master.

A battle of no words ensued.


From the moment that sword was falling on his head, Dontoshi inwardly knew what his destiny would be.


There was no other way for him. He knew that. Despite that, he never felt despair, but he did feel dread.

Dread to Ultima, The Sword of Death. A sword that consumed the souls of the countless that dared to fight against its masters. The sword that gave and wielded Death.

He still remembered the previous Death Lord using Ultima. At that time, he couldn't even stand in front of that person, he wasn't even worthy of being slashed down by Ultima.

Thus, when he saw Ultima, he felt intense dread towards it.

And as he saw the sword coming down to him, he felt the Heavens being sliced and falling apart, crushing towards him.

Despite swinging his Warhammer with all his might, he felt small in front of that attack.

But his experience carved in his bones made him grip his weapon tighter as he put all his power behind his attack.

The ground around him broke apart as his Warhammer clashed against Ultima. Huge pressure came down to him and towards his body, making Dontoshi cough blood while retreating. Both of his arms trembling slightly.

'I… was suppressed in a face-to-face confrontation?'

Disbelief shows on Dontoshi's face as he looks at his Warhammer damaged by the clash. Even when he fought against Ardha he was not suppressed like this time.

Then his eyes rested on Ultima, noticing that nothing happened to it, maintaining its beautiful and deadly shape.


"Why can you use Ultima!?'

Zenith without answering his questions swings Ultima again. The same feeling of heaven's falling apart surrounded Dontoshi as he gripped his Warhammer tightly.

'Only fully developed Death Lords have managed to awaken Ultima, they were, at the very least, Ascended, and even then, a step that next Realm…'


Each clash of them breaks the earth apart as Dontoshi steps back, again and again, more wounds appearing on his body.

'…then why is he able to use Ultima when he still hasn't Ascended yet!'

Dontoshi grits his teeth as he feels his arms trembling even more than before.

Zenith wasn't that well of either with each clash, but he didn't dare to show even a bit of pain in front of everyone.

He grabs Ultima tightly as his muscles bulge because of the strain. He steps forward again; Death congregates around himself as he wields it.

But just as he is about to slash Dontoshi, his body shudders slightly as he looks rapidly towards the direction of that feeling.

An Arrow flowing in the air as if a fish in water was going towards Kagito. Zenith moves to stop it in midflight, but Dontoshi attacks him from behind.

His face tenses as he defends himself from that attack. Dontoshi smiled fiendishly with his eyes shining crazily.

Zenith grits his teeth as he knows what is going to happen next.

The Arrow is blocked by Isa's Aegis Shield, but it didn't matter.

As only that instant distraction was what mattered.

Violent undulations of power come from Dorek as he growls fiercely sending everyone close to him a step back.

Kagito starts bleeding from his nose and eyes as he kneels on the ground. Knowing fully well that keeping his grip on the orb would mean a violent death, he tightens his grasp on it even more.

But he knows he wouldn't be able to maintain it for much longer as even the Chiefs using the other orbs were falling.

Even then, with a fierce expression, he grits his teeth and then opens his mouth.


Powerful spatial fluctuations come from Kagito as his shouts sweep the whole battlefield.

Everyone who can grip their weapons charges Dorek.

Arksen, Aren, and the Barbarians give a Warcry as they attack Dorek.

Zenith grips his sword and focuses again on Dontoshi.

Every fiber of his being screams as he violently wields his power to finish him off.

He ignored the shockwaves and screams that came from behind him as he solely focuses on Dontoshi. Killing him was a top priority as that demon would become more troublesome if he charged towards that battlefield.

Zenith slashes with his sword at Dontoshi, not stopping even one as they both clash again and again at lightning speed.

Death showered everywhere he slashed. The injuries of Dontoshi start becoming infected with a dark purplish color, slowly seeping into his body.

His movement start becoming slower and slower as he felt the heavens falling on him again.

But he smiles widely as his fangs shine bloodily.

Then Dontoshi's right arm flies into the skies as he feels his whole being crushed by the pressure. Blood rains from his wound as he spouts even more. Even then, as he coughs violently, his bloody smiles always reappear as he looks at Zenith.

"Even if you have Ultima, you are still weak…"

Dontoshi says that as he grins at Zenith while grabbing his Warhammer with one hand, crushing it towards Zenith.

But Zenith doesn't care about that as he slashes Ultima with all his will.

"Split the Heavens, Crush the Earth!"

That was the last thing Dontoshi could hear as his head flies off this time.

Blood comes out of where Dontoshi's head was, but Zenith doesn't care as he turns around quickly, stepping hard on the ground to arrive towards the other battlefield as soon as possible.

But as soon as he looks in that direction, he stops.

He could see Dorek falling to the ground, wounds upon wounds on his body with his face filled with rage until his last's moments.

Yet Zenith doesn't run in joy towards his friends.

He closes his eyes as he purses his lips.

The solitude of Death embraces him.

Zenith, the Death Lord, kills Dontoshi.