Chapter 62- The leader of the Lizardmen

Claire was led to the edge of the arena, and to the staircase which led up into the VIP tower.

Most lizardmen had filed out of the stands. Some were disappointed that they didn't get to see a fight, but most of them were simply shocked and wierded out by the situation.

Rithargus was still waiting in the stands, and he seemed to be trying to figure out what he should do, but ended up simply staying put. There were a few lizardmen around him who's mouths were wide open in shock, but they didn't seem to be harming or bullying him, so she let him be.

The lizardman who appeared to be a king sat there, seemingly waiting for Claire to arrive. He seemed confused yet intrigued by her. He didn't seem angry that Arlo had treated her with such reverence- no- it was more that he was simply surprised.

Arlo stood in front of Claire as they stepped into the VIP box from the stairs and the king now stood up next to the servants, with Hopkin standing over to the side.

"Rocko. I'm sorry to do things like this so suddenly, but I would like to introduce you to this person. This is the Determined, the person from the legends who is destined to lead the antiheroes in the infamous shift of the eras. I personally met her and the antiheroes in my last visit to the slime village, as I have already explained to you. While I was unsure about their combat abilities, I was certain that they had the demeanor of powerful figures... especially a certain one of them. They are likely- no they are certainly the real deal."

The king lizardmen stroked his chin as he stared Claire up and down, seemingly analyzing her to see if she was worthy of such a title.

"You do not give off an aura of strength... could it be that you are hiding your true strength? You must be an amazing person if you can get even Arlo to behave like this... he isn't this formal even to me!"

Arlo spoke up then for Claire before she could answer.

"I personally have fought with the Determined before, and I can assure you that she is more powerful than you can imagine... she possesses the ability to determine reality itself, in a way that benefits her... it is something that doesn't make sense to a warrior like me, but I have acknowledged her as my better in every way."

"If you say so, then I will believe you. So? Why have you come here, Determined? Surely you did not make your way all the way to our lovely village just for sightseeing?"

Claire was a bit distracted at that moment, but she mentally clapped her cheeks together with her hands before realizing that she was gazing off into nothingness.

Nothing seemed real... everything that was happening was so fast, it was almost like a dream.

Was this world real? Was her position something that she actually held? Was Oscar a real person? Were the antiheroes real?

Claire had lost her sense of reality ever since discovering that the ten years she lived were nothing more than a lie.

But then she thought to herself.

Does that matter?


It didn't matter.

Real, fake. It was all the same.

What was in front of her right now was what was real. What was in front of her during those 10 years was real at that time. Even if it happened in her mind. Even if the people were already dead. Even if they never existed in the first place.

They lived on in her memories.

Claire was then brought to her senses, and realized that she had been daydreaming.

"Ah! I'm sorry! I just got lost in thought... Oh! Right! I came here for a reason... I was told by the antiheroes to invite you to our domain for a discussion among village leaders. I believe they wanted to facilitate a dialogue between the lizardmen and the birdmen before things go into an all out war... I believe that they are trying to look out for all tribes of monsters, and they wish for peace among the tribes. Will you please come to our village, even if you have no intention of negotiating?!"

Claire bowed her head to the lizardman leader.

The lizardman leader seemed somewhat distraught by this, however he made up his mind after a bit of thinking.

"It was the birdmen who originally declared war on us, claiming that we must either submit to them or be taken over. They have offended the lizardmen tribe as warriors and our culture, and they do not deserve any forgiveness. Our tribe had been steadily making preparations for this war, and we have no intention of backing down... however, if the leader of the birdmen is willing to apologize to us publicly, then perhaps I would consider stopping the war. I will come to your summit, however I will say that the chance of us making peace is no more than 1 in 1000. It will likely only further the tensions between our tribes."

Claire's face had gone from concerned to displeased to delighted in a matter of moments as Rocko had said these things. She was content that she had managed to convince him to come to the slime village.

Was she filled with worry?

Of course. Looking at things logically, inviting the two leaders of prideful warring tribes for a meeting was nothing less than making ones own territory into a battlefield. In all likelyhood, the lizard chief and the birdmen leader would start a fight then and there. But, even so... surely the antiheroes had a plan, and were not acting on a whim? Claire decided to make a suggestion.

"One more thing... I do not wish to strip you of the ability to come with guards, but please do not come to our village with an entire army. We would like to prevent a war from happening on our territory. Please meet us at the slime village three days from now. I intend to travel to the birdmen village as well to attempt to convince their leader to come as well. Thank you very much for agreeing to come to our village."

"I understand. Then, why don't you stay here at the lizard village for the night. You must be exhausted. Surely it wouldn't hurt to rest up before heading to the birdmen village, southeast of here?"

"I will take you up on that offer. Thank you."

"Tell me one thing... you invite two men to your domain who hold the power to wield armies... yet as far as I know, you only control a small slime village with no more than 15 people at the most. Where does your confidence stem from? Are your antiheroes truly strong enough to facilitate such a meeting? Or perhaps are you strong enough? I trust Arlo's judgement, but there might be others who are suspicious, and I cannot control my curiosity. I must know."

Claire looked up at Rocko, and gave a sweet smile.

"I trust in the antiheroes. Whatever they have decided to do, they surely will find a way to get it done."