Chapter fifty-four: You're going to be a good mother

"Aunt Rian, can I go with you and Daddy to the mall?"

Dino asked me when he saw me applying my lipstick in front of my make up stand. Francine left him with us this morning because she said, she has important things to do and there's no one who would look after with her child.

Alex is still inside the bathroom.

"Sure." I simply answered and I smiled at him.

"Yey! Can we also buy some toys and eat in Mc.donalds and then eat some ice cream, Aunt Rian?" he squealed in excitement and I just found myself being amused with his childish reaction.

"Of course! We're going to buy a lot of toys!" I said messing up his hair.

"Yey! Thank you, Aunt Rian. I wish you were my real mother and not my mama Francine." his voice became upset in a moment.

My hand stopped in mid-air as I was about to put mascara on my lashes. I was taken aback by his wish. I inhaled deeply and tried to ask him the meaning of his wish.