Chapter 60- The Arena

Claire was then led by the two soldiers down the gravel walkway, past the large stone building and behind it.

As they walked to the arena, Claire noticed all the different types of lizardmen. There were newts, iguanas, chameleons, alligators, crocodiles, you name it. If it was a type of lizard, even by the most liberal definition, they were here in this village.

, Some were hard at work while others were walking and having a chat with others. It reminded Claire of everyday life back in the human cities.

Some stared as they saw the guards leading Claire, and she saw a few whispering to each other, clearly disturbed that a human was in their midst.

"Who is that woman over there?"

"She is with the guards... do you think she had been taken hostage?"

"She doesn't seem to be bound. Is she some sort of VIP?"

"There's no way. Why would we ever allow a human to enter the village? Much less put them in a seat of honor. She is probably on her way to be executed as we speak. Our warriors are the strongest, so perhaps they didn't even feel the need to bind her."

"You think so?"

"I'm certain."

Claire was led through the streets like a criminal, and given hostile stares by all the people around her. Some mothers rushed their children inside or hid their eyes as if Claire was someone who shouldn't be seen by the innocent eyes.


Claire wondered if it was simply because she was a human, or if her new role as the determined had gained her some sort of reputation. It was possible that these lizardmen had been informed by Arlo and Hopkin about the antiheroes and their new domain, and so it wasn't impossible that her name would be known.

She decided to ask the guard.

"Excuse me?"

"What is it? I'm trying to hurry this up so I can get back to my duties."

"Oh... I'm sorry... but I was wondering if the people of this village know who I am?"

"Who you are? Do you think we would waste our time trying to learn about humans?"

That answered Claire's questions.

Clearly they did not know- or at least it was not widely known- who she was, despite the fact that the Determined was a well known legend, at least according to the slime people, and so Arlo had likely kept his promise and stayed silent about the existence of the antiheroes. If he hadn't, it would be very likely that she would have been recognized immediately by these guards.

Finally they reached the arena. Behind the stone building there was a basic wooden set of bleachers in a circular formation around a pit that was laid with marble.

"We have arrived. Please follow me and we will begin our duel shortly. Do you use any particular type of weapon? If you need one, it can be provided."

"I will fight as I am."

'There's no point in me wielding a weapon anyways...'

This irked the lizardman who planned to fight her, and he threw down his spear.

"Then, I too will fight barehanded. Do not blame me when it takes longer for you to die. It is your fault for underestimating the proud lizardmen warriors."

'Ah! I didn't mean to offend you! No, really! Why do you keep thinking that I am provoking you!? Grr... these lizardmen are so full of pride... I can't wrap my mind around them at all...sigh... how am I supposed to become a hero and help others when they all keep getting offended and misunderstood by me so easily... perhaps I should try to be more careful with my words...'

The two entered the arena down the stone stairway, and Claire looked around at the seats that were now a story above her.

She breathed in the air of the arena. She was a regular person, and as such had never fought anyone before coming to this world, much less fight in an arena. She was not accustomed to sports either, so she had never been in the spotlight of anything- however now she was about to be the center of attention. It wasn't exactly a welcome change, however...

'Well, in order to truly help people I suppose I will need to spread my name and get used to being in the spotlight, or they won't look to me for help. I'll consider this to be training. Even if it's only one person at a time, I will change these monster people's views on me for the better! Starting with this one right here!'

Claire then recalled her simulated life and experiences, and remembered sadly that they were merely a part of her imagination- nothing more.

To Claire, they were real. The friends she made, the memories she had. It was truly a saddening thing to know that these memories were merely the work of a computer. How was it possible anyways for a computer to simulate something as complex as a human life- as human emotions? It was truly mind boggling.

She stared at the lizardman, who was readying his fists for the fight, and he swung a few practice punches. They were well timed and followed through. The other lizardman had run off and was climbing the stairs into a tower. It was a tall wooden tower, and at the top was a large bell. The lizardman grabbed the rope which was connected to the bell and rung it as loud and as quickly as he could.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

What was this?

Why was he ringing this bell?

'Don't tell me he's calling people over here to watch us fight! Agh! I don't want to be seen by so many people... a few is fine, but performing in front of a crowd?! What should I do.... Ah! If I hurry up and finish the fight before anyone else comes, then I should be fine! Ah... but without the ability to attack anyone, I can't finish the fight without the other person giving up... what to do...'

Claire was troubled, and tried and tried to think up a solution. She noticed in the back of her eye that Rithargus had taken a seat in the bleachers near where she was standing, and as time passed, the other lizardman simply waited.

"It is customary when a duel occurs here to ring the bell and call the entire village to watch. Women, children, men, everyone comes to watch the arena battles so that they may understand the rankings within the village, and the glory of a true warrior bathing in victory."

"I see..."

Claire was very concerned now.

What would she do if the crowd didn't allow her to leave with her life?

Even if she could reset things when she was attacked, what if they refused to let her out? Worse, what if they decided to imprison her?

It was possible that she could get trapped in a loop of rewinds if others continuously attacked her while she was completely surrounded. While Claire could never die, she was not invincible in every way. It was very possible to stall her or work around her abilities.

The stadium filled up with spectators, and the mothers this time did not cover the eyes of their children. There seemed to be a large amount of energy among all the lizardmen as they gathered, and they all seemed eager to watch the upcoming battle.