Chapter thirteen: Panicked

Rian's POV:

This is the last day of our vacation. I woke up again early in this morning despite that we slept late last night. I can't find any sleep again as I remember what happened last night.

And to shake all the bad memories, I decided to go out of the hotel and feel the sunrise. After taking a bath, I wear my navy blue floral sundress which is in backless cut and a comfy flip flops.

It's still early and it's only 6:00 in the morning. All my friends were still sleeping. After checking myself in the mirror, I made my way to the small kitchen and made a classic coffee. Cream, coffee and sugar. I put it in my favorite travel mug. Once I'm done, I take my phone and headed out of the suite.

I can feel the morning breeze, the smell of the beach and the beautiful setting of the sun rising. I am only on my rubber slippers so I can feel free to the small waves. I smiled and take a sip of my coffee and started to walk along the seashore.

I don't know if I would to be thankful for what happened after we headed out from the club last night. Some part of me.. yes. It's screaming for joy.. but I can't help myself worrying about what will happens next when we go back again to our own world.

I sighed as I remember the happenings last night.

(Last night flashback)

As I stepped down from the stage, Cari and Gavin were the first two persons to hugged and congratulates me.

"God, Rian! You had a damned talent in you!" Jack also exclaimed as he approached me.

"Thank you." was all I said to their congratulations.

I couldn't focus enough because my mind drifted to the one person whom I am waiting to say at least something to me. But as to my disappointment, the night goes by and I didn't hear any word from him. Until I said goodbye to my bandmates and promised to keep in touch with each other.

We walked out of the club. Jenny is with Nick, Cari is with Ryan, Gavin was long gone because of some important matters at the office to be discussed in the phone.. Jack and Alex are nowhere to be found.

I am walking beside Cari when my phone rings. I have to answer it so I told Cari to go on walking. I slowed down my steps to hear the voice from the other line, because of the sounds of the waves and the wind crashing together.

"Hi, Dani?" I answered excitedly. I missed my big brother. Although I'm a bit confused as to why at one o'clock in the morning, my brother would call.

"Hello, little sis." he sounded drunk.

"Are you drunk?" I tried to hear him clearly.

"I drank, but I'm not drunk." he giggled.

"Oh God! Yeah, you're not drunk. I can see that." I paused for a few seconds. "Is there any problem? Are you okay?" my voice laced with concern.

"Of course I'm okay! What made you think of that?"

"Because Dani, I know you! You'd never call me in this God damned midnight if everything's okay! Is there something happened to you.. to mom and dad?"

"No! Stop thinking that horrible idea!"

"So why are you calling me?"

"Wow! Can't I call my favorite sister anytime I want? I missed you, you know."

"Oh God, Dani! At this God damned hour? And excuse me... I am your only sister and sibling, so don't be so assuming! Spill it right now!"

He became silent for a while.

"I'm getting married."

"And so, what if you're--------what?" my eyes widened as I realized what he had to say. He hadn't even had a girlfriend.

"Long story." he huffed.

"Then make it short!" I don't know why he sounded unhappy. Is there something I wasn't informed?

I noticed my surroundings, fell silent. There were few people walking but they were in their own world, and I am alone in this not-so-dark area. I felt goosebumps as I saw a shadow hidden from a palm tree not so far from where I am standing. I started to walk again.

"I'll tell you everything, but not right now. It's late." I heard Dani spoke from the other line. I am going to shout at him on why did he called and just give a thought for the night if he would just keep it a secret...but I am concentrating on walking fast. Because the man I saw from the palm tree is now following me.

-'Oh my God! Why do I have to stop in that area? Why did I let Cari go and didn't asked her to wait for me?"

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" Dani spoke again.. as I walk faster. The more I am getting faster, the man also getting near behind me.

"Ahmm.. Dani, I'm just going to call you---------ahhhyy!" I didn't finish my sentence as I felt a hand grabbed my arm and spin me around.

"Rian, what happened? What's happening there?" I can hear Dani rambling words from the other line before the man took my phone and tossed in the sand.

"Who are you and what do you want? You want money?" I tried to ask as panic starting to rise in my stomach. The wind blew from him to my direction and I smelt the stinking smell of his breath and alcohol.

He just laughed on me and tightened his hold on my two arms.

I wanted to push him and run... but I am wearing a stupid heels that even if I run my life away from him, he would only catch me.

"You think I want your money, you slut?"

-'slut? how dare this fucking maniac to call me a slut? I'm not a slut, you bastard!-'

I wanted to shout ay his face but I remained silent.

"I don't need your money, baby. I have all the money in the world. But you know what, I'm alone and lonely."

-'As if I care if you're alone and lonely, idiot!'-

He started to brush my arms with his filthy hands.

"No! please!" I almost whispered as my voice starting to laced with panic.

"Please what? I want you! I fucking want you since I laid my eyes on you in the club." he licked his lips with his tongue and I almost puke with disgust. "When you climb the stage with this sexy and tight dress of yours, and then you performed, fuck! That was heaven, sugar." and he laughed again with full of malice.

"No! Please, no! Don't do this!" I am now shaking and the cold sweats are forming on my forehead.

"Why sugar? I am not yet married. I can give you money if you want and of course I can give you pleasure that no one can ever give you. I want to taste you, your body and your pussy." he said again and then he laughed.

"I'm married, you bastard! Fuck you and your filthy hands! Let me go!" I shouted and straddled with his hold but to my surprise, he slapped me hard to my right cheek. I stumbled and fall to the ground and then he kneeled in front of me.

"Oh sugar, you liar! Of all those people that I don't like were liars!" he also shouted at me, his jaws' clenched.

"But I'm not! I'm married, I'm telling you!" I pushed my body away from him but he just pulled my feet.

"Liar! You're not!" And he slapped me again.

-'Fuck this bastard! Why is he always slapping me?" I hinched as I touched my cheek where he slapped me again.

"If you're married, show me your ring! And where is your bastard of a husband? Come on.. show me sugar!"

I left open-mouthed. Yeah.. where is my ring?

"He is supposed to be here! He supposed to be with you.. to hold you and protect you! Like now... I want to be inside you... I want to savour all your body and to taste the sweet juice of your pussy! No one is going to help you!" and he laughed after that.

I felt so disgusted by his words. My stomach is churning and I really want to puke. Where are those people walking around in this area earlier?

And yeah.. somehow I find him right. I don't have a ring and I don't have a husband to hold me and to protect me with this maniac and a demon creature. Maybe he is in the arms of that bitch who could give him the pleasure and satisfaction he needed. The things I couldn't give.

"Don't think too much, sugar. I'll be gentle." He said and he pulled my feet closed to him and spread open my legs before he lunged himself to my neck.

I tried to push him but he's so strong. And when his hand trying to lift up my dress, I found my voice again and I screamed. I screamed so loud that I don't care if my throat give up after this. I keep on punching him, but when he caught my hands.. he slapped me again for the third times on the same side where he tortured earlier.

"Let me go! Help! Help! You bastard!" I don't know why I can't find my tears. Maybe because of the adrenalin.

As I was about to shout again, he was taken off away from my body. I am still lying on the ground and catching my breath. I can hear curses and hard punches. And I tried to sit up... then I saw the man who I am thinking would be the last man to rescue and help me. Alex. Still punching hard the man's face.

"You motherfucker! Bastard! How dare you touch my wife! I'm going to kill you for laying your hands on her!" he keep on punching and the man coughed with blood, but the people gathered around us didn't stop Alex from torturing the drunk man.

I can't move. I felt numb. And then Cari came into my sight. She's hugging me and muttering something I don't understand. Ryan also came from I don't know where and he grabbed Alex's hand, but he didn't even budge. Then there is Jack who also trying to help Ryan to keep Alex away from now unconscious man on the floor.

Alex keeps on cursing.

"Let me go, you two! I am going to kill that fucking bastard for touching my wife!" he keeps on struggling. despite the four arms holding him and keeping him still.

Then suddenly I saw blood. Dripping from the man's face and from Alex's knuckles. My whole body starting to shake and my breathing also starts to slow. Dots are forming in my eyes and I heard Cari's shout.

"Oh my God! Rian, breathe!" she's tapping my face.

"Fuck!" Then I heard Alex's voice before I felt him beside me. I know it's him because of the electricity shoots in my body as he touched my face. So different from the man's touch earlier. He also held my other hand and the rest is on my face.

" Rian! Baby, breathe! Look at me!" he held my face and level my eyes on his. "Baby girl, breathe for me, come on! You can do it!" his voice laced with both panic and concern. He brings one of my hand on his chest.

"You feel that?" he asked me referring to his heart and his own breathing. It's so fast. I am just looking at him. " Okay, breathe with me. Baby breathe for me." he started to guide me. I followed him. I breathe in and out until my lungs filled again with oxygen and my breathing becomes stable.

And it's time that I found my own tears. It comes and it flows freely down on my face. I am sure, this is not for what happened, not for the panicked attack that I've survived, but with the truth that he is now kneeling in front of me, breathing with me and the man who protected me. The opposite of what I am always expecting to happen.

"Oh God! Thank you!" he pulled me into a tight hug as he stroked my hair and kissing my head repeatedly. I looked up at him as the tears keep on streaming down my face. He wiped it with his thumb. Relief flashes on his eyes and I can also feel his breathing relaxes.

But not a split of seconds, his face turned again to dark as he touched my right cheek and I flinched.

"Fuck! How dare he slapped you?" he said with greeted teeth and his jaws' clenched again.

But that is not what occupying now in my head.

"You came?" I whispered looking at him with tears again in my eyes. His features instantly softened.

"Of course." he wiped those again."Baby, stop crying. Nothing happened. I'm here now, okay?" he hugged me for a second before he guided me to stand. "Are you okay?"

I nodded. I closed my eyes and tried to think if this is really happening. And then suddenly I remember my phone.

"My phone!" I suddenly said stepping out from his embrace while wiping my remained tears. "He threw my phone!" I tried to walk away from him but he grabbed my hand.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to look for my phone. He threw it earlier!"

"Hey, it's okay. I'm just going to buy you a new one." I instantly stop and look at him.

"No! You don't understand. Dani is calling me before that bastard showed up. And we're talking before he attacked me! Oh my God!" my eyes widened. "He probably heard everything! Oh my God, Alex! He would surely going to panicked and he would tell our parents what happened. Oh no.. no.. this can't happen. They will barge to my apart------"

"Hey.. hey! Relax. Baby relax. We will call him now, okay?" He held me by my arms to steady me from rambling. I didn't even notice how many times he called me by that endearment.

"But how? I can't find my phone!" I almost shout frustratedly. I don't want these things came to my parents know. They would just nagged me to give me my own bodyguards. And I don't like it. I hate that idea.

"It's okay. Here's my phone. Call him." he gave me his phone. But I just looked at him puzzled.


"Thank you." I muttered before I dialled Dani's number. I heard the sound of a police mobile and then they came to our view. They want to know what the whole story and they want to talk to me but Alex held me and put me behind him. He and Ryan talked to them and answered all their questions.

I focused first on dialling my brother's cell. I walked a few stepped away from them. He picked it right from the first ring

"Fucking sake, Alex! I don't know what happened to Rian! Damned it! I was just--------"

"Hey.. hey, Dani! It's me!" I cut him off. I was right he's now starting to panic.

"Rian? Is that you?"

"Yes. It's me, Dani. I'm okay." I felt a presence behind me and when I turned around, it's Alex.

"What happened to you? I heard you screamed, forgodsake! What fucking happened Rian? Tell me, are you okay?" my God.. he's almost shouting from the other line.

"Come down, Dani. I'm okay and don't worry. Nothing happened."

What do you mean nothing happened? Tell me what happened Arriana Angela!"

"Ouch! My whole name!" I hate him when he always mentioned my whole first name. He's now pissed again. "I told you, I'm fine. I just called for you to know that I'm okay.. so, don't worry about me, okay? I'm going to tell you what happened, but not now."

"Make it sure of that, Rian!"


"Wait a minute! Why are you using Alex's phone? Where is your phone? Where are you right now? Are you with him?"

-'Oh shit!-'

I bite my lip and looked at Alex. I didn't think these possible questions before I accepted his phone.

"Rian! I'm waiting. Where are you and where is Alex?"

Alex is just looking at me with furrowed eyebrows. I don't know what happened to me but I grabbed his hand and hold it tight. Silently asking for his help.

"What?" he whispered confused, now massaging my palm.

And to my unknown reason, I passed him the phone.

"Talk to him." I whispered. "I don't know how to answer his questions." he looked at me surprised but he smiled after he gets what I'm saying. He nodded and get his phone from my hand.