Chapter twenty-two: Waking up beside him

Rian's POV:

I woke up the next morning feeling the sun peeking through my lashes. I really want to cover it with my hands but I can't move. I looked down my body and I found my arm under a big and muscular arm that belongs to my husband.

An involuntary smile crept on my lips as I remembered the happenings from last night. I tried to pull my hands and looked beside me to see the figure of my sleeping husband.

I lifted my hand to his soft messy hair, down to his forehead and perfect sculptured nose. I can't believe what was happened a few weeks ago. It started it all from the drunk man on the beach who was tried to rape me.

I'm always imagining this from the very beginning since I admit to myself that I love him. Waking up in the morning with him beside me. Holding me tightly as if he never wants to let go of me. And this time, it finally happened. He's now sleeping beside me, peacefully. He still had a furrowed eyebrows and his lips were parted slightly.

I stretch his eyebrows and bring down my fingers to his pink lips. I smiled dreamily as I traced my fingers on it. My eyebrows furrowed when it turned up slightly upward into a full smile. I stopped what I am doing and gulped as my eyes widened when it hit me --- he's awake. I looked up at him with my face and neck flushed of red as crimson.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up."

He chuckled. "No baby, you didn't."

I hide my face to his bared chest to hide my blushing face, but God! It didn't help because it vibrates with his chuckles.

"Why are you hiding your face baby?"

He caress my cheek and I yelped when he pulled me up so his face was levelled with mine.

He kissed me on my lips but I slightly pushed him.

His eyebrows scrunched.

"My morning breath," I said covering my mouth with my hand.

"I don't care. Besides, trust me, baby, you don't have a bad breath." he said taking my hands away from my mouth. He climbed on top of me and kissed me passionately. But remember the time, I pushed him again.

"Oh my God! What time is it?" I asked as his eyes laced confusion.

He looked over the bedside table where my small clock placed.

"It's 8:30, why?"

"Oh my God, it's Monday today!" I exclaimed loudly as I tried to get up. He just back into his earlier position.


"So... it's Monday today and I'm late for work." I hadn't fully settled on the bed when he pulled me down on his side.

"No. You're not going to work today. You're going yo rest the whole day."

"But Alex----"

"No. Just call your office and tell them you're sick."

"Sick?" I asked him with widened eyes. "I'm not sick!"

"Okay, if you're not sick, then let's make a deal. If you can stand and walk to the bathroom on your own, I will let you go to work. But if not, you're going to stay home and rest for the whole day. Deal?"

Why can't I walk to the bathroom on my own? Am I paralyzed?

"Deal?" he asked again.

"Okay." I nodded although my eyes laced confusion.

"So, it's a deal?"

"Okay, deal."

"Then go. Take a shower and I'll wait for you here." he said smirking.

I just ignored him. I wrapped the sheet around my body and I get up from the bed. But as soon as my feet touched the floor, my legs wobbled like a jelly and I slumped down on my feet. The hard tiled floor caught my whole weight.

"Ouch!" I said trying to get up again.

"Baby!" he instantly jumped beside me with a concerned look on his face. "Are you okay?" he lifted me up and help me sit on the bed while inspecting my legs and my arms.

"This is all your fault." I playfully narrowed my eyes and pouted and he burst out laughing.

"So that means, I won the deal. You can't stand and walk on your own, so you're going to rest the whole day and call your office."


I rolled my eyes. He walked to the side of the bed and get his phone. I remember my bag and phone were still in the living room.

"Call your office now and tell them you can't go to work right now because you're sick." he has a goofy grin on his lips.

"How about you?" I asked accepting his phone.

"Oh, baby. Your forgetting, I am the boss and even if I don't go to work today, no one will question me. Our company will run itself even if I don't show up in a day."

I raised my eyebrow. He said 'our' and I realized, because were married... my name still connected to the company, that means I am also a boss.

"Ahuh... so you're telling me that you're the boss. And because you're the boss, no one will raise themselves to question you, is that it?"

"You're right, my beautiful wife." and he winked at me smiling.

"Ohh..." I said nodding my head up and down. "What if I tell you that I am also the boss of that company, and it's not okay with me if you don't show your face and your absence?"

His smiled turned into a smirked.

"Of course you're my boss. But you already forgot, I am in your company since last night and I'm still present today. And as I remember, we did a different company position that's why we ended up in bed till this morning."

"Argh! you're such a jerk!" I glared at him and threw a pillow on his face. He just laugh at my failed attempt.

"Call your office baby, so we can start another activity today."

"Alexander!" my eyes widened and he shrugged acting innocently.

"What? Activity... we can start another activity such as making breakfast, shower together, and watching tv. Why? What are you thinking, baby?" his eyes dancing in amusement.

I didn't say anything, I just narrowed my eyes on him.

"Unless you want another round of that activity that we made last night. There's no problem with------"

He didn't finish his sentence as I threw again another pillow on him. This time, he hadn't expected it and it landed directly on his face, but the jerk just continued laughing.

I just ignored him and focussed myself on dialling Gavin's number. Thank God, because my mind memorized his number so I don't have to go down in the living room to check his number on my phone.

He picked it up after the fourth ring.

"Hello?" he answered in a questioned tone. Maybe wondering if who's calling him in this morning with a new number.

"Hello Gavi----- Sir!" I hitched my breath as I managed to change my word immediately. I remember Alex is standing a few steps away from me and watching me talking.

"Who's this-----Rian?"

"Good morning, Sir. Yes, this is Rian." I smiled as I can imagine his crunched forehead.

"Rian? Is that really you?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Had you changed your number?"

"No, Sir." I bite my lip to stop the creeping smile on it. Alex is frowning while watching me intently.

"What is happening to you? You said you hadn't changed your number but then you're calling me using another number? And fucking shit, you're also calling me Sir?"

-'Oh my God, Gavin! You really have millions of question!'-

"And since when, had you started calling me Sir? What is happening to you, are you drunk or are you on drugs?"

-'Oh shit! This is ridiculous!'-

"Sir!" I repeat with a loud and hard tone to get his attention.

"Yes, that fucking shit of 'Sir'. Explain it to me!"

"I just called to inform you that I can't be able to go to work right now, because I'm not really feeling well. I'm sorry."

"Wait... wait! You're not feeling well? You're not usually telling me that you're sick unless we visit you and see it for ourselves! Trust me, Rian, I am really going to believe that you're on drugs!"

"Okay, Sir. Thank you for understanding. I'll get into details once I get back to work. Thank you, have a good day." and I ended up the call.

I mentally sighed in relief.

"What did he say?"

Alex is eyeing me intently but I looked away. I don't want him to know that there was a lie on that call.


Because purposely didn't informed him that the number I dialled was Gavin's. And of course, I also didn't mention that Gavin is my boss, that I worked for him... not exactly, but in their company.

And for sure, you don't really want to ask me again... why?

Because you already know that Alex has a big thing called 'jealousy' when it comes to Gavin. But I don't blame him of it because it's actually our act to keep Gavin's precious secret. And Alex doesn't know any of it.

"He said 'okay' and wished me to get well soon." I said rolling my eyes. He walked towards me and give me a toe-curling kiss.

I lied to the both of them. But I do have my reason. And you understand it for sure.

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