Chapter 54- Make your own decision.

Oraguth was tormented with indecision over Garett's explanation.

Surely these demons had the power to heal everyone. Surely they were lying about running out of mana. This demon was likely enjoying watching Oraguth fret over which choice he should make.

Oraguth's distress was nothing more than a game to this demon.

What should he do?

"Is there no way that you could heal everyone?", he asked with a quivering voice.

The red demon frowned, and looked at Oraguth with disgust.

"Could it be that your ears are broken? Or perhaps your mind is the issue? I said that she DOESN'T HAVE ENOUGH MANA. We are already being extremely gracious with half of our healers mana, and now you are trying to ask for more than that? Could it be that you are plotting against us, and trying to drain us of healing ability so that we could be killed off? If you think that you can sway us with pretty words and concepts, then you've come to the wrong people. We aren't here to be your personal little saviors. We're here to gain slaves for ourselves."

Oraguth was filled with terror as the red demon spoke these words, and he immediately regretted asking for more than he had been offered.

"I will ask you again. Pick option 1, 2 or 3. If you insist on us healing everyone, then I will simply give up and kill you all on the spot."

Oraguth tried to turn his face to look at his neighbors. He needed to figure out what they wanted. He couldn't make a decision that made people suffer without even consulting them first. However, as Oraguth tried to turn his face to look at the others, he felt a strong pressure on his chin, preventing him from turning his head.

"Eyes on me, buddy. I want YOU to make this decision on your own, without any influence from others. And if anyone over there says a peep to try to influence his decision, I will decapitate you myself."

Oraguth felt as if he was being torn apart, like a stack of papers in a shredder. He didn't know what to do. Who should he save? Who should he kill?

But, despite the pain that he might put everyone through, Oraguth did not want anyone to die.

He didn't want to live with the guilt of making the order for anyone to be killed off.

So he decided.

"Choice number 2. Please, save everyone, even at the cost of injury and suffering."

The red demon looked somewhat disappointed in his decision, but he backed off.

The blue demon, who seemed to have a slight look of shock on her face, then walked over and healed the ten strongest goblins. She must have decided that it would be better for the strong to be the ones carrying the weak.

The elf then stood forward as the ones who were healed began standing up, and the healed goblins silently picked up a heavily injured goblin each. There were many groans of pain both from the heavily injured at being moved, and from the lightly injured at having to carry the weight of the others.

Oraguth went to pick up a child, but he was stopped by the elf.

"You don't get to pick anyone up. Let the injured care for themselves. We have done enough for them already"

These people were evil incarnate.

Just like his father... perhaps even worse.

They took pleasure in the suffering of others, and insisted on prolonging the torment.

Oraguth was at a loss for what to do.

The two spiderlings were staring at Oraguth with tense faces. They did not seem to be horrified or scared, but instead determined. Who were they? What was their relationship with these demons?


After making all the preparations, the antiheroes got ready to set off. However, when they did so, a message appeared.

[Message from the Determinant]

[Do you wish to open?]

"Yes", Garett stated, as the message displayed itself.

[Hello. This is the Determinant. I was allowed to send a message to you all, and I wanted to check up to see how the expedition was going. Things are going relatively well in the slime village. Iotar has been producing potions to sell when the time comes, and everyone else has been working hard to prepare for your return. If there is anything you wish of us, do not hesitate to ask]

There was a reply option, and Garett gave things some thought before clicking it.

"Elf. I have an idea."

"Hoh? It seems that you are starting to take after me. First that negotiation with the goblins, and now you have a plan? Let's hear it."

"We heard before that the birdmen and the lizardmen are on the brink of war, no?"

"Yes, I am aware. What of it?"

"With Ashley's new awakening... it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that we likely possess one of the highest military strengths in this world. Am I wrong?"

"It is highly likely. If we compare her current strength to the strongest of the beings we have seen thus far, it is incomparable. It is like comparing a nuclear bomb to a firecracker."

"We should set up a war council... a meeting hosted by a neutral party in the war to discuss... matters. First, we should display our strength to the nearby tribes, to show them that we mean business, and that we are not to be touched. Then, we can initiate negotiations regarding the sales of our villages products. On top of that, if we are able to get the two leaders into one room.... who knows. Perhaps we can cease the possibility of war altogether, and ally with both villages."