Chapter 47- Crashing the Party

The antiheroes entered the cave after plotting exactly what they would do.

Trevor was listening for any movement, and the party cautiously proceeded into the stairwell. Eventually they came to a hall which was supported by wooden columns, similar to a mineshaft. There were bones and blood scattered throughout the stone laid tunnel, and the antiheroes were engulfed by silence and darkness as they walked forward.

Eventually, they came to a fork which led two ways. Garett carried the torch of illusion to illuminate the way since it was so dark, and a message appeared.

[Do you wish to go right, where nothing is left? Or do you wish to go left, where nothing is right?]

Trevor smirked.

"An easy decision. We go left"

[This is a choice which will lead you down a path where you will be hated. Are you sure you wish to take this path?]

Trevor knew exactly what was meant by this.

The others seemed to understand as well to an extent, as they proceeded forward.


When discussing the plot to attack whatever maniac was beyond this tunnel, Trevor had made it clear to his party what his true intentions were behind the actions he had performed.

The real reason why he wanted the people he ruled over to fear and hate him at first.

The reason why he acted as if he was going to treat the spiders as slaves. The reason why he established that their rule over the slimes would be the rule of a dictator.

It was because of Trevor's experience with politics back on earth.

Politicians were nothing more than people who were skilled at lying and deceiving others. Regardless of which party it was, the job of a politician was to deceive more people into thinking that electing them into office would bring about more change. More good. More justice. A better society.

It was nothing more than lies.

Regardless of party, politicians who were elected into office would shift their views as soon as they got in.

Once they had won the favor of the people and no longer needed it, the people would be thrown aside.

Trevor did not want to become that type of ruler.

As a businessman, Trevor was extremely skilled with his words. He could easily win people over, defeat them in debates, and negotiate skillfully.

But he hated this part of himself with a passion.

There is no meaning to words that are not backed by actions, however there is great meaning to actions even without words to support them.

Trevor wished to show others- and not tell others- about just how great of a ruler that him and his party would become.

He did not want anyone to be swayed by fancy words.

He wanted them to originally see Trevor and the antiheroes as villains. As demons. As monsters that needed to be defeated.

Only for their expectations to be betrayed when they saw the magnanimous actions of the rulers, and the happiness of the people within his domain.

The difference between a politician and a leader is that a politician pleases the people so that he may rule, and a leader rules so that he may please the people.

The group headed left with no hesitation.

Even Samantha who wanted to be loved by all more than anything was taken aback by Trevor's determination. She viewed him in a very different light as before, and respected his actions and decision.

The six proceeded and came upon a room with a wooden door. Inside the room, the antiheroes could hear the sounds of moaning and the grinding of teeth... and the sinister laughing of someone.

They begun the plan which Trevor had come up with, and burst in the door.

The four shuffled into the room nonchalantly, as if it were their own home.

There were goblins all around the room. They were all hung up, chained to the walls, and had wounds covering their bodies.

They all had completely dull looks on their faces, as if all emotion had been sucked out of them.

In the center of the room, holding a pair of pliers and giggling with a large grin on his face, was an extremely tall goblin. The grin on the goblins face faded as he saw that the antiheroes had entered the room, and he stared at them with suspicious eyes.

The tall goblin wore a necklace that was strung with fingernails. and wore leather armor. However, on his belt, attacked to each loop was a finger without the nail. Some were green fingers, some yellow like those of humans but hardened and rotten from rigor mortis. Behind him was a rack of saws, spikes, and other tools used for torture, and all were covered in blood.

There was another goblin chained to a chair in the center of the room. The goblin holding pliers was likely to be torturing the one in the chair, who had a gag on his mouth and was faced away from the entrance.

"Whew! That's a lot of blood! I could smell it from a mile away!", Ashley stated while laughing creepily.

"Oi oi, looks like there's a party going on in here without our permission. Surely you wouldn't mind if we joined in on the fun?", Garett asked.

The goblin looked at them suspiciously at first, but after a second he began smiling.

The smile wrapped itself around the face of the goblin, and his yellow teeth were on show,

It was an ugly and disgusting smile that would invoke fear in many.

"I have no idea who you people are... nor do I know how you got past the guards... but I can feel it... you all are like me. You all have the same craving for blood that I do...."

Trevor walked over to the goblin and put his arm around him.

"You're exactly right, buddy. We do have an intense craving for blood, violence and suffering."

The two began to laugh, and everyone except Samantha joined in.




And slowly, but surely, Samantha too joined the choir of laughing.


"Heh heh heh."


But then, everyone except the goblin stopped laughing.

Trevor stared at the goblin with an egotistical smirk.

"We are exactly like you. We do have an intense craving for blood, violence and suffering. And you are the perfect target to focus this craving on."