Chapter thirty-seven: A real husband and wife

"Baby, are you sure, you're okay?"

That was actually Alex's question for the ten times since earlier this morning when he picked me up from my apartment.

I got dizzy after standing up from the bed and while brushing my teeth. If not for him, maybe I lost my balance and fell with my butt first on the floor.

"Yes, hubby. I'm okay, I told you. Maybe I'm just tired because of our dance practice every day." I patted his cheek before I take my seatbelt and wrap it around me.

We're actually going to my parents' house because today is Dani's engagement. I'm so excited because I haven't met his bride to be, and this is my chance to meet her finally.

"Are you sure, you're not skipping your meals everyday? Breakfast, lunch, dinner-----"

"Baby, I'm fine! Don't worry about me. And I'm not skipping any meals, okay? I love you." I smiled as I kissed my two fingers and brought it to his lips.