Chapter fifty: His Nightmare

Alex's POV:

I've been driving for almost three hours since this morning when I received a text message from Francine. So, I have to stop searching for my wife in a while, to know what this woman wanted this time.

It's been four days since Rian was missing. We already reported her case to the police, but every hour of every day has been a torturing day to me. And it was like living in hell every time I saw our wedding picture inside of our room.

I pulled over in front of the restaurant, and I saw her right away as soon as I stepped inside the entrance.

"What do you want?" I asked her not even bother to take a seat.

She chuckled and gestured me to sit down.

"Come on, Alex. Is that the right way to talk to the mother of your child?"

"He's not my son!" I slammed my hand on top of the table but she didn't even flinch. It also caused a little scene for those customers near our table.