My Nightclub Landlady Chapter 50 The Four Powers

Dagang hadn't been fighting recently, and Erpao and Sanbao had begun to question his authority. As the leader of the Four Powers, he had to set an example.

Zhang Hui said this boy had skills. They would just wait and see. Dagang would let this guy who only gossiped in front of Brother Meng see what a true juggernaut he was.

Dagang was very good at kicking. He had steel plates strapped to his shins, and with his strength, one kick from him was enough to cave in a man's skull. He could easily kick in someone's ribs.

Qin Feng on the other hand was about 1.8 meters tall and a hundred and fifty jin. He had a well-balanced physique and his 180-jin kick strength was not to be underestimated!

Qin Feng retracted his right leg. His posture was very stable, his cold eyes were focused, his face calm and fearless in the face of danger. He put his arms out in front of him - he wanted to be defensive first, to explore his opponent's strength.

Dagang roared, his leg rising into the air. The simple, direct, high kick was aimed squarely at Qin Feng's face. If it connected, Qin Feng's face would cave into his brain.

Qin Feng could judge his strength just by the sound of rushing wind following his leg. The corner of his mouth curled disdainfully. He thought, "Just look at his posture. He probably thinks that is a very powerful kick. It can't be more than average."

Qin Feng held his left arm out in front of his face to block, keeping his right arm out of the way so that he could block the next blow freely.

This seemingly straightforward opponent was likely to have a few good moves up his sleeve, or he would not have shown such confidence.


Dagang's leg mercilessly clashed against Qin Feng's forearm. He thought it would send Qin Feng flying, but Qin Feng brazenly remained in place, unmoved. His forearm made Dagang's steel-plated shin a little bit numb.

Dagang grimaced. He realized he was facing a true master. Though he seemed ordinary, Qin Feng's body contained immense strength.

This was definitely a strength generated by internal energy; otherwise, how could flesh shock a steel plate?

Unable to contain his doubts, Dagang twisted his body in mid-air and somersaulted 360 degrees, using Qin Feng's left arm as the axis and flinging himself over to the right. At the same time, his left leg shot straight toward Qin Feng with incredible speed. The whole sequence was completed within a blink of an eye.

Though he had never encountered Qin Feng before, but Dagang's quick shifting between attacks was enough to overwhelm the majority of opponents.


Qin Feng had been waiting for just this change of direction. His right arm shot towards Dagang's briskly approaching foot faster than the eye could see...

In the next second, everyone present was dumbfounded. No one could quite understand how Qin Feng had managed to catch Dagang's ankle and lever his momentum to fling him sideways. The 180-jin Dagang was thrown out six or seven meters like a rag doll. On the way, Dagang's body smashed into the corner of the car, and his b.u.t.tocks were filled with sharp pain. He landed on the ground screaming, his face ferocious. His hip bone was most certainly injured.

The atmosphere in the compound grew tense. The dozen or more people present were gaping at Qin Feng in astonishment. They had never seen a man with such fighting ability.

Dagang's fighting prowess needed no introduction. He was likely one of the most powerful men in Meng Zhaolin's gang, but he got his a.s.s kicked by Qin Feng. Moreover, everyone could see that Qin Feng had not yet exerted all his strength. Who knew how formidable he could be if he really applied himself!

Qin Feng coldly swept his gaze across the crowd, shouting, "Don't just stand there! Just come at me all at once, it'll be a piece of cake!"

He was not being boastful. This was a strong self-confidence earned over years of extraordinary experience. In his view, that idiot writhing on the ground was just pathetic. If he had wanted to use his full strength, he would have completely shattered his ankle.

Zhang Hui was rooted in place for a long moment. He eventually retreated to the back, hiding himself in the crowd.

Around him, more than a dozen elite brothers, along with Erpao and Sanbao, had nowhere to run. Although they knew that the guy in front of them was incredibly powerful, they had strength in numbers, so they were confident they could find an opening to strike.

Moreover, Dagang had underestimated the enemy. He kicked carelessly, but Erpao and Sanbao would not make the same mistake. They believed that as long as they were cautious with their attacks, there would certainly be a chance to overpower him!!!

Erpao faced him from the front, while Sanbao crept around Qin Feng's back. The others were separated into two wings, gradually closing in around him. They dared not be careless again. Each held a sharp blade or iron pipe, drawing closer to Qin Feng bit by bit.

Qin Feng smiled and reached for his pocket. Everyone instinctively took a step back. Based on their nervous faces, they a.s.sumed that Qin Feng would take out some weapon.

They didn't expect him to just take out a cigarette and a lighter.

After leisurely lighting it and taking a quick huff, he sneered, "Come on, I'll give you as much time as it takes this cigarette to burn out."

It went without saying that Qin Feng wanted to give them the opportunity to attack first. Once the cigarette burned out, it would be his turn to attack.

In the face of such provocation, Erpao was roused up again, slapping his fat chest and sending sweat droplets flying. He was holding an exceptionally sharp modified knife with a long handle, with a curved sickle blade used for eviscerating. Once the target was caught, a hard pull was enough to tear out both flesh and bone. Many people had lost their lives to this deadly weapon. Erpao stored fingers, hands and even legs that he'd chopped off in a vat of alcohol in his bas.e.m.e.nt, a testament to his rise to the top of the Tianhe underworld.

"Brothers, get him!" Erpao roared, and was the first one to rush forward.

At the same time, Sanbao also quickly ran up from Qin Feng's rear. The elite gangsters on both wings also closed in, but they only supported the two of them for the most part. The initiative to attack was mainly handed over to Erpao and Sanbao, so as to avoid unnecessary injury.

Sanbao carried a specially-made, 30 centimeter-long, sharply tapering steel poker with a conical shape. The tip of the cone was dangerously sharp and gleamed with a striking cold light. If it hit the target, it would probably penetrate clean through. Sanbao's favorite form of attack was a sudden, quick stab. The handle of his weapon also tapered to a sharp point in the back, so both the front and the tail could be used against the enemy. It was even more lethal than a meat cleaver.

Qin Feng stood in place, undaunted, and when his opponent was about to press his front, he dropped down and swiftly swept his leg in a wide arc, mainly attacking the gangsters who were approaching from his right. They were not ready for it. They didn't expect Qin Feng to strike first.