Chapter 8- Nope.

Garett and Ashley continued their way down the hallway.

Even though it hasn't been long, just a few minutes of walking felt like an eternity. There was an awkward silence between the two, which could only be described as dreadful.

What lie ahead of them? More monsters?

If so, would Garett really die here on the spot?

If they ran into these other party members, would they be able to avoid being locked into this 3 meter range with them?

Or would they be forced to live in close quarters with complete strangers for the rest of their lives?

These questions weighed deeply on the two.


Ashley started to speak.

"I haven't tried it out yet, but I have another skill called [Evil Eye]. It costs a lot of action points, but it allows an enemy to be paralyzed for a turn. If I use this in combination with your attacks we could prevent the enemies from damaging us..."

Garett had already gone through Ashley's skills before, and knew this. However, there was one issue with this strategy to avoid being hit.

"But that would require us to survive for a turn after the evil eye is summoned.", Garett responded.

He could tell that Ashley was also considering this, and they both tried to think of a strategy to get around this, but came up with nothing.

"I also have some skills that could be potentially useful... if we can make it out of here alive and obtain some blueprints. I even obtained the ability to brew potions just recently, alas I cannot do it without the blueprints."

Invigorating as it was, the two were in a grave situation. If they managed to get out alive they would have many more options- but the end of this dungeon was not in sight.

As they were walking, Garett stopped suddenly.

He heard voices.

The voice of a young woman debating with a middle aged man could be heard down the corridor.

"If only you could see how beautiful I am... I'm sure you would regret talking to me in such a rude manner."

"As if. I simply wish to get out of here and I only intend to do what benefits myself. I don't see any value in letting you free. As a matter of fact, you might even become a burden."

"You're horrible! How can you talk to someone like that when you're in the same situation as me!?"

A smirk of laughter could be heard from the male.

"Whats so funny!?"

"No, sorry. I was just thinking how dumb we are, sitting here and discussing all these 'what ifs'. You're absolutely right. As of right now, we have no means of escape- and shouldn't count on anyone rescuing us. Perhaps we will end up stuck here for the rest of our lives until we starve."

"How could you say something so pessimistic out loud!? You'll jinx us!"

"As if. Viewing the situation in a pessimistic manner leads to the right decision for a worst case scenario."

Ashley and Garett looked back and forth, and knew that they had to press forward. Hoping that they wouldn't have to come face to face with the people they heard, they continued walking with the torch of illusion in hand.


They reached an intersection.

As if experiencing deja vu, Garett viewed an intersection which was exactly the same as before he met Ashley.

A frown came upon Garett's face, and he had a bad feeling.

Time stopped.

[You approach an intersection. Which way do you go? Left, forward, or back?]

Garett said out loud.


Where he didn't hear the voices coming from.

Ashley too knew that this would avoid the people up ahead.

[Intelligence roll. Minimum requirement: 3]

[System override due to avoidance of quest progression. Dice roll has been set to 1]


For some reason, both Garett's and Ashley's bodies felt compelled to move forward.

After walking a few more steps, they encountered a pair of jail cells, side by side.

Inside the one on the right, there was the man who Garett had been gambling against. He still wore a suit and tie- why didn't Garett get to keep his?- and his ears had become longer.

On the left, there was a woman who had blue skin and a demonic figure. Horns and sharp teeth protruded from her head and mouth, and her nails were as pointed and as sharp as... well... nails.

Blue-turquoise hair ran down her head. The woman wore a white gown similar to what Ashley wore, but it was much cleaner and well made- as if it was brand new.

The two had stopped their conversation when they heard the approaching footsteps, and the two groups of people stared at one another, as if time itself had stopped.

-And no, it hadn't-

The blueish demon girl spoke first.

"Please save me from this prison! I've been trapped in here for an unknown reason!"

The man then spoke.

"Ah... your'e the kid who was gambling with me. We were both deceived by those who brought us there. Let me out of here and I will help you out."

Garett looked at Ashley, and their faces seemed to understand each others thoughts perfectly.

The two people in front of them presented their arguments as to why they should help them to get out, and while they were doing this, things became a bit noisy and chaotic.

But in the midst of the chaos, Garett and Ashley both exclaimed one word, simultaneously.


And they both ran off...



[You have completed a quest. Party members found: 3/3]

[You are not allowed to separate yourself any greater than a 3 meter distance from any party member.]

Garett and Ashley broke down, and fell to their knees at this.

"NOOOOO!!!!!!", they both screamed.

Trevor and Samantha looked at the two, completely baffled as to what they were doing.

'Are these two sane? What the hell are they doing breaking down and screaming here?', Trevor questioned.

"Hurry up and let me out! I'll repay you ten times over if you do!", Samantha pleaded.

Alas, the words didn't reach the despairing duo.

Garett and Ashley continued their despair for a few minutes, all while Samantha and Trevor anxiously tried to get them to calm down and explain the situation.

After a few minutes, Garett turned towards the two with a cold, annoyed face. He got up and began walking towards the cells, and without a word unlocked the doors using the prison key.

As she stepped out, Samantha put on a cutesy act, and let out a question.

"Um... why would you just leave us like that? Is there something wro-"

"Be quiet, woman."


Garett was pissed.

He had done everything he could to avoid this situation, and yet the system had one way or another destined for it to happen.

However, the system was to blame. Not the people in front of him. Upon realizing this, Garett released his anger and let out a large sigh.

"No... that's not what I meant to say. Forgive me, I have been in a bad mood recently. A lot has happened. I suppose we should start fresh. Please pretend like everything that just occurred didn't happen."

Trevor and Samantha looked at each other anxiously, but Trevor took the lead, realizing that he probably shouldn't get on this man's bad side. It was his instinct as a businessman.

"I will do as you say. Can you please explain what you know about our situation?"

Samantha simply stayed quiet. The air in the room was too heavy for her to let out any complaints, or risk showing her bad side to these new faces.

Ashley clung behind Garett, and looked at the two with snake eyes. Upon realizing the transparency of the girl, the two became slightly startled, however Trevor didn't flinch.

On the outside, he put on the airs of being a fearless businessman who would even stare death in the eyes.

On the inside however...

'What the hell is that!? Is that girl a ghost?? Am I the only one seeing this?!'

Trevor then realized a whole lot more things.

'Why the hell does that kid from the casino look like a demon all of a sudden!? And the girl next to my cell as well! Am I the only regular person here!?'

Trevor was quivering on the inside, but he maintained his position and didn't allow an ounce of fear to show.

The best thing to do was to stay calm and obtain information.

This was the number 1 rule for a businessman at all times.

Samantha, on the other hand, was visibly freaking out.

She didn't speak any words, but her face was looking back and forth between the three creatures that surrounded her.

'Who are these people!? Why do they all look like ghosts and monsters!? Am I the only regular person here!?' , she thought desperately.

Her entire life had been focused on improving her public image, but what was she to do in this situation? Would monsters and beasts react the same as humans if she were to show her charms, or would she be trapped in this world where her talents held no value?

Garett then proceeded to explain the entirety of the situation- everything he knew. From the summoning of himself to this world, to the character creation, to the RPG aspects of the system that he had discovered thus far, to his fights and his meeting with Ashley, up to the present moment.

While he did this, Ashley would whisper things into his ear as she hovered behind him like a stand, and Garett was able to explain to the two Ashley's experience as well.

Ashley was extremely antisocial. Why was she able to talk so freely with Garett, a stranger that she had just met a few minutes earlier, but unable to speak directly with the two in front of her?

It was because as an antisocial person, she was able to read what type of person people were just by the way they presented themselves and acted.

What is it that creates antisocial people?



Worry that others will judge one.

Fear of not being accepted.

It was because of this tremendous amount of anxiety that Ashley was able to tell exactly when people were judging her and looking down on her. From the man in the suit, she felt an extreme ego, as if he was flaunting his pride. She could tell that this was the type of man who looked down on everyone he met- not just her alone.

And from the demonic woman- which, by the way, Ashley was not really phased at all by the appearances of the people in front of her, as she was an otaku who knew how isekais and RPGs worked, after all- she felt that this was the type of person who she hated the most.

The type of person who would flaunt their own image, and seduce others to bend to their will.

The type of person who only cared about how others viewed them.

The type of woman who would seem to be kind and sweet on the outside, but within, lie a demon.

That was what Ashley thought when she viewed the woman in front of her.

And as such, the only person here that Ashley trusted was Garett. Garett was not like these people. He had the roughness to be ruthless to his enemies, but towards her she felt no malice or judgement.

And with that, the entire situation, including the mechanics of the RPG world, was explained to the two.

And the last thing that was mentioned was the fact that they were unable to go beyond 3 meters of one another.

"WHAT!?!?", Samantha screamed, freaking out much more than before.

It seemed that this was something far more surprising and dreadful to her than demons, ghosts, and elves appearing in front of her eyes.

"This is quite troublesome. Are you sure that there is no way to undo it?", Trevor asked.

"If there is, I haven't figured it out."

Samantha was having a panic attack on the side while Trevor and Garett leisurely carried their conversation.

"Well, we can try running some experiments later- but let us do that when we are in a more desirable situation. Don't you agree?"

Garett and Ashley both nodded.

"My life... my image... I have to spend the rest of my live with these monsters... why..."

Samantha stated this while hunched up into a ball, depressed.

"Ah, looks like that idiot is down for the count."

Ashley whispered this into Garett's ear, and he let out a slight chuckle.

"Anyways.... it would be best that we share abilities with each other so that we can best utilize any fighting tactics... also, as you can tell, I am pretty beat up from my previous fights."

It was true. Garett was covered with bruised and cuts that blood flowed from. It was a miracle that he was still alive and moving, much less having a proper conversation in the state he was in.

Garett had begun to learn some of the lingo that the system was using and called out.

[Player status]

And with this, the system responded.

[You have completed the quest. All Party members are present. Displaying Status for all members]

[Party Experience 10/10]

[All party members have leveled up to level 2]

[Player Garett has gained 1 Intelligence]

[New Skill: [Produce Blueprint] – Costs 10 MP. Cannot be used in combat.]

[Strength: 2]

[Dexterity: 0]

[Perception: 1]

[Charisma: 0]

[Intelligence: 3]

Garett was delighted as he saw this skill pop up. This meant that he no longer had to find blueprints in order to design things, but rather that he could create them with mana.

[Your HP and MP has been restored. HP: 13/13 MP 14/14 ]


No need to heal up anymore.

Garett could feel his wounds closing and the blood and bruises disappearing from his body.

A rib popped back into place, and Garett felt completely refreshed.

[Player Ashley has gained 1 intelligence, 1 perception]

[New spell: [Spiritual Aura] Apply Taunt to ally. Gives an ally +2 Physical and Magic Damage resist, and forces enemies to target them. Costs 3 AP, 3 MP]

With this, Ashley was able to prevent damage from being targeted towards those close to death, as well as reducing the damage on the one who takes it.

[Strength: 1]

[Dexterity: 1]

[Perception: 3]

[Charisma: 1]

[Intelligence: 6]

[Youre health and Mana has been restored. HP: 11/11 MP 19/19 ]

[Player Trevor has gained 2 Dexterity, 1 Perception,]

[Strength: 1]

[Dexterity: 3] (-1 For suit)

[Perception: 3]

[Charisma: 3]

[Intelligence: 3]

[Current Status: HP 11/11/ MP 14/14]

[Player Samantha has gained 1 Intelligence, 1 Charisma]

[Strength: 0]

[Dexterity: 0]

[Perception: 3]

[Charisma: 6]

[Intelligence: 3]

[Current Status: HP 10/10 MP 14/14]

And with this, the entire party had leveled up.

[You're party is currently at level 2. Max level is 100, however abilities may be maximized before this]

[New Quests have arrived!]

[New Quest: World Domination]

[Quest Part 1: Become the leaders of the monsters by defeating the 3 Monster Kings. (Difficulty Lvl 50)]

[Quest Part 2: After becoming the leaders of the monsters, dominate the human realm by defeating the legendary party of heroes (Difficulty Lvl 50)]

The three people who were paying attention to these messages were beyond words.

"Eh?", all three of them said at once.

"What is this?"

"A quest for world domination?"

"Why are we the ones who are supposed to become the leaders of the monsters? Shouldn't the ones summoned to a new world be the heroes, who are saving it?"

However, after speaking these thoughts out loud, Garett came to a realization.

And as if perfectly on queue, Garett, Ashley, and Trevor all smiled wickedly as they thought the same thing.

"Becoming the rulers of the world benefits us more than saving it..."

All three of them started to laugh, despicably.


"Heh heh"


Samantha looked up to see a horrifying scene before her.

The three before her were not mere men.

They were demons, with the light of destruction in their eyes.

"Wh... whats going on!?"

"Come, woman. We have work to do..."

Trevor lend her a hand, helping Samantha up. Even though his eyes were filled with evil and his statement demeaning, she felt no malice directed towards her. Rather, she felt a warmth which she could not describe with mere words.


Why did the sudden change in personality occur between the three party members?

Why did they so quickly accept the task of world domination?

Were they merely evil to begin with?

It was because they saw the disparity in potential.

When they had leveled up to level 2, the level counter had stated that the maximum level was 100.

And when the quests had popped up, they had stated their difficulty at being Lvl 50.

The four who had been summoned from another world had the potential to become overwhelmingly stronger than even the "Legendary heroes", and the "Kings of the monsters"

However, they couldn't let their guards down.

Currently, they were weak. Even an encounter with a small goblin was a threat to their existence. Working together as a party would increase their livelihood, but they still had to remain cautious.

Furthermore, just because they could theoretically reach level 100 didn't actually mean anything regarding their strength. Who knows? Perhaps their strength would max out at a certain point and they would never become strong enough to actually achieve such a goal. Even so, the three allowed themselves to indulge in their fantasies.

With this, the three who were previously laughing agreed that they should focus all their efforts on surviving until they become strong enough to overwhelm even the strongest of beings in this world.

Samantha couldn't accept all this new information so quickly.

An ugly face came across her.

"You're all crazy... you're all insane!!! World domination!?!? You all have no idea what you're say-"

Trevor put one finger over her mouth.

"You're in denial of the current situation. Think things through before you speak."

A silence came upon the group, and they all looked at each other nervously.

Could things really work out?

Garett took up the position of leader.

"We should be focusing our efforts on the current situation. We can focus on what happens later later. For now, we have to get out of this dungeon alive. Is everyone in accordance with that?"

Samantha, who looked to be on the brink of tears, nodded her head.

The others all agreed quietly.

"Well then... since it seems that we are going to be stuck together for a while, I think we should all introduce ourselves. I am Garett, a former college student, and this here is Ashley, formerly unemployed."

Ashley waved while still hovering behind Garett. She still looked at the people with fear and disgust, but Garett taking over as a leader encouraged her to get along with the two.

"I am Trevor, a former businessman."

Samantha sniffled, and perked her head up.

It was not the time to be wallowing in sorrow. It was the time to show everyone her good side.

Wasn't that exactly what she had lived her entire life doing? She had thrived on being able to impress others. Right now was no different. Even if she found the situation to be absolutely insane, even if she had no idea what was going on, she knew one thing.

She only needed to impress others so that they could do her bidding.

With a smile and a wink, she stated "I am Samantha, formerly a college student. I look forward to working with you all!"