My Nightclub Landlady Chapter 19

After my brother in arms died to save my life, I swore to protect his sister, no matter the cost. Little did I know the grip the underworld had in her town. Working undercover in a Nightclub/Hotel in the gangster infested city of Tianhe, I must deal with the problems that arise from corruption, money, and the search for power.

Chapter 019 Rage in the Tea House

He wasn't being reasonable and he knew it.

If he had simply been bullied by Qin Feng before, he would want to take revenge and had every right to. That was no problem.

Now however, Zhu Fei's father was involved and things were more complicated.

Youpeng tea house, a luxurious teahouse on the third floor.

Sister Flowers had just reported several matters at hand to Zhao Jun.

His upper body was naked, with two dragon tattoos exposed on his torso. He was wearing a pair of flowery trousers, reclining on an expensive Luo Han bed made of pear wood. There were two well-polished playing walnuts in his hand. Each looked like it was worth at least 20,000 Yuan.

At the back of Luo Han's bed, there was a beautiful Kowloon Guishan screen. Behind the screen, there was a suite built according to the standards of the President's Suite, designed for him to have s.e.x with girls after he had used drugs in comfort.

This was his stronghold. The entire tea house had exterior decorations in antique style. The first floor hall was for serious business, separated by a lot of small part.i.tions for guests to drink tea and talk about business. The second to fourth floors were special places. Basically, whatever men wanted could be provided, so long as they had enough money.

"Golden Flower, since you took charge of the Free Man Bar, I have rarely intervened. Many of the rules I have made myself have been abolished. To tell the truth, you were bold to do so. Did Ru Ru and Pei Xiang dare? The answer is no. What makes me treat you so exceptionally is that you are superior than them when it comes to vision and sense of responsibility. In any case, the Free Man Bar's sales have always been some of the best among the three businesses. Even though your ladies are unable to come up with them.

"Many special services have been cancelled, but it is good to make money. In the long run, you were right to do so. But in this way, in our regular operation, there is no need to pay protection fees to the relevant departments. Even if we pay, it is also only a symbolic payment.  This is also one of the main reasons for your high income. But have you thought about it? Those types who chew people up and don't even bother to spit out their bones precisely aim at us at this point. You want to play the formal game, but they are not adapted to it. You followed the rules, but did they admit it? As time goes on, they will resent the Free Man Bar. They can't find a problem with you, so there is no reason for them to demand money. But don't you know what kind of man Jia Quan is? I advise you to restore the regulations of ladies appearing on the stage. You should display filial piety. Anyway, our relationship over the years has made easy progress from experience. I guarantee they won't close the bar. We can, at the most change the signboard, and re-register a new trademark and legal owner."

Zhao Jun painstakingly advised Xiao Jinhua. The reason he said so much was to exempt her from the rules that had previously not allowed ladies to appear on the stage, so that Zhao Jun could earn more. Taking advantage of Jinhua's handiwork made his most important relations more solid.

"Brother Jun, as far as Jia Quan is concerned, there is another matter that I have not reported to you. Ji Jiangshan and Jia Quan are brothers, aren't they? His son, Ji Dongchen, got into trouble with the Free Man Bar last night."

"What? What happened?"

Zhao Jun's eyes sank.

"Ji Dongchen mistreated a pair of younger sisters in the back rooms last night, pinching them with walnut tongs, turning them black and blue, and even having s.e.x in the private room. The frightened ladies ran out of the room, but Ji Dongchen did not give up. After I went over, I explained the rules of the Free Man Bar. He could flirt with the ladies, but he had to do it outside the bar. No matter how he liked to play, some things were not allowed at the Free Man Bar. However, not only did he not listen, but he..."

Sister Flower was not stupid. She naturally knew how to add more provocation in her words.

" What happened?"

"He said you were out of date, and he didn't give a d.a.m.n about you at all! I was angry with him, and he raised his hands, ready to fight. Fortunately, we had just recruited a waiter at the bar; an ex-soldier who's pretty handy in a fight. He knocked Ji Dongchen down a couple times."

Xiao Jinhua actually wanted to take the opportunity to put in a few good words for Qin Feng in front of Brother Jun, so as to create opportunities to promote Qin Feng later.

But then...

Zhao Jun abruptly sat up, astonished, "What? knocked him down?"


Zhao Jun threw his ashtray to the ground, debris spattering everywhere, almost cutting Sister Flower's shank.

"Are you nuts?!"

Zhao Jun pointed to Sister Flower and barked, "Don't you know who Ji Jiangshen is in Tianhe? You provoked him for a bar girl. Are you stupid?" You know that he and Jia Quan are brothers, but you still provoked them. Do you think he can't do anything to you because you're running a legal business? You rarely flatter them, and you haven't been paying them a lot of money. I am afraid Jia Quan has hated you for a long time. What part of Tianhe City's nightlife does he not have a stake in? This incident is not accidental. It may have been deliberately arranged by Jia Quan."

Zhao Jun was angry, standing on the Luo Han bed and walking back and forth with his hands on his waist.

At that moment, Ru Ru came out from behind the screen, her hair wet. She had just accompanied Zhao Jun and was in the shower.

"Oh, who might this be? It turns out to be a sister of flowers, who rises unsullied from the mud! It's you who makes our Brother Jun so angry. If it were up to me, you would have been sold to the mines already."

Ruru said sarcastically.

Ru Ru and Pei Xiang were at odds with Xiao Jinhua. They had served Zhao Jun many times at the same time, but Brother Jun, who could promise anything, was unwilling to remove Xiao Jinhua from her position.

They were respectively in charge of the Supersonic and Nocturniae nightclubs. Although their business was also OK, it contained too many dangerous elements: drug trading, prost.i.tution, gambling, and so on. Although the income was good, since they played so wildly all year round, they had to pay a protection fee to the authorities. Those people were not obedient dogs. They agreed on a price, but after a few days they would turn around and come to check, saying their superiors asked for a surprise inspection. In fact, it was clear that they came to ask for more money. If they didn't get it, then they would be justified in shutting down the venue. Then they would need to pay more money to reopen it. Thus, half of the money earned was given to the officials, and then they still had to give Brother Jun his cut, with not much left for them.

But Xiao Jinhua, not only did she not serve Brother Jun herself, she also made her business "innocent". She could completely ignore the protection rackets. Therefore, although the Free Man Bar looked inferior to Supersonic and Nocturniae, Xiao Jinhua actually made the most money.

So, Ru Ru and Pei Xiang were jealous and resentful of Xiao Jinhua. They always wanted to find an opportunity to tear her down.

Xiao Jinhua was both self-contained and productive. She not only kept her dignity, but also saved money. It could be said that she gained both fame and fortune!

Brother Jun didn't want to throw away this cash machine. No matter how many bad things Ru Ru and Pei Xiang said about Xiao Jinhua behind her back, Brother Jun did not care.

But this time, Xiao Jinhua's actions made Brother Jun very angry!

Having put Brother Jun's most sensitive position at risk didn't leave her in his good side. In Tianhe city, anyone who wanted to operate in the nightlife field couldn't provoke Jia Quan. Even though she had only provoked Ji Jiangshan's son, Zhao Jun's intuition told him this matter was not going to be that simple!...