My Nightclub Landlady Chapter 5

After my brother in arms died to save my life, I swore to protect his sister, no matter the cost. Little did I know the grip the underworld had in her town. Working undercover in a Nightclub/Hotel in the gangster infested city of Tianhe, I must deal with the problems that arise from corruption, money, and the search for power.

Chapter 005 Fierce Fighting at the Barbecue Stall

After finding an isolated table to sit down, Sister Flower ordered a six jin draft beer and asked for some kidney kebabs, "You may want those to help you recover, I hear they're a natural aphrodisiac." She said with a wink.

"I could use some of that."

While she meant it as a crude joke, she was not aware that over the past couple of days Qin Feng had been spending quite a lot of time with several women from her establishment. The ladies of the Free Man Bar had taken a liking to him, even going as far as taking the initiative to ask him out for dinner and some drinks. He really had no reason to turn them away. After a good meal and some drinks, these women were excited to bring him back to their rooms. If these women were going to offer themselves to him, he would not refuse, as long as they used protection of course.

"So, do you have a girlfriend?"

Sister Flower asked with a skeptical look. Upon hearing him agree to what she thought was just a joke, she secretly felt let down. Could it be that such a strong young man actually needed additional help in the bedroom? She wondered if his appearance was inconsistent with his libido...

"No I don't, why do you ask? Trying to set me up with someone? Haha no, I'm kidding. Let's not talk about that right now. Men should focus on their careers without distraction." Qin Feng said laughing.

"I find that hard to believe." Replied Sister flower, though she didn't pursue the topic.

"In the future you may be able to do more at the Free Man Bar. The current hall manager is more unreliable with each pa.s.sing day. I've heard that he's stolen from the store several times with the intention of selling the goods elsewhere. If he were not recommended by Brother Jun and a good friend of Mr. Kun, I would have already fired him. Perhaps one of these days I may find some proof and let him go."

Before she finished her sentence, she looked up at two drunken men who were walking with their heads leading the way, wobbling and holding bottles of wine, with bare arms exposing the tattooed dragons and tigers on their skin. Their heads were shaved and they wore dog chains, one could immediately tell these two creatures were bad news.  

Qin Feng followed Sister Flower's eyes and took a good look at the men. His heart tightened as he felt a sense of ominous foreboding.

Sure enough, the two drunken men displayed their beer bellies in front of Sister Flower and laughed, "Such a beauty, all alone? It's so lonely in the middle of the night. Let's go and have a drink at our table!"

"These jerks...her, alone?" Thought Qin Feng. 

Qin Feng listened to the drunk man and got angry. "This guy thinks he can just ignore me?"

"I'm here with someone, sorry." Sister Flower tactfully refused.

The two drunken men turned to look at Qin Feng, frowning disdainfully, "Hmph, you're here with a pink faced scholar? If you don't want any trouble, we suggest you turn around and leave!"

Glug, glug.

Qin Feng downed the rest of the draft beer still in his cup and warned, "You have three seconds to go away, otherwise...."

Before he had finished his words, the drunken man's bottle hit the table with a bang and the wine inside spouted out dozens of centimeters in every direction, spattering all over Sister Flower. She screamed in a hurry to dodge while the two drunken men took in the situation and got excited. They reached over to touch Sister Flower's thigh, "Oops, hey beautiful don't worry about that, I'll wipe it for you."


Qin Feng grabbed the bottle and smashed it directly on the knee of the drunken man. He instantly fell down to the floor on all fours and dropped the bottle. It broke and shattered in all directions. The other drunk was too stunned to react. Qin Feng grabbed the man that was on his knees and tossed him into the hedge next to them. The man must have weighed about 200 jin, yet was easily lifted. Qin Feng's strength could easily be seen by the people around him.

"Sister Flower, are you all right?"

Qin Feng picked up a stack of paper towels, bent down and gently helped Sister Flower wipe the wine stains from her leather skirt.

Sister Flower looked down at Qin Feng with a slightly annoyed, but tender look.

"Never mind all that, it's nothing."

Flower sister said," Let's go, I'm not in the mood to eat anymore."

As she said that, another four or five people began to approach them and the two guys on the ground started to regroup. Qin Feng a.s.sessed the situation, frowning, "I am afraid I cannot leave if I don't swat these pestering flies to death."

A man no taller than 1.7 meters, but burly and strong-looking approached them with a ferocious look in his eyes, "Don't you work at the Free Man Bar?"

Once she heard this, Sister Flower made eye contact and realized that he looked familiar. These guys often went to the Free Man Bar for some action.

"Zhang Hui?"

Sister Flower hesitated for a moment before calling his name.

"Ah, you remember me, what an honor!"

Zhang Hui took out a cigarette. The younger man next to him lit it immediately. One of the drunk man crawled out from the hedges, saw Qin Feng and began rushing at him, but was quickly stopped by Zhang Hui.

"You're well aware of Old Meng's relationship with Brother Jun. You may want to tell your men to be a bit more polite." said Sister Flower.

"I'll admit, I may have been a bit negligent when I asked these two to invite you over."

Zhang Hui said after approaching them, "Brother Meng wants to open the largest nightclub in Tianhe City. He allowed me to reach out to you. He wants you to be the manager."

Zhang Hui thought Sister Flower would be happy after hearing that, but she simply put on a faint smile and said, "Please thank Brother Meng for considering me. I certainly miss my old friend. However, after working for the Freeman Bar for so long, I wouldn't want to move to a new establishment. Please inform Brother Meng, that I'll have to respectfully decline his offer and he'll have to find someone more qualified than I."

Zhang Hui had yet to open his mouth with his response before a few thugs standing by his pointed to Sister Flower and shouted, "d.a.m.n it woman, don't refuse the respect that's given to you! Who do you think you are?"

Flower sister's face quickly turned serious. Standing beside her, Qin Feng's fist began trembling with anger. Moving as fast as lightning, he grabbed the man by the collar. Lifted him over his head and directed his belly straight into his knee. The man let out a painful cry, crawled on the ground and began to vomit. The leek leaves that had been a part of his dinner were spewed onto the floor.

Zhang Hui saw the situation unfold with a surprised look on his face. He had originally thought that being able to knock down Wu Gang and Zhang Qiang was a lucky shot. He did not expect that this man was an experienced martial artist with obvious training and serious strength.

The others had pulled out their knives and were about to advance, but were held back by Zhang Hui. He looked at Sister Flower, "You can sleep on it. I hope you realize that if it weren't for Brother Meng, we'd consider you an enemy."

Although Sister Flower had no idea why Old Meng and Zhao Jun had grown apart, Sister flower was not the type to show fear when faced with a threat. She always faced her troubles head on until the dust cleared.

She pulled on Qin Feng's arm and walked to the side of the road. She took two steps and turned back to the boss shouting with a calm tone, "I'll pay for all this next time!" 

Sister Flower was acting surprisingly calm as she approached her car. Qin Feng was a little confused, "Sister Flower, this man they called old Meng, is he a fierce character?"

"His name carries the same status as Brother Jun in these streets. It's common for these guys to lose face as they did tonight, though. They may call each other enemies today, but tomorrow they'll call each other brother. It's all a matter of money, don't worry about him."

"Where do you live?" asked Sister Flower. "I'll drive you back. My dress is wet anyway, I'll have to go back and change."

"I live in Riverside Garden and rent a bedroom there. Just turn in this way and I can walk the few hundred meters. " Said Qin Feng.

"Shared? Is it messy or noisy? I have a house that is always empty and I'm not looking to rent it. Why don't you go and live there?" offered Sister Flower.

She continued, "It's convenient getting to work from there, it's opposite to the Free Man Bar."

"Thank you, but it's convenient for me to live here, I'm familiar with the area."

Qin Feng tactfully refused.

"You know, there's no need to be polite."

The car soon drove up to the riverside garden where he lived, when he got to the stairs, Qin Feng politely said, "Sister Flower, please come up and take a seat. We can wipe your skirt with a dry cloth. I wouldn't want for you to go back home like that."

To be continued....

new chapters coming next week!