Chapter Seven: The Vacation

Rian's POV:

After 3 months...

These last few months have been very hectic for me. I am balancing my work in the morning and have to present my story at least every month.

And since I told you, writing is also my passion, Gavin gave me a challenge. If I can have at least 3 stories that will be a big hit in the market, he will give me a reward. And what will be that reward? 3 days vacation to one of the famous resort and beach in L.A.

So... I accepted the challenge and guess what? I sold 4 stories in more than 10 thousands copies each and it really captured the hearts of a lot of readers. Especially those who were hopeless romantic like me.

The title of my first book was 'Contractually married'. Yes. I decided to write my own story, but of course it has an opposite ending... in which the 2 main characters continued the contract and this time without any expiration.

The second and third we're the story of my parents and my father's grandparents. 'Office Affair'. And the fourth book that is still selling on the market was the story of 2 individuals who were separated by a tragedy and get back together by destiny.

"So... have you already called the resort for our 3 days reservation?" I teased Gavin with my devilish grin. Which he just returned with a make face.

Jenny and I just laughed at his reaction. Yes. Jenny is also our workmate. We're currently in an Italian restaurant near our office for lunch. We sat opposite to each other while Jenny is sitting next to me.

"I can't believe you, woman. jeez! How did you do that?" he's referring to the challenge he gave me.

I laugh at him loudly that makes me the center of attention of some customers for few seconds. We simply ignored them and continued our previous discussion.

'-What? Don't we have the right to laugh? Oh, I'm sorry, but we don't live in this world just for your judgment. Mind your own business.'-

"You challenged me and I accepted it, that's why. You know I love writing. You got the wrong person to challenge, honey."

"Hmmph!" he crossed his arms over his chest.

"So, when are we going to take this vacation?" Jenny asked while munching the last bite of her gingerbread.

"I'll have to check our office schedule first. Hopefully by next week."

"Yes!" our the same reaction.

Did I tell you that Gavin is also one of our boss? He's our head editor and son of the owner of the Publishing company we are working at. He will soon take over his father's position as the president of the company.

Meanwhile, as long as his dad is still able to run their business, he wants to start from a lower position, to make him understand every step he will take in the future.

Jenny's phone ring from her bag.

"Wait, I'll just have to take this." she excused herself and walked out the restaurant. When she's already out of our sight... Gavin and I shared a look.

"Why does she have to go outside?" Gavin asked first, confused.

"No. The question is, why does she can't answer the phone here in front of us?"

"Do you think she's keeping a secret with us?"

"I don't know. But, it's up to her. She will speak about it whenever she's ready, for sure."

"You think so?"

"I'm sure of it. I know Jenny. She can't keep her mouth shut even just for a day. And don't worry, I'll have the bitch in me." I winked and we shared an evil grin.

"Anyway, let's change our topic." he suddenly blurted.

"Okay. What is it?"

"How are you and you're stupid of a husband?"

I rolled my eyes.

Really? This topic?

"Same as before. Nothing's changed. Why?" I raised my eyebrow. "Why do you suddenly have to bring this subject?"

"Because you only have 10 months to be exact to complete your contract."

"And so?" I already know that.

"Aren't you planning to taste the God's recipe before your contract ends?" he wiggled his eyebrows.

But I knitted mine... what is he talking about?

"God's recipe? What was that?"

"Fuck! You don't know what God's recipe is?" I shook my head.

-'Does God cook?-'

"Of course not! Idiot!"

"Huh? Did I say it out loud?"

"Yes. What's on your mind..... does God cook? What's that? You've been an accelerated child for two years and you don't know what's------my God!"

I nearly laugh at his horrified expression.

"To make it clear... aren't you planning to lose your v-card before you lose your contract husband?"

"Oh God, no!" I said, looking horrified.

"But why? He's your husband."

"Oh my God, Gavin! Why are we discussing this matter? Don't you have any things in mind? Jesus!"

"You're so naive."

"So what? At least I'm still clean whenever I found the right one."

"Whatever." he just answered in a duh tone. "Let's ask Cari and Nick if they also want to join us. And... don't bother of asking Sierra. I already know her answer."

"Yeah. I know."

Sierra is a public elementary teacher. That's why sometimes her schedule is really unbreakable.

"Let's just try. Maybe there's no harm in trying."

"Okay. But you're the one who's in charge on that. I don't want to hear her rejection, again."


And then Jenny came in and sat next to me again.

"So, where are we?"

Gavin tells her again what we discussed when she's not there. But of course, except my husband and v-card topic.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Well, guess what? Gavin was right. Sierra couldn't promise to come because it's their examination week and she needs to prepare all the necessary papers in her class. And of course, don't count Paolo in, because his fiancee couldn't join.

But Cari and Nick counted themselves in.

As usual, we arrived again in two cars. Don't get me wrong... I also have my car, it's just that I really love riding around with Gavin. We can talk about everything not just my v-card thing. Haha.

We spent 4 hours of long drive before arriving at this famous resort and hotel.

"Reservation rooms under the name of Gavin Montero, please." Gavin leads the way to the reception desk of the hotel.

"Do you have an I.D Sir?"

"Of course." he gave his company i.d to the receptionist who's obviously flirting with him by wiggling her boobs to show him a nice view of her cleavage.

Gavin swallowed hard when he noticed her actions, not for anything else but with pure disgust.

"Yuck!" he muttered under his breath before he turned to me and rolled his eyes.

I nudged his elbow... sending him the message to just act with her because we're won't be not in our world for the next 3 days.

He sighed before he smiling and faced the flirting receptionist again.

"You just have to sign here, Sir." she pointed to where Gavin have to sign.


"Here are your keys, Sir. Anyway, my name is Ashley. If you need help in any matter... you just have to call me... and I'll do anything to help you... with your needs." she emphasized the word 'needs' while chewing her bottom lip. "Enjoy your stay, Sir Gavin."

"Oh shit!." Cari and I muttered under our breaths... and we looked to each other... suppressing our laughs.

"Thank you, Ashley. Don't worry we will enjoy our stay." he smiled sweetly at her while taking my hand and kisses my forehead. "Right, honey?" I just nod my head. I didn't missed Ashley's deadly glare before we walked to the elevator.

And when we were inside, me and the rest of the group started to laugh.

"Jeez! Gavin." Nick is holding his stomach while laughing. Luckily for us because we're the only group inside.

"What was that, Gavin? You really want me to die, do you?" I asked him while wiping my tears because of too much laughing.

"For sure, if looks could kill... Rian you're already buried six feet under the ground." Cari added which causes us to laugh again so hard.

"Come on, Rian. I won't let you die just for that bitch. You know I love you, right?" he pulled and hugged me that earned cheers and teased from Nick and Jenny.

Cari just laughed and didn't say anything. She's aware of our sweet nothing act ever since.

"You know what, you really look good at each other." Jenny said caused us to turned our heads to her.


"Yeah. She's right, Gavin. Why don't you just court Rian? I mean, it's really obvious, dude... you like each other and ... it seems that you can't get your hands off on her." Nick stated while we're heading out from the elevator.

Gavin just hold my hand and kissed my knuckles. We both shrugged our shoulders and also didn't comment on that.

Well... maybe. Maybe if our situation is not that complicated.. and maybe if only Gavin is not gay.. why not? He's handsome, attractive, rich, have the kindest heart I've ever known, and capable of loving someone more than he can love himself. But no... I'm married... and he's not into woman.. Jeez!

We entered in a modern suite with a black, white and dark brown motifs.. which has a complete set of furniture and appliances.

There's also a terrace with a great view of the beach.

Cari, Jenny and I will occupy the first room which has a king-sized bed. The second and the third would be for Nick and Gavin. Nick insisted that he can share his bedroom with Gavin so us girls, can also take the third room.

But of course, Cari and I argued with him about it. We're not going to give them a reason to break their friendship. Because we don't know what Gavin might do when he get drunk one of these days that we're here. We literally showed him that we don't trust him for his actions..haha.

Since its nearly 10 in the morning, we decided to walk and have a great sightseeing on the beach. We stopped by the coffee shop which has outdoor tables with umbrella and a walking distance sight of the beach.

It's just the beginning of the summer season so the area is not yet fully occupied by a lot of vacationers. We can enjoy our time and can have a fully desired peace for our soul.

Well, that's what I am hoping for...

We don't know why Jenny and Nick decided to separates themselves with us. But we didn't question them. We already have an idea but we kept it for ourselves. There's always a right time for that.

We continued walking. Cari is on my left side, while Gavin is on my right with his one arm on my shoulder. We passed a group of men and a few women playing volleyball. And because Cari and I were busy in our own chatting world, we didn't notice a ball flying in our direction. We both gasped when Gavin pulled us behind him and cursed.


Then he caught the ball and tossed it to the sand. A man in his early twenties came in our sight and apologized for what happened before he picked up the ball.

"It's okay. Just be careful next time." Gavin just smiled as if nothing happened.. as if he just didn't cursed earlier. When the man is finally out of our sight...

"Seriously, Gavin Montero?" Cari narrowed her eyes and placed her hands on her hips.

"What? He's hot." he's still in his dream world.

"Oh, you bastard!" I punched him on his arm.

Here we are... somehow expecting him to lash out whoever threw the ball in our direction, but it's the opposite of what happened. Well... can we blame Gavin for being a gay? Arhgg!

"Rian? Cari?"

We turned our heads from where the voice came from to be surprised when we see Ryan walking towards us wearing only his swimming shorts.

"Fuck!" I heard Gavin whispered under his breath. I nudged his side because I know what has Ryan effect on him too... like Cari. He's only wearing shorts with a fully displayed of his muscular stomach.

"Ryan, what are you doing here?" Cari asked him after a second. Her voice obviously held with surprise.

"Well, that's the same question I am about to ask you, guys. What are you doing here?" he also had a surprised tone.

"We're having a 3 days vacation leave." I was the one who answered because my 2 bestfriends can't help themselves drool with the sight of a womanizer who's standing in front of us... literally in front of Cari.

"Wow! what a coincidence." he smiled... still looking at Cari.

"Are you stalking us?" Cari blurted out.


"What? No! It's just a purely coincident. We're also having a vacation here because we finally closed our recent biggest deal this year that will bring millions of dollar in our company."

"Oh.. great! So, who's with you? A girlfriend this time?"

Ryan chuckled and shook his head. He's clearly amused by Cari's question.

Well, I also noticed that.. every time they've seen each other, it's the same question she's asking him about.

"I told you, sweetheart... I don't have a girlfriend. Well, if you want.. you can be my girlfriend." and after that, he winked that causes her to blush.

Cari Sandoval is blushing.

"You can wish. It's free."

Gavin and I just watched them awkwardly while they were exchanging their flirts with each other.

"Ahem!" Gavin let himself recognized. Then Ryan looked at him. "I'm Gavin, Cari and Rian's bestfriend. Sorry if I introduced myself.. it seems that one of my best friends here... forgot that she has friends behind her." he offered his hand for a handshake.

I suppressed my laugh when Cari blushed again.

"Oh, I'm Ryan." he accepted Gavin's hand and I didn't miss how Gavin's eyes lighted up because of a sudden contact.

"So, it's the company's treat?" I asked breaking Gavin's silent daydreaming.

"Nope. It's our boss's treats." he answered emphasizing the word 'boss' while looking directly at me.

"Oh.. nice boss." wait---- did I say 'nice'?

"Yeah, he's nice. Actually, he's here with us." smirk is now playing on his lips.

"Ohh..." that's all I can say. What do I expect? Ryan is here, so his bestfriend might 100% be here. I just can't believe how this fate is playing my card. Really? Of all the beaches and resorts in California... they also decided to choose this one?

"Don't worry, Rian. I won't tell him if that's what you are thinking."

"U-Uhm.. thank you? I-I hope." I don't know what to say. I mean, it's in no one's hand. I was not scared of him like he's a mafia leader or what. It's just that, you know... we can't consider ourselves as friends. We don't talk much whenever we see each other.

"Wait---- what? Your husband is here? I mean, he's also here?" Cari suddenly interrupts with her fake tone of surprise. I know what she's playing. She already told me what Ryan and her talked about in the bar 3 months ago.

"Maybe." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Yes, he's here. But don't worry, I won't tell him myself that you're here."

"No, it's okay. We're not that total strangers at all."

-'Really? Rian?'-

"If that's what you want. But I still won't tell him. Let him see you in surprise." he gave us his cocky smile. "Uhmm.. Cari, can I invite you for lunch?"

I arched an eyebrow.

"For what?" as in for what reason.

I told you... I really love Cari..

"Uhmm..n-nothing. Just for lunch.

She can literally make Ryan Saunders to stutter.

"Okay. Lunch it is."

"Oh.. thank you. I'll text you the restaurant.. if you'll just give me your number?"

-'another nice move, Ryan.'-

"What if I won't?"

"Or I can pick you up where your hotel is."

Gavin and I smirked with Ryan's reaction. Jaws and shoulders dropped. She really knows how to put him on his way.

"Okay. I'll choose your second option." then she smiled which really surprised Ryan.

"Oh...okay. Deal."

Cari gave him the name of our hotel and the room number before they said goodbye to each other.

"Cari, sweetheart... why don't you go and back to the hotel to take a nice shower and make yourself beautiful for your lunch date?" Gavin mimicked the word 'sweetheart' that Ryan mentioned to Cari.

I can't help myself giggled when Cari blushed again.

"Shut up! It's not a date. It's just lunch, okay?"

"Exactly! It's a lunch date, sweetheart."

"Gavin Montero! I swear to God, if you don't stop that... everybody in this area would know that you're a ga-------"

She didn't finish her sentence when Gavin covered her mouth.

"Shut up! You bitch!" he said in a horrified expression. I just laughed at them.. not caring that some people were watching us especially this two.

"I told you!"

"You're such a bitch!"

"And you' re--------good!" and we laughed again, this time with Gavin also laughing with us.

After our sightseeing, we headed back for a while to our suit to help Cari get ready for lunch ---- not a date ---- with Ryan. I don't know what we can call it--' if it's not a date. A friendly date? Two people just hanging out date? Still..... it's a date whatever she may call it. God damned it!

Ryan picked her up at exactly 12:30 pm, while me and Gavin decided to just ordered our food for lunch and watch some movies. We also decided that maybe by 2:30 or 3:00 o'clock, we will go back to the beach and this time for swimming. We just hope that the 3 of our friends can still remember us and joined us later. How unfair they are in their own world!