The third daughter of the Reign Family, Stephany Reign.
Month 5, day 11, A.T 882. Sunrise
At the cliffside of the silvering plateau, the silver spring.
Seating at the edge of the small wharf, I let my feet submerged under the cold water. The spring was surrounded by a sea of trees. Hence, making the atmosphere cool and cozy. Bamboos clustered nearby, indicating that the spring's water is pure and safe. Though, I doubt that this world would have polluted water unless poison was poured.
The passing winds made the leaves to flutter and occasionally drops to the calm surface water of the spring, it responded tremors on its surface. Though, what catches my eyes the most was its water, which was so clear that you could see the depths of it. Pebbles sunk at its deepest and large rocks were placed naturally underneath, this was nothing more than a sight to see.
The soft breeze swept the plants, making synchronized waves of movements of the greeny vegetation, and no doubt it is calm that I could sleep. I laid back at the wooden wharf at the response of my thoughts, the sunlight penetrated between the leaves as it gently my exposed skin, which the robe couldn't cover.
Though, as sleepy as I am. I don't need to sleep just like foods that are unnecessary to me.
This spring is located under our mansion besides the cliff, if you had not known it. The mansion is built atop a lonely plateau, the silvering plateau, though it is exceedingly massive highland, there was a quarter of it is missing and that is where the spring is located. Furthermore, the mansion's territory expands down to the very entrance of the plateau.
It's the first time in a while that I had gone out with the sun shining at its brightest peak. Not only that, I haven't bathed for many days, and since there was no one around me. I stood up to remove my clothes, the dark robe, the black vest, and the white-long sleeves fell to the ground. Then, I took off my short-pants that could be considered as training wear, and lastly, I remove my undergarments.
Now that I notice it, I was not wearing any sandals or boots since the day I was born. Though, I was not bothered by that fact and dive to the motionless water without any hint of hesitation. Thousands of bubbles were created from the impact that I made, and the waters splattered all around. Opening my eyes under the cold water, the silver spring's water is clean despite being unmaintained for years
With creeping vines extended between the gaps of rocks placed at the floor, it almost looks like an underwater forest with them floating underneath the surface. I carefully swam around as to not tangle my legs from the creeping vines. I was swimming stark naked, but I feel no shame, nor will I ever feel even if someone were to see me.
I can use magic to cleanse my body, the smell, and the dirt would instantly be cleaned. But I don't feel like using it for convenience, and I prefer to use my hands when cleaning my body. However, I still use cleanse by the end of my bath time, it was just to assure that no body odor nor dirt would stick to me.
As the light from the sky suddenly vanishes without warning, the spring glooms with darkness. I didn't bother and continued to swim like I was soaring through a forest at midnight. Soon, I stop my movements and let my body carried by the current, or rather, I let my body sink down the spring.
It was so peaceful, the sounds were muffled and the sun is covered by a huge ball of cloud, I could see it clearly through the clear surface.
This spring…
Despite a spring, it has no river that connects to a lake or another river. But instead, it has a natural tunnel that allows water to flow to a lake, unfortunately, that tunnel is filled with stones and rocks. I only discovered it with the natural mana.
I continued to sink without a care, and since it was peaceful, I tackled my plans. I have read all the books inside the library of the reigns, there was no need for me to stay with them, I have gained enough knowledge to live in this world. The common sense, the monsters, the plants, and many other things, I know it so well. Furthermore, I carry an abundance of knowledge and wisdom from my previous life.
There is also my unique power, the world of archives, an infinite library full of wisdom and knowledge. However, it serves no use to me if I were to apply it to this world. All for the reason that it does not give the knowledge in this world, but rather from the other worlds besides Leiterra.
Even if I were to find one that was made from Leiterra. The World of Archives replicates books even on different timelines, hence it is completely impossible to say that the book is a thousand years old, or it came from the future.
So, eliminating the use of the archive, I have to set out to buy books. I have no problems with money since I am able to create them using Alchemy craft, a set of craft specializes in creating items using natural materials and nature.
With that aside, if I were to leave this paradise (My father's mansion). I have to leave a doll, not a clone since with this knowledge of mine may adapt into that clone and will be conscious of its existence. If that were to happen, it is likely to follow its desires, which I do not know of. Hence, to be safe, I restrict myself from using clones. Even though they could only copy the minimum of 20% of the mage's power, and 30% at maximum. Nevertheless, it would still give me problems in the future, just imagine fighting one in the future, it is like fixing the problems you have started.
Clone magic is usually from Magus craft since magus crafting is all about giving life to the things that you have created or build things with said materials. However, I rather use it from Mystic craft, since if you have known, mystic craft defies laws and creates its own. Thus, the clone that came from it is likely similar to a human being.
On the doll part, if it were created from Magus craft, I will have to control the doll-like a modern programmer, always creating it's code commands with mana to make it move continuously, and resulting as a troublesome task. Actually, I will definitely use Mystic craft so that the doll will become automatic like a human. Furthermore, I will not have to input codes every time.
I have chosen dolls since I could accurately control them without worrying when would it grow conscious. Furthermore, they don't need sleep and food, since they only require mana every day to live, hence sustaining them is easy. Though the clones do need mana but not every day, they also need food and sleep
A sudden realization came to me, will there be problems if I were to leave this mansion? Just looking at how they treat me, I assume none. Rather, I am the one who has problems with it. If I were to leave, the lifestyle would still be the same, locking myself on an inn for many days and go out to satisfy my taste. Not only that, the quality of my lifestyle would severely drop and the troublesome daily tasks will arise.
Looking far ahead in time, the inns in town does not have the same taste as what I have been eating. Beds are not smooth and fluffy as mine from my bed, there might even sweat from the formers. Also, with my silver hair, there is no way that they will let me, but rather, call the authorities
I let out a sigh in my mind, if it wasn't for the water that is drowning me in this deep lake, I would have leaked out a large sigh from my mouth. As I have reached the very bottom of the spring, I could see a ray of light piercing through the surface water, and somehow the water was gleaming crystal shapes of particles as it cascades downward.
Then, I shuddered from the stones that were so cold, and since I was naked, I fully receive it. It runs through my skin as it lingers through my flesh, in addition, I was running out of breath. I corrected my posture and jump from the stone underneath to make propulsion, afterward, I swam my way up in a hurry.
When I breached the surface, I quickly catch the missing oxygen for my lungs to breathe, and went ashore on a nearby flat stone, my hurried breathing disrupts the natural whispers of nature provides. I should have cast [Water Breathing] from magic, or from Atlantic craft which is more efficient. Although I thought about that, I didn't regret swimming without it.
For now, my bath time is done, I cast [cleanse] magic for finishing touches and let myself sat down at the cold flat stone. The water that seeps down my skin slowly separates, and it floats a few feet surrounding me, the water droplets were suspended mid-air as if it ignored gravity. Afterward, the water droplets swirl at a haste manner to the point it's hard to see its contours. No, it's connecting droplets by droplets to create a strong current and showered to me. I didn't receive any force, yet looking carefully, it is as forceful as pressured water.
"Woah" a voice of surprise is unlikely to mine neither from nature, a presence that was never present before suddenly appeared at the wharf if I presume.
An unsettling wave of cold sweat runs from my neck down to my spine, it lingers with a slight fear and I shivered without warning. However, it did not appear to my emotionless face, I turned around nonchalantly to the source of the voice, which certainly came from a girl. While doing so, the on-going [Cleanse] magic stops and a strong wind approached and left me dry.
Upon turning back, I unconsciously let out a gasp of surprise. Yet again, it did not escape from my mouth nor my face responded an emotion. To my surprise, the girl standing before my clothes and her head swiveled towards me. In her hands was my dark robe, it cascades down to the wooden floor.
Looking at her, her clothes were simply noticeable since she has it worn the noble's clothing, a high ranking atop of that. Black-long sleeves and had its cuff loose, and top with midi velvet red dress was simply astonishing, and the addition of the ribbons along the rim. It gave off a noble-like atmosphere. Furthermore, there was an emblem attached to her chest area, three-headed dragons and at the center, a shield with stuff and sword at the sides.
Somehow, I feel nostalgic seeing that emblem, or perhaps just an emblem I had read from the books.
At the same time, she has a deep purple hair, but not enough to call it black. It was threaded with a red ribbon as the ponytail was extended to her waist, her eyes dyed the same, but its radiant shine is missing as if her soul had fled.
Her height was not much different from me. Actually, since we are far apart, I could assume she is much taller than me by a few inches.
She panics as if she finally recognizes what she was holding and what scene she set into. With a beet-red face, she turns around to the direction of the cliff, which was in front of the wharf. I didn't think that people would come here, and it seems I was wrong. Since in the past, there is completely or almost zero people would come here.
Past is past, the future is always changing. Hence, I seriously have to be careful and not rely on past experiences. I let my guard down and did not mind the natural mana hitting me. Also, no wonder the spring was so clean. Someone must have cleaned this.
I rose up and ask the girl, however, before I could the girl suddenly turns around and blinks a couple of times, even rubbing her eyes as if she was blinded by reality. The thought of a 'weird child came to me'. Her questionable actions made me stop my plan
At the same time, I realized that I didn't wear a robe to hide my silver hair. The problem only grew, I was seen using magic different from the result, also my silver hair is not much different. My family name will be tainted due to my incompetent actions, and to solve it, I have to throw my name and leave my paradise. How unfortunate the future is, but once committed, I don't think regrets would remain. Still, the fear of leaving a paradise is something not easy to be decided. My body burns, the urge to kill was crawling in my mind. Though, killing her, assuming that she's a noble, political problems will arouse and may disdain or taint my family name.
Actually, why did I care? After all the years they treated me, why did the feeling of care develop? Isn't this as usual as killing a maid? Why am I hesitating? Stuck inside the chambers of my thoughts, the girl asked.
"M-mom? Is that you?" she spoke in a quavering tone, so as her legs acting in the same manner.
Who? Have I given birth to someone I don't know? No, she must have mistaken me for someone whose similar to her mother. Still, does her mother have silver hair? A noble figure with silver hair? Surely unheard of, I am certain that everyone with silver hair had died.
Collecting my thoughts, the girl continued to walk her way to me. For now, I assume that I am safe from being (self)exiled or from execution, or at least that's what I hope. If not, I have no choice but to erase the witness.
"I apologize, but it seems you've mistaken me for someone" my gaze followed her figure that was walking across the wharf until she arrives in front of me.
When the moment she got close to me, she lunches herself to my naked body as her hands were prepared for a tight hug. I wanted to avoid it, however, taking the account that the stone is wet, making the foothold slippery. If I were to move so suddenly, she would certainly fell flat at the stone, causing an injury that may be used in a court or something.
Unfortunately, I didn't dodge and receive the forceful hug from the girl. She hugged my body tightly like there is no tomorrow,
"Mom! It's really you! Mom!" she cried while her hand firmly affix to my skin, she starts to cry as she repeats calling me 'mom'.
Just who is this girl? We are not even relatives or have I known her from the past. How did this happen? If you're feeling confused, I am with you.
"Can you move a bit?" I asked.
"Mommy Artermia!" She sunk her face at my nonexistent breast area, and now that I have noticed about it, she was kneeling down at both knees. Her head was restless and moves side to side, I can feel the wet tears mixed with the fresh spring water, she continues to spout nonsense "Mommy Artermia! After all these years I long for you, I finally got met you!"
Not only that, the name Artermia piqued my interest the most. It is such a nostalgic name to hear, I have an acquaintance with the name of Artermia. Either way, there is no way that I can meet her again.
Then, a sudden realization came to me and my body responded to my thoughts.
I gave her too, a hug and said with my usual nonchalant voice.
"Yes, yes my dear. Can you calm down for a bit? I'd like to wear my clothes" Patting her head with care, my inside is dancing delightfully for the liar I am.
She turns her head up to me, looking at me with those puppy eyes. Did she think I might run away? It was based on my intuition, which I can only conclude my assumptions and theories. Hence, I have to be extra careful about using my words, and the way I act. The original person which they call their mom is named 'Artermia', I don't know what kind of person is she nor even having to meet her.
Well, that is true of course, since I secluded myself inside the mansion. This is the first time in a while I had gone out, and only troublesome came to me. If I didn't come out of the library and stayed out of their sight, this situation could not have happened. Though, the only thing I do right now is to act as her mother. And basing from my assumption again, she might be a daughter of a noble, I want to take this opportunity to learn this noble family and its weakness for future reference.
"You won't run away from me, right mom?" She sobbed, tears remained at the edge of her eyes.
With as usual nonchalant voice, I prompted, "Of course, there's no way I could leave my cute little girl whom I have yet to meet these years"
There are no lies to what I had stated, although, by means of 'these years', it's actually 13 years. Anyways, she stared at me, doubted. She looks down to think and rise to say.
"Promise me okay?"
I nodded and at that point, I thought that 'this girl is starting to get annoying'
Afterward, she lets go of me and continued to stare at me as I put on my clothes one by one, being stared at is embarrassing, or it supposed to be. Does this girl have no etiquette learned from their house? I'm starting to doubt that this girl is a daughter from a high-ranking noble.
But then again, I think she's acting like that because she could finally be spoiled by her mother. Still, I don't think I regret acting like her mother. I might even find her father and manipulate him.
"Did you get smaller, mother?" She questioned while she was crouching "Your voice is also similar to a child."
"Well… Something happened to me and brought me back to my childhood body" I lied this time, was her mother tall? Well, I can't blame her since I have a body of a 13-year-old girl
Saying so, she dropped a surprise expression and walks terrible wobble like a drunkard, or perhaps she was brimming with worry. After taking a few steps forward, she spoke.
"Are you okay?" she stuttered, clearly not being able to speak well.
I nodded in reply, but did not remove my gaze at the robe, the last clothing was my robe and I haven't worn it yet, since I was debating whether to wear it or not. The girl in front of me had seen my cursed appearance and thus, should I be worried about my exposed silver hair and red eyes? I grumble unconsciously.
"Is anything wrong?" Ask the girl, she appeared at the edge of my vision.
Leaning forward as she looks at my eyes, the girl's innocence was written all over her face, or perhaps the word pure suits her more. She straightens her posture, and I could clearly say that she is quite taller than me, is she perhaps a 15-year-old girl?
I shook my head and decided to wear my robe. As it warped around me, a light wave slightly aroused my skin and made goosebumps all over me, there was no doubt another human was coming towards us from the depths of the forest.
As soon as the human appeared between the bushes that almost cover a tree's trunk, the human shouted without warning.
"Princess Jallian!" The human was a boy at his young age, no. Perhaps similar age as to the girl.
Looking at him, he was wearing a thick black jacket, which had a frog fastener style clothes, it had red and blue stripes at the rim, he also has a sword hanging from its waist, and wore slim black pants, with some leather attached.
The girl in front of me made a flinch, she was slightly trembling. So, this girl's name is Jallian? Not only that, she exceeded my expectations! She's not a normal noble but a princess instead! She's one with the royal family! I was quite scared of the fact that if I mess up my plans, the peace I have might be ruined. Should I back it up?
It was just a simple plan. To deceive and become her fake mother, when such a thing is achieved, I may be able to freely get books from her. Simple right? But, hearing that's royalty, it makes me more conscious and careful about the actions I will do. Actually, what details am I skipping here?
The boy continued to walk towards Jallian, while he was doing so, I pulled down my hoodie even further and roll together with the dark ribbon that was peaking through from the hidden collar underneath the hoodie. Jallian had the cat got her tongue, and unable to face the boy for unknown reasons why.
When I finally realized what I skip, it was about the Jallian's mother. Does she have silver hair like mine? Does she have red eyes like mine? All those questions were born as soon as the boy pulled the girl behind me, he glared at me and reach for the helt of the sword that was hanging by his waist.
"Name yourself!" His eyebrows drop, "And show us your face, you fool!"
I stared at him as I ponder about the girl's mother since this is more important than anything.
A queen with a silver hair, just where does she rule? A kingdom where cursed appearance is not persecuted by everyone, that alone gave me the thought of moving there if it was really needed, However, this empire will likely invade that kingdom. Well, this is just my worse speculation that could happen. But I hope it won't.
"You insolent fool! I'm ordering you to state your name!" His voice snapped me back, and he gripped tightly at the hilt, clearly venting his anger through it.
Looking carefully between the two, they both had deep purple hair and eyes, not only that, but there was also an emblem attached to the boy with similar designs as the girl.
He prepared a force over his shoulder to make a full arc swing. However, before he could, Jallian who had been silent until now, yelled. Well, I'm not the one who can talk about it since we were on the same page.
"Stop it! Brother Dantalian! She's our mother!"