Chapter 44- Wild Goblins

Coran had a lot of respect for this elf. He could so easily and decisively spit out orders. He truly was a leader.

The group snuck forward, quietly, and upon turning the corner they saw it.

There were 5 goblins, sitting around. Some of them were drinking some sort of alcohol.

They were disgusting. They were covered with warts and their faces were filled with wrinkles and imperfections. Their eyes were like those of snakes, and they seemed to be enjoying themselves as they sat around drinking and relaxing.

Some of them were eating some raw meat, and chuckling menacingly to themselves as they consumed the flesh.

They were fitted with some leather armor and other scraps, however they were much skinnier in frame than the armor was designed for. Their armor was covered in blood all over. It was likely that they had stole it from someone else, and that the blood was that of the unlucky soul who lost it.

"Wild, eh? We have no use for those who aren't smart enough to become our slaves. Kill them all, Red."

The red demon smirked, devilishly. He licked his lips, as if he was thirsty for blood. Coran was glad that he was not on the receiving end of the bloodthirst.

The red demon jumped out from the rocks they were hiding in, and struck his club into the head of one of the goblins, smashing in the skull of the goblin with an explosion of brain matter. After doing so, the goblins were filled with a magical glow, and Coran looked over to see that the blue demon had cast some sort of spell on them as she whispered [Physical Resistance down]

Two- no three now- arrows stuck into the skulls of the other goblins. The already tainted helmets and armor now were completely covered with blood, and the red demon smashed the leg of the remaining goblin with his club before grabbing the crippled goblin and holding him down.

"Do you have enough intelligence to at least speak?"

"Geh! Mergulb Fargar Nes Dragor!!!"

"Hoh? Really? Why did I understand that... is that a trait of this demonic race?"

"What was that, Red? You understood what that goblin said!?" the elf asked.

The fanged club was then brought down hard onto the back of the goblin.

The red demon smashed the goblin's limbs one by one, brutally beating him, and slicing the goblin up with the spikes fangs.

"How does it feel, you little shit!? EH!?!?! HOW DOES IT FEEL!!?!! I'LL MAKE THIS FARGAR FEEL THIS TOO!!!"

The red demon was going nuts.

His words were filled with rage, and he was screaming as he beat the goblin who lay underneath him senseless.

But his face...

His face....

It did not match his words.

He was not angry.


He was smiling.

Not a regular smile. A wicked smile. A smile so wide that one would find it appalling.

He was enjoying himself as he beat this wild goblin senseless.

So this was a demon.

"I made the right choice not to run...", Coran thought.

"Would this have been me if I decided not to become their slaves?"

Coran was left wondering, but a more important question came up from the mouth of the elf.

"Red! What did that Goblin say!?"


Garett's club arm felt good.

As he swung the new fanged club, somehow it felt lighter and easier to swing than it did before.

Was this another benefit to him crafting an item? Did it not only improve the attack damage, but every aspect of the item?

As Garett took care of one of the goblins, and was holding the last one down, the goblin let out a set of words.

They were not words that a human would normally be able to understand.

They should have been a bunch of gibberish.

Yet Garett understood them.

"You all will be tortured just like those nonwilds we were eating... just like them.... first Fargar will rip off the clothes of those women, and then he will rip off their fingers and toes one by one..... and finally, he will tear their flesh right from the bones, and we will consume it while you watch as they helplessly scream... heh heh heh... and then you two men will be next...."

This struck a nerve in Garett.

It was not that he had any remorse for the 'nonwilds' that this goblin spoke of.


Garett was simply angry that this goblin had threatened him and his comrades. He felt no compassion when random monsters who he was unaffiliated with were brought up, however at the mention of harming his comrades, Garett blew his top.

"How does it feel, you little shit!? EH!?!?! HOW DOES IT FEEL!!?!! I'LL MAKE THIS FARGAR FEEL THIS TOO!!!"

"Red! What did that Goblin say!?"

Garett endlessly beat this goblin with a demonic grin, making him suffer and scream.

"Ah..... sorry about that..... Nothing to worry about... He simply threatened to harm us, so I put him in his place.... heh.... heh.... hahaha.... HAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!!"

Garett had a crazed smile on his face as he turned around with bloodshot eyes and threw his club into the head of the brutally beaten goblin, yielding a sharp screech from the goblin as it came into contact.

"EEEEEEEEEEKKKK!!!! Rafbag!!!!"

"Take that you piece of shit!!!!! I NEVER!!!! NEVER!!!! WANT TO SEE YOUR FILTHY FACE AGAIN!!!!!!"

Garett began kicking the body of the goblin, further mashing it into a pile of goo to the point where it was unrecognizable, and a miracle that the goblin was even still living.

The screeches of the goblin were loud however they became weaker and weaker as Garett beat the creature senseless.

Grabbing his club, his body swayed with madness as he approached his other party members.

"Hey, businessman... this piece of trash seemed to think that his leader is strong enough to capture and torture us... wouldn't you say that that's an insult to our name as the antiheroes? I think we need to find this person and show him that he has no right to be saying such things..."

Trevor began to think as he put his hand on his chin, stroking it.

He smiled as well.

"You need to calm down just a bit... but I suppose there is nothing wrong with showing these lower beings their places. Alright. Are you two with me?"

"I have no issue. Let's show them true terror", Ashley replied monotone but with a hint of delight at the end.

"Sigh... well, if they're nothing more than monsters who cannot recognize my beauty then they aren't worth letting live... lets take them down", Samantha stated.

As they said that, Garett grabbed the goblin by the head. Covered with blood and mangled beyond the point of recognition, he held him up, and sliced at his neck with his fanged club, cutting an artery.

Blood sprayed from the goblin covering Garett, and the goblin groaned as he died with his eyes wide open- in disbelief of what had happened.

[Level up!] (Lvl 11)