Chapter nineteen: Friendship moment

Rian's POV:

I woke up the next morning feeling the sunlight on my face. It's 8:30 in the morning according to my bedside table. Alex is no longer in my bed. He's probably left for work when I'm still asleep. But it's Sunday today and it's supposed to be his day off from work.

I sighed as I remember what happened last night. It's not the first time that we slept together since we talked about our marriage situation in the resort, but I always felt sad every time I woke up in the morning and I found him no longer at my side.

I missed him already. I am wondering if he feels the same way as I miss him. We still not consummated our marriage. Well, he's not really forcing me on that, he said he can wait for me whenever I am ready.

I sighed again as I sit up and planning to go to the bathroom for my morning routine, when my cellphone ring in the bedside table. My eyes widened in surprise when I see a single white rose beside my cellphone. I picked up my phone and the single rose and brought it to my nose. The name 'my handsome husband' appears on the screen. My heart filled with excitement with his simple gesture. He was the one who saved this when he found out that only 'Alex' was his only contact name saved in my phonebook. I smiled as I swiped the answer button.

"Hello." I cheerfully greet, smelling the single rose.

"Good morning, Mrs. Smith." I can also notice the cheerfulness of his voice even in the other line. "Have you seen my morning present and the note?"

"Good morning too, Mr. handsome-Smith." I heard him chuckled. "Yup, I saw it and thank you. But I haven't read the note yet."

"Oh, okay. By the way, my PA called me this morning, something important came up, that we need to discuss here in the office. I didn't have the heart to wake you up because you were in the middle of your snoring." he said with a slight amusement.

"Hey! I don't snore... So, you're in the office?" I asked a bit sad but I tried not to show it in my voice.

"How would you know that, your asleep? And yes, I'm at the office."

"I know it. I don't snore!" I said pouting and I know he knew it because he chuckled again.

"Okay, if you say so. Anyway, I have to go. They were just waiting for me to start the meeting."

"Start the meeting? So, where exactly are you?" I asked confused.

"Conference room." he answered quickly.

"Conference room--- with the people you're going to have a meeting with?"

"Yup, you're smart my dear wife." he sounds happy.

"So, you're talking to me while you're in a meeting." it didn't sound a question but a statement.

"Yes, and they're actually looking at me right now and listening to what I'm saying."

I gasped and my eyes widened.

"You're such a jerk, Alexander Jonathan!" I gritted my teeth and I heard his throaty laugh.

"I'll hang up now. Bye."

"Okay. I'll call you again later." he said still laughing.

"Fine. Bye."

"Bye, baby."

Somehow, my smile couldn't leave my lips. I reached for the note and read it.

Good morning, baby

Enjoy your friends-date today

I'm looking for our movie-date tonight.

Take care

Your husband,


My smile grew bigger at the word 'movie-date' and 'your husband'. I feel like a teenager who had first received a love letter from her crush. I kissed the note and brought it to my chest together with the flower. It's my favorite flower. He didn't ask what my favorite flower is, and I'm wondering if it's just a coincident or he really knew about it.

I started my morning routine, take a shower and brushed my teeth. I picked my blue denim shorts, as I am a fan of shorts... and white spaghetti strapped-top, as it is my favorite color. I let my hair down on my shoulder.

After taking a look at myself in the mirror, I decided to head down.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Cari is in the kitchen, eating her breakfast.

"Good morning." I greeted her with my wide-happy smile which earned a grin from her.

"Happy? Someone's waking up today at the right side of the bed." she looked at me grinning. I just rolled my eyes.

"Tell me, how many rounds have you survived last night?"

My eyes widened with her not-so-straightforward question.

"We didn't. I mean" we haven't done anything than kissing and making out." I answered honestly with a blushed creeping on my face. I take my seat and pulled the plate of pancakes.

"You mean, you never do the deed?" her face showing amusement and shock.

"Nope. I - I'm scared."

"Scared? But why?" she asked me as if I did the most stupid thing in front of her.

I sighed. "I - I don't know. I just feel like... I - I..."

"Hey! Relax. Come on, spill it out. You're scared because?"

I looked down at my hands. "What if... what if I couldn't satisfied his needs?" I asked looking at her. Her face turned in confusion.

"Satisfied his needs? What do you mean?"

I sighed loudly before I continued. "What if I can't make him happy? What if I can't do those things that his past woman doing with him? What if because I'm still a virgin-------- ouch!"

She smacked me on my forehead. Here I am rambling something with my fears and insecurities, and then she just smacked me?

"Why did you smacked me?" I asked her touching my forehead.

"Yeah, I did! Because you're blabbering something stupid! And I'm going to do it again if you won't stop rambling your millions of 'what ifs! Rian, why don't you tell him your 'what ifs'? You wouldn't know the answer if you just keeping it to yourself! Besides, who would be a damned man who doesn't want a virgin wife in this cruel time?" she's now glaring at me as if I am the most stupid person she'd ever met.

"I don't know Cari. I - I'm not ready, besides I'm not sure of his feelings for me. Everything seems so overwhelming. And I don't know when will it last. What if tomorrow when I wake up, he's no longer-----"

"Hey! You're starting again with your 'what ifs'. Rian... do you love him?"

"Yes." I said looking directly to her. I'd loved him since the day I married him. I continued to love him even in those times that he didn't appreciate me, those times that me being his wife seemed doesn't exist. So, this question is no longer taking my time to answer. Because the right question is... Why do I'd loved him? Why do I still love him?

"Then why are you scared?"

"I love him, but I'm scared of the truth that what if he couldn't love me back? If his feelings is nothing the same with the way I feel for him. It will cause my heart to break into pieces, Cari."

"Rian, loving someone is full of trials and sacrifices. You don't have to be scared of trying. You've been in this situation for more than four years.. trying and waiting. Remember, you already spent the four years of your life loving him. And now that the table was turned to your way and he's now willing to try and give himself to this marriage, why don't you try once again? As I told you, you wouldn't know the answer if you wouldn't also try."

She held my hands that are resting on my lap and I looked at her as we both sighed.

"Okay, rhetorically speaking... if one day you find out that this love is not meant to be yours, then take it. Why? At least you know that once in your life, you learned to love and the essence of love. There was once in your life you became happy. And since you are in that situation right now, go with the flow. Take it... experience it yourself. Where is the word you always told yourself in college? You said.. YOLO? You only lived once. Besides, he's no longer a stranger to you. He's now Your husband. Give him a chance. Give again yourself a chance."

I smiled as she finished speaking. I hugged her.

"So, you really on his side now? You really taking his side and not mine? Wow.. the next time I would know, he's your new bestfriend and I'm no longer your friend." I said pouting. She punched me on my forearm. "Ouch! You're becoming brutal! You're not taking a joke now."

"Because we're talking about something serious and you really insert that funny joke of yours?" she said trying not to laugh but she failed.

"Cari, are you pregnant?" I blurted out which caused her to choke on her own saliva.

"Jeez, Rian! where did you get that question?" her eyes are widened like a saucer and I can't help myself not to laugh.

"You really cannot determine what's joke and what not!" I said in the middle of laughing.

"Because it's not funny, you silly!"

"Why? You're both adults."

She smirked. Not the kind of smirked that I would want. "Wow.. really Rian? That statement really coming from yours? Huh! you can't even give your virginity--------"

"Oh, shut up!" I covered her mouth and she burst into laughter.

I also laughed with her. For the first time in our friendship, I found the other side of my bestfriend. She's not that showy when it comes to her own problems. Sometimes, we need to be a mother hen to her just for her to confess with us her problems. And she's not the 'adviser' type of a person, but I am happy that with me, she can be that person and friend that I need.

We continued our chatting until we decided to call the girls. I didn't change my outfit, I just added some accessories like my round brown hat, brown shoulder bag and some danglings on my wrist.

Spending time with the girls is my number one stress reliever. The examination week is over so Sierra could finally joined us. We spent our time shopping, buying some girly stuffs, lunched at the pizza house in the mall and non-stopped chatting.

And because Sierra weren't with us in our last get together, she has what is called 'wheel of questions' for us. How did Cari got a boyfriend in just three days? And the news she can't believe the most is that... how did I end up married to a freaking billionaire and the number one bachelor in L.A California? And got an instant husband in the span of three freaking days?

We just laughed at her non-stopped and hilarious questions and comments to us. Cari answered her first and I also explained what was my real status when they met me.

At first, she gave me her mother hen side with her ramblings and irritations for Alex. But at the end of the story, I became the villain, saying I should give him a chance and give our marriage a chance once again.

She's happy for me and wishing me good luck and whatever may happen I will have their supports and of course... don't forget them to get to be my baby's Godmothers.

At three in the afternoon, we decided to watch a movie. It lasted 3 hours so, I still have time to buy some ingredients for my menu tonight.

I didn't text Alex that we finished our friendship date early and that I'm finally home at 7:00. Ryan picked up Cari at six so I was left alone. I cooked Italian style spaghetti and meatballs, I also baked a small chocolate cake for dessert.

After preparing for dinner, I texted him and got an instant reply ... just seconds... after I sent my text, saying he will be here within thirty minutes.

I take my shower first and change into something comfortable with my favorite hamster head slippers.