Chapter Eleven: Her Bandmates

Rian's POV:

When the evening came, we girls decided to shop on the night market not far from our hotel to buy some souvenirs and some stuffs. Nick and Gavin just stay in the living room to watch the new movie of Marvels, Avengers' End Game.

We're heading back to the hotel, when I recognized one of the customer of the shop that we had stopped by earlier. Jordan.

"Jordan?" I am standing a few steps away from him. His back is facing me. He turned around when he heard his voice being called.

"Rian?" he looked at me surprised.

"Oh my God, Jordan! It's really you!"

"Rian Kelley!" I gulped as he mentioned my name. They didn't know that I was married. He takes a few steps and we hugged each other. "How are you? It's been a long time!" he asked first after we pulled apart. Then he looked at me from head to toe.

"Yeah, it's been so long. I'm a writer now." I informed him with a proud smile.

"Wow, really? Well, congratulations... who would have thought."

"Yeah. How about you? How have you been? The band.. is it still performing or it's already been forgotten?"

He laughed before he answered.

-'same Jordan that I know.'-

"Oh my God, Rian. Forgotten? What are you saying?"

"What? Does it mean you still in a group?" I asked with a wide smile.

"Of course! By the way, what are you doing here?"

"We're on a vacation you know, from work." I shrugged. "Ahm, by the way, these are my friends, Cari and Jenny. Girls, this is Jordan, my former journalist classmate and member of the band."

They shook their hands and exchanging names to each other.

"What a surprise to see you here, Rian. Are you busy right at this moment?"

"Huh?" I looked at the two girls and they shook their heads. "Nope, why?" I asked confused.

"Well, since you said you're not, come with me. I have a surprise for you."

"Wow! where?"

"It's a surprise. Come on. Girls, you can join us."

We walked passed some streets not far from the shops of the night market until we stopped in front of the hotel. We rode in the elevator on the 27th floor, and after that, we stopped again in front of the door which Jordan opened with his key card. And then I noticed it's a studio. There are different kinds of instruments.

"Wow!" Cari and Jenny gasped from behind as I smiled at the sight in front of us.

"This is our mini-studio." I turned to Jordan, smiling.

"Where are-----"


I didn't finish my question when someone called my name. And I turned to face to face the surprised Gelo.

"Gelo!" he pulled me into a tight hug and twirled me around. "I've missed you, sis." he said after kissing my cheek.

"I missed you, too." I pulled his both cheeks. I am about to speak but...

"Guys, who's there?" Do we have-----Rian?" Franco and Eric came out from the door where Gelo also came from.

"Kelley?" Eric walked to me first and hugged the life out of me. Also with Franco. Kelley was the pet name that Eric always called me. It was my last name before I got married. And since no one of them knows about it, that's why it hasn't changed.

I introduced them to Cari and Jenny and we seated on the couch near the small stage.

"How about drinks, girls? What do you want?" Franco offered.

"No, thanks.. we're fine. Thank you." Jenny answered.

"I can't believe this... so, they are your former group members?" Cari looked at every one of us.

"Yup." I answered quickly.

"And she's our group vocalist at that time." It's Eric who is seated beside Franco.

"Until now, if she wants to join again the band." Gelo stated smiling.

"Wait! You didn't have any members added?" I looked exactly at Gelo.

"No." he said and smiled.

"So, who's your lead vocalist now?"

"For now, it's Jordan. You know, he can also sing but it's really different when it's you." I felt flattered from what Gelo said.

"I have to agree on that, he's right." Jordan smiled at me.

"And by the way, since you're here and we've found you again, we will never let you left us again without giving us your timeless performance." Eric winked at me.

"W-Wait! What do you mean... here?" my eyes widened.

"Of course not. At the bar, near the beach."

"Wow!" Cari and Jenny squealed.

Yeah, Gelo owned it.. by the way." I turned to Gelo.

"You owned a bar?" I can't believe it.

"Corrections, bars!" Franco corrected me.

"Big-time!" I exclaimed .. feeling proud to his achievements.

"Girls, have you seen Rian performed?" Jordan suddenly asked my friends.

"Well, kinda. We saw her singing in the bar 3 months ago and we always heard her humming a song at home, especially when she cooks." it's Cari looking at me.

"What about in a live show with a band? Or let say a mini-concert?"

"Wow! Never! But we would love to watch her perform if ever!" Cari and Jenny clapped their hands.

"Okay, then meet us at the bar, at exactly 8:30 tonight." Gelo said with finality.

"Wait! I barely have any practice for a-----"

"Oh, Kelley... we've known you for years. I'm telling you, you don't need to." Eric threw me a pillow. "Trust me."

"I agree." Gelo and Jordan said in unison.

We chatted for a few moments and exchanged our numbers. I've learned that Gelo got married one year ago, while Franco has a 3 years girlfriend and they also planning to settle down this year. Eric and Jordan remained single until now.. because I am telling you, they were also a great womanizer in town.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

At exactly 8:00 pm, Cari and Jenny seemed very excited... at least more than me, as they were pacing left and right while waiting for me to finish my simple wonders to my face.

"Girls, can you sit down please for a moment? You're making me dizzy, forgodsake!" I stopped on putting my mascara and faced the two with an annoyed expression.

"Oh come on, Rian! What took you so long? It's not as if you're really putting makeup, because you're not!" Cari stopped pacing and looked at me in the mirror.

"But I am. What do you think of this mascara and lipstick?" I continue what I am doing.

"God, Rian! I am so excited and I think I am going to die any seconds!" Jenny exclaimed as she seated at the end of the bed.

"Jeez! Relax girls, okay? I'm almost done. And hello... it's only 8 pm. it's still early. And we're not going to Africa, it's just in the bar... with 5 to 10 minutes walk from the lobby!" I stand up and walked to the closet where my dress was hanged on the door.

I put my black meshed short dress that ended almost on my mid-thigh. It's also sleeveless and see-through starting from my neck down to the top my breast where my cleavage is almost peeking. It fits perfectly on my curves. I let my curly brown hair down on my shoulders.

And for my feet, I choose to wear my 4 inches black rhinestone stiletto.

It's my latest collection for my shoes and sandals at our apartment. Yeah, like almost every girl in town, I also love to collect shoes. But I don't wear them all, I'm just collecting it as it makes me happy and fulfil whenever I looked at them.

One last check and I'm done. Walking out from the walk-in closet, I heard the bedroom door opened and the voices of Nick and Gavin echoed in the room.

"Girls, are you ready?" it's Nick's voice. I stepped out and smile at them.

"Wow, honey! You're ready to bang the club tonight!" Gavin said as he walked towards me to give me my phone.

"Wow, Rian! I'm sure all the boys' eyes were on you tonight!" Cari winked at me then turned to Jenny and they made a high five.

"Yeah, that's for sure!" Jenny also said with a smirk.

"Oh come on, who's eyes are you talking about? Is it Alex's eyes?" I looked at Nick who have to face to face by a throw pillow which Jenny threw on him.

"I swear Jenny, I'm gonna put a duct tape on your boyfriend's mouth tonight!" Cari eyed Nick... and I just laughed at them...

-'i don't think so'-

"So, let's go." Gavin said also chuckling.

"Hey, piggyback?" Jenny batted her eyelashes while walking to Nick.

"Hell, no! You're wearing a skirt!" He said widening his eyes with disapproval.

"Just kidding!" Jenny smiled and we laughed at the two.

We took only 10 minutes walking to the entrance of the bar where you can hear the music from the inside and piercing through your ears. Cari is on her phone talking to someone. Well.. don't ask me who's on the other line because you already knew it.

She lead us our way to the VIP lounge... and my heartbeat quickened when my eyes landed on the same pair of gray eyes that is looking back at me intently. Alex.