My Nightclub Landlady Chapter 34 Push-Up

### Chapter 34 Push-up

"What about you? Have you ever thought about finding a steady man?"

Sister Flower immediately interrupted him, "OK, OK, eat your fish quickly. It will get mushy if it stays in the hot pot much longer."

Qin Feng was in a poor mood. Since Sister Flower did not want to speak of it, he would have to find an opportunity to ask again. Although Xiao He's will be only to protect his sister, he knew that Xiao He, as Sister Flower's little brother, had depended on her his whole life and cherished her deeply. Xiao He naturally also hoped his sister could live in happiness and have a man who loved her, have her own children, and live a stable and peaceful life.

Qin Feng would do all he could to make Xiao He happy in the underworld. In any case, the most important thing at present was to ensure the safety of Sister Flower.

The two did not drink too much. After all, they had to go to work in the afternoon. The previous night, the bar suffered a fire, and that morning inspectors from the fire department came in to look around. They checked the Free Man Bar's fire protection facilities, escape routes and layout, made a lot of recommendations about improvements, and wrote the Bar a ticket.

There was no way to avoid it. This kind of thing had to be done.

Qin Feng found a subst.i.tute driver, who drove Sister Flower and him to the Free Man Bar. It was around two o'clock in the afternoon when they went through the door and saw Kun having a staff meeting. He liked scolding his subordinates and had a bad att.i.tude, but no real skill or talent as a manager.

Sister Flower was used to it and didn't say anything. She just wanted to go to her office to rest for a bit.

Kun saw Qin Feng and Sister Flower coming back together, both looking like they'd been drinking. He was secretly upset. "d.a.m.n it, who does this Qin Feng guy think he is? He's been here for just a few days and he is already inseparable from Sister Flower. Is he hoping to climb into her bed?"

After Sister Flower left, Kun's voice reverberated throughout the barroom, "Qin Feng, get over here!"

Surrounded by over thirty of his subordinates, he felt a little imperious. "Don't you know there's a staff meeting every day? Don't you have a trace of guilt for being late? You think you're the big cheese around here or something?"

Qin Feng was stunned. He wasn't expecting Kun to treat him so arrogantly. However, until Zhao Jun officially promoted him, Qin Feng was just a waiter and could not be disrespectful to the a.s.sistant manager of the Free Man Bar. Otherwise, his chances of sticking around Sister Flower would be slim.

Qin Feng bowed his head and apologized. "Brother Kun, I'm... I'll pay more attention next time."

"Next time?" Kun said, "Well, if I don't teach you a lesson now, I'm sure you won't remember next time."

Qin Feng resisted rolling his eyes. "Brother Kun, what do you have in mind?"

"Do... a hundred push-ups!"

Kun liked to tire down misbehaving employees with a few dozen push-ups. This time he ordered a hundred. The other employees looking on sucked in a collective cold breath. They could not help muttering to themselves in low voices, "Poor Qin Feng…"

"Sure thing! I was just thinking of getting some exercise."

No one expected Qin Feng to roll up his cuffs and drop to the ground with a pleasant smile. He stormed through his set of pushups with astonishing speed and machine-like efficiency. Seeing this, Kun and the rest of the staff were amazed. Why did it seem like he wasn't expending the slightest bit of effort? It was like his arms had springs for bones!

Soon, a hundred push-ups were finished. Qin Feng stood up, inhaled deeply, and smirked. "Brother Kun, what else do I need to do?"

Kun was stunned, feeling a little embarra.s.sed, but he could not lose face in front of his subordinates. "Here's what you can do," he shouted. "See those beer kegs at the door? Each one contains 40 jin of beer and the barrels themselves are at least 70 or 80 jin each. There are 20 barrels. Move them all to the back of the storeroom."

Hearing this, the crowd exclaimed. This was clearly corporal punishment!

One man, a waiter foreman who was on good terms with Qin Feng, stood up and said, "Brother Kun, we have a cart for that. Why move them by hand? That's just abusive!"

Kun turned around sharply, angrily pointing at his nose and growling, "What are you talking about? Who's abusing anyone? Do you wanna say that again?"

Qin Feng quickly interjected, "Don't worry, don't worry, it's just a few barrels. I'll move them. Guess I can skip going to the gym this week."

Normally, it would be difficult even for two men to carry just one of those beer barrels, but Qin Feng picked one up with each hand, trotting along effortlessly as if they were empty and made of cardboard instead of thick wooden planks.

Once again, Kun and the others looked on in bemus.e.m.e.nt, thinking to themselves that this Qin Feng was simply born with magic powers. No wonder he could beat up Ji Dongchen's five cronies all by himself. Last night, he also beat up those people who set fire to the warehouse. This was no accident - this guy had unimaginable strength.

When Qin Feng was about to finish moving the last of the beer barrels, Sister Flower came down the stairs from her office. When she saw what was happening, she looked to Kun with cold eyes. "What is this?"

Kun falteringly tried to explain the situation, but Sister Flower snapped, "Without Qin Feng, the whole Free Man Bar would have been burned to the ground last night. You and I, as well as all the people present, could have been burned alive. Even if it wasn't that serious, the Free Man Bar could still lose a lot of money. Don't try to tell me we can still get some business tonight; I am afraid we have already closed the doors. But you're still punishing Qin Feng so strictly. Do you think that's appropriate?"

Sister Flower's words gained the approval of the other employees. They gathered together, whispering, "Yeah, that's right! Ever since Qin Feng came to the Free Man Bar, he has been nothing but diligent. His performance is outstanding, but Brother Kun always picks on him. It's really uncalled for!"

Kun's evil eyes swept across the crowd. Everyone immediately shut up, but Sister Flower was not intimidated. "You should apologize to Qin Feng."

Just then, Qin Feng returned from the warehouse to pick up the last two barrels of beer, his forehead already covered in sweat. He hadn't been training regularly ever since the escape from the Golden Triangle and was beginning to sense that his physical condition was slightly declining. In fact, he was pleased with the opportunity to get some exercise. If he got too comfortable, his physical fitness would really deteriorate. When, after a period of time, he returned to perform his regular duties, he might find difficulty in some important a.s.signment if he didn't maintain his physique.

"Sister Flower?"

When he looked up, he unexpectedly saw Xiao Jinhua in the crowd. Nevertheless, he stubbornly walked to those last two barrels of beer.

"Qin Feng!" Sister Flower walked beside him, taking out a handkerchief to wipe away his sweat, "Why are you doing this? You're crazy!"

The tenderness of her touch and her overflowing fragrance startled Qin Feng, leaving him quite abashed.

Kun was becoming even more upset. His heart said, this stinky boy actually got Xiao Jinhua's affection. This woman has always had extremely high standards. Even Brother Jun doesn't impress her, so how did this happen? d.a.m.n, I've been thinking about this woman for years and now she's all over that son of a b.i.t.c.h. I have to teach him a lesson he won't soon forget!