My Nightclub Landlady Chapter 32 Misunderstanding

### Chapter 32 Misunderstanding

On the outdoor balcony of the villa, Meng Zhaolin was holding a cigar and sitting by a tea table under a sun umbrella. Ji Dongchen stood in front of him.

"Uncle Meng, my dad didn't want me to go to Uncle Jia for fear of escalating the situation, but I just can't accept that. He was just a waiter..."

Ji Dongchen had said this at least three times since arriving at the villa. Before he finished, Meng Zhaolin interrupted him. "Dongchen, I am sure that Zhao Jun has not developed much in recent years. He only has a few venues," he said. "As soon as my new place opens, I will run them all out of business. As for the waiter, I've already sent someone to check him out. He has no particular qualifications; we only know that he has a military background. He is also not a Tianhe native. Strange background, but he's quite skillful."

"Even if he is very skillful, you think he could stand a chance against Uncle Meng's Four Great Powers? You shouldn't worry so much, just send a few men; give me this chance. When our nightclub opens, I will deposit one million in a VIP card, how about that?"

Ji Dongchen had already fought twice with Qin Feng and had lost pitifully both times. He did not dare to directly confront him now. He could only hope to use Meng Zhaolin's power to destroy him.

But this old fox declared that if he did not see the rabbit, he would not release the hawk. This time, Ji Dongchen had approached him with sincerity. Did Uncle Meng expect some "service fee"? Would 1 million be enough?

s.h.i.t! If nothing else, I'll have money!

Hearing this, Meng Zhaolin was momentarily stunned. He smiled, "Nephew, you have even more guts than your father. Quite a family."

These words were, in fact, a bit sarcastic. His father fervently made money, but the son spent it with equal vigor. They really were enemies.

Ji Dongchen liked to play his 'rich family' card. "Uncle Meng, this is my birthright. There's no way around it. That's the way it is!" he said smugly.

"Hha, my eldest nephew has a bright future."

Meng Zhaolin sighed, "My casino is in a recession now. Director Jia has had a lot to do with it, but there was no way around it."

It wouldn't be impossible to sell the Four Powers on Dongchen's plan, but they would require sufficient payment. Now, Meng Zhaolin was not short of the 1 million. If he could get Jia Quan involved, the whole situation would be easy to handle.

Who does this Qin Feng think he is, anyway? Isn't he just a waiter? Humph. Forget him, even if Zhao Jun himself came to him, Meng Zhaolin wouldn't give him the time of day. An outdated underground mogul - how much longer could he stay in control?

"Uncle Meng, how can you say that? In my eyes, you are like a G.o.d. You are number one in all of Tianhe."

Of course, Ji Dongchen was not stupid. He knew what Meng Zhaolin meant. He continued: "You can rest a.s.sured that my G.o.dfather will make sure to relax his policy with regards to your business. Other people's casinos and nightclubs will be closed and severely penalized, but yours won't. On the contrary, we will definitely become hotter and hotter. Believe me; it's his word."

After hearing this, Meng Zhaolin smiled cheerfully. "Oh, my dear nephew, this is not such an easy matter to deal with. Director Jia deals with a host of problems every day and he needs to consider a lot of variables." After a short pause, he shook his head heavily. "Look, forget it. It's no good getting involved in this."

"No way. This is the only thing on my mind and you want me to just let it go? Isn't that a slap to the face? You can rest a.s.sured, Uncle Meng, this is definitely a good opportunity for you!" Ji Dongchen patted his chest and said with certainty, "If I can't manage this situation well, then my name won't be Ji Dongchen anymore!"

"That's very bold, my nephew."

Meng Zhaolin had an unusually excited expression. In fact, his heart was typically as calm as still water. He knew that it was impossible for a child like Ji Dongchen to move Jia Quan to action. However, Ji Jiangshan was famous for spoiling his kid. What Ji Dongchen could not do on his own, he would naturally beg of his father. As long as Ji Jiangshan came forward, there was basically nothing to worry about.

If his casino could open even for one extra day during the upcoming three months of severe crackdowns, it would guarantee him at least several hundred thousand in extra revenue. This would make him more money than opening any new venue. All the other establishments would be closed down and only his business will remain active in the city. The income generated would be at least five times more than usual. Staying open for business while the compet.i.tion is closed would truly rake in a lot of money.

Meng Zhaolin wanted to make money urgently because after coming into contact with Shark Kun's drug network, his ambitions flourished. He needed a lot of capital to propel himself up to a second-tier regional agent.

If he could take over the drug trade in several surrounding cities, then he would be making millions every day while sipping tea on his balcony.

"Don't worry, Uncle Meng, everything is in order." Ji Dongchen smiled confidently. "It's just... The Free Man Bar's waiter..."

Meng Zhaolin stopped him. "You can rest a.s.sured that after tonight he will not be able to stand again."

"Hha, that's good to hear, Uncle Meng." Ji Dongchen got up and said, "I'm going to play. It's been a while."

"Well, go ahead." Meng Zhaolin snapped his fingers at the bodyguard behind him. "Bring out 100,000 in chips for my nephew."


Qin Feng and Sister Flower left the Youpeng Teahouse at noon. Instead of returning directly to the Free Man Bar, they stopped at a nearby seafood restaurant.

Qin Feng pulled over, holding his stomach. "Hey, I'm getting pretty hungry."

"The Suan Cai Yu here is delicious. Let's eat."

Sister Flower pushed the door and went in. She had been to this restaurant a lot of times, but in the past she had always been accompanied by the Bar's ladies. This was the first time she had brought a man.

The owner was a middle-aged woman from Chongqing. Seeing Sister Flower and Qin Feng enter, she eagerly welcomed her. "Sister Flower, you're back."

"A big bowl of Suan Cai Yu please, boss."

Sister Flower turned to look at Qin Feng. "Is a little bit spicy OK?"

"Yeah. No problem."

Qin Feng looked around. The shop's décor was quite warm and business was good. There were seven or eight types of fish on the menu, all kept in a large aquarium on-site. After weighing it, the fish was killed and cooked immediately to maintain maximum freshness.

"Boss, the same as usual; pickled vegetables and pepper seasoning," said Sister Flower.

Qin Feng found a window sofa seat. Sister Flower brought two bottles of yogurt from the fridge. She was about to sit down when the owner came around and raised an eyebrow at her. "Is that your boyfriend? What a cutie. You have a good eye, haha!"

After all, their relationship was very familiar. Sister Flower didn't mind much, laughing, "My employee. We went out to do something and pa.s.sed by here..."

Qin Feng sat by the window, the sun shining on his face. His handsome features were mixed with some firmness. He was indeed a good man. When he was quiet and thoughtful, he was very cool, like an icy prince looking out into the distance, waiting for his girl.