Chapter 79- Bad Guys need to be Punished

The 5 birdmen, 5 lizardmen, and the antiheroes, along with Claire walked up the stairs to the conference room.

The female musicians stayed in the reception area, and so everyone gathered around a long board meeting table.

Trevor sat at the head, next to Samantha. There were 2 seats along the short side of the rectangle. Garett and Ashley sat on either side of Trevor and Samantha, respectively.

On each side of the table, there were 6 seats, which were filled in on one side by the birdmen and on the other side by the lizardmen. Claire sat at the opposing end of the table.

Trevor took the attention of the table once more to start the meeting.

"Now then... our first order of business. If there is anyone here who is opposed to our leadership of the slime village, raise your hand. If there is anyone in opposition, I will hear your side out before opening the discussion. If there is nobody in opposition, we will move onto the next topic"

Nobody raised their hand of course.

Pilir had not yet fully accepted these antiheroes as the rulers of this area, however he had no connection with the slime village, and did not feel as if there was a need to put himself on the spot by opposing things. The slime village had never been led by a strong force in the first place, and while the lizardmen were able to take advantage of that, Pilir felt that if these antiheroes were in actuality weak, that he would be able to easily restore things to the way they were before with a bit of pressure.... and if they were simply idiots who pretended to be strong, then he would be able to defeat them if they became too insolent.

Nobody on the side of the birdmen cared either about the ruling of the slime village. It was not their territory, and even though Erasalis wished for the people here to acknowledge him and his culture, he did not wish to go against this elf.

Tora and Yerth, along with Arlo were the only ones present who had experienced the full extent of malice being exerted from Trevor before, and as such they were in complete favor of the new leadership- out of fear of course. In fact, Arlo himself would be willing to become a member of this village if pressured to do so, however he could not abandon his own tribe so long as the antiheroes didn't make any moves. He longed for the antiheroes to extend their domain to include the lizardmen.

'Ah... if only we submitted ourselves to them here and now... the issue of the birdmen attacking us would disappear in an instant.'

Of course, Rocko would not allow that to happen. He was not a greedy leader, but he would not give up his position so easily- especially because he did not yet comprehend the power that the antiheroes commanded.

While the others had experienced a sliver of the malice coming from Trevor, it was not even a single percentage of the pressure exerted on those who it was aimed at.

Arlo knew this because he had now experienced a situation where he was the target of that pressure, and one where he was not. The difference was like heaven and earth.

"Well then... it seems we are well accepted, not only by our own subjects but by the tribes surrounding us. Very good. Very good indeed. Well then, I shall discuss now the trade offers in which we can currently provide. First off, we have begun the production of mid-tier potions and even some greater tier potions. We would like to offer them to the side in which the bid is highest. The current offer stands at 20 coppers per potion... do the birdmen have a counteroffer, or should we allow the lizardmen to monopolize the usage of potions? Or perhaps we should throw a market price out the window, and sell potions individually on a need basis?"

Rocko was aggravated at the fact that the elf would so easily leak information that was negotiated between the lizards and the antiheroes, however he bit his tongue as to not say or do anything unnecessary.

These antiheroes were not their ally.

They were willing to do whatever they could in order to gain the most benefit, and if the enemy of the lizardmen provided them more benefit than the lizardmen could, they would turn traitor in a second and change business partners.

This was the ruthlessness of a businessman. Betrayal in the corporate world was nothing more than a tactic to be used- rather than a sin to be avoided.

Trevor then listed off a list of available potions that the village was producing, and the leader of the birdmen considered the offer for a while, however...

"We have no need for things such as potions. Our goal in this coming war is not to defeat the lizardmen, but to exert complete dominance over them and show them the true wonders of our culture. What point would there be in relying on potions?"

"I see... I hope that you will not regret that decision. After all, the lizardmen will be at an advantage if they have access to resources which you do not."

Rocko was somewhat relieved at the overconfidence of Erasalis. It was true that on a fundamental level that each birdman was stronger that a typical lizardman, however if they underestimated the lizardmen and gave them the advantage this war was more than winnable.

"Then we will keep the agreement as prior. I would also like to make note that we are beginning the production of clothing and hopefully equipment as well soon in our village, so if anyone would like something to be custom tailored... perhaps for a wife or daughter, then you all know where to come. For now, the tailoring shop has just opened in the center of the village, and is run by Berith, the spiderkin female who you all may have seen earlier."

'What's with this guy.... he's only talking about himself and his own businesses... as if we care! We're here for a war council, not to buy your dumb products!', Pilir thought.

Trevor then moved onto the final topic.

"Now... I suppose none of you intent to cease this war based on your responses, not that I mind... during every tragedy, there is also someone getting rich... and how very much I would love that person to be me. However, are there any negotiations or information you wish to discuss before the start of this war, based on what you now know? We have gone through all this effort to set up this meeting, and it would be a shame if it were to end so quickly with no fruit. Well... the seeds meant to be planted over the course of this meeting have already been buried either way... heh."

Trevor made that last statement with a smirk as if everything was going exactly according to plan.

"I have nothing to say to you except that you birdmen are idiots to think that a difference in culture is a good reason to attack another village, and that you will regret your arrogance in underestimating us.", Rocko said stubbornly to Erasalis.

"And I have nothing to say aside from that you all will regret not bowing before us in awe even after seeing these illuminating forms that we have worked so diligently to develop. We will prove to you that the new age is here, and that your traditional methods are outdated."

With that, Trevor closed the meeting, and ordered that the two parties leave peacefully to return to their villages.

"Well... that was anticlimactic", Garett commented as the antiheroes and Claire were the only ones left in the room.

"Indeed... however, as I said. The goal of this meeting to establish ourselves as the dictators of this village and open up trading possibilities with nearby tribes has been accomplished. All that is left to do is wait for the results to roll in. Soon enough I am sure our city will be bustling with customers..."

Trevor grinned and laughed to himself, in a slightly evil manner.

"keh keh keh..."

"Should we get back to our usual duties then?", Samantha asked.

"Yes... It has been a long day. Let's finish everything up for today." Trevor responded.

"I wonder what we should have for dinner... I sure am hungry.. perhaps we should make something for the entire village and have a banquet to celebrate the recognition of us as the official leaders.", Garett proposed.

"Not a bad idea.. I sure am hungry as well... I could sure go for some grilled meat...", Ashley commented.


The lizardmen and the birdmen filed out of the building and started heading in the same direction. There was still a ferocious hatred between the two groups, and they both walked silently through the village.

Neither leader was about to start anything while they were here deep in the slime village, however when they left was a different story.

Pilir planned on striking as soon as they were on the outskirts of the village. He would take the birdmen- and even his own incompetent companions- by surprise.

Arlo and Yerth had given into the pressure of that elven man just from a single look, however Pilir was not about to let this chance go so easily just because the elf was a little bit intimidating.

He was ready to take on those birdmen here and now- even if it was all alone. If they could take them by surprise and kill them all off here, then there would be no attack on his village. The leader of the birdmen would return dead. Not only this, but if there remained any birdmen who were angry that their leaders left only to be killed, the anger could be directed to those leaders of the slime village for allowing such a thing to happen in their own territory. And, if he attacked just before they left the village- the birdmen wouldn't expect it, since they wouldn't have exited the territory of those 'new leaders'.

It was a win-win for the lizardmen if Pilir could pull it off. If Rocko, Yerth and Arlo were willing to fight with him, then he was certain that they could take on these birdmen here and now. He would make the first move and show them that they could win.

The two tribes continued walking until they were on the very outskirts of town where their paths would diverge. They were still near some small wooden huts, but they were basically outside of the major areas.

Now was his chance.

Pilir readied his halberd, and spotted a target that was closest to him. It was the bald eagle who had insulted his people earlier.

He could not forgive such an insult, but right now he was a warrior of justice, fighting to protect his people.

Sacrificing perhaps even himself for others. He wasn't doing this for revenge right now- he was doing it for the sake of others.

He was about to become a hero- even if he would be hated for it. The essence of a true hero is one who will save people even if they are looked at as villains. Even if they are mocked and despised for performing just acts. Even if they go their entire lives without being recognized as a hero.

He readied his weapon and launched a strike at the leg of that eagle to incapacitate him.


The halberd dug deep into the leg of the eagle, who seemed to be looking at Pilir with a face of confusion and terror.

That terror turned to anger quickly.

"Why you..."

"What are you doing!?!? We are still in their territory!!", Rocko shouted.

"OI OI OI!!! Pilir!!! You idiot!!", Yerth shouted.

"I'm doing this for the sake of our village and people! Even if it's underhanded, if we kill these guys right now nobody will have to suffer through this war!"

"Nobody will have to suffer?", Arlo said with one hand over his face and a furious look in his eyes.

"You said that nobody will have to suffer if you do this? No. That's where you're wrong, Pilir. Because you did this, it is much more likely that EVERYONE will suffer.


The birdmen had looks of anger on their faces. Especially the leader.

"Why you... how dare you attack the glorious thighs of one of our kind!!! You coward!! I did not realize that the lizardmen are such cowards!!!", Erasalis cried.

Pilir didn't care if he looked like a coward. Right now, he was doing what he could to save his people from a massacre in their own village.

The other birdmen seemed to take a fighting stance, however Tora's mind was filled with a hundred thoughts in the matter of a second.

'What do I do here?'

'If I am caught fighting in this territory the antiheroes will destroy me!!'

'But I cannot simply not fight back here.... I will be killed!'

Instinctively, before Tora even knew what was happening, he had grabbed the pole of the halberd which was dug deep into his thigh.

With one wing he grabbed the handle, and with the other he quickly wrapped it around the body of the lizard wearing armor.

In an instant, he had lifted the entire lizard- armor and all- above his head, wrapped around his body as if he were performing a German suplex.

However, in this German suplex motion, he let go halfway at the top of the arc, because the pain struck in his left thigh as the halberd was removed from his leg, and the weight of the lizardmen bore down on him.

The lizardman in armor was sent flying into a nearby building.


Wooden boards from a hut fell to the ground as the lizardmen covered in armor laid in a pile of debris.

Tora stood there on one knee, grabbing the wound.

"You uncultured piece of shit... the antiheroes will destroy us all now... what have you done...", Tora croaked, while grabbing his wound.

A shriek was then heard.


Inside the home that the lizardmen had slammed into, was a young girl. It was a pink slime kin, and she was lying on the ground with a board of wood lodged into her head. She was made of gel, and so it was like sticking a toothpick into a mass of jello.... except instead of a toothpick, it was a giant piece of wood inside the head of a person made from slime.

Arlo, Yerth, and Tora... their eyes all went wide at this.

The rest of the groups were standing by on guard, but complete and utter terror came across these three at this moment. The ones who weren't sitting in a pile of debris fell to their knees, unable to move or speak.

"What... what have I done....", Tora whispered, sweat beading down his face, staring at his hands with complete despair overcoming every fiber of his being.

"Those cowards! Finish that lizard off now, boys! Show them the magnificence of the birdmen tribe, and the fruits of our sessions!! I won't forgive anyone who aims at our pride and glory- our thighs!", Erasalis shouted.

'Now is not the time for run.... run.... RUN!!! You all need to run away!!! Leave me behind!!!', Tora thought, however he could not get the words out of his mouth. He was completely overcome.

Arlo and Yerth couldn't even wrap their minds around the punishment their tribe would receive for this.

"Were doomed."

"It's going to be a slaughter."

"There's... there's no point in resisting... there's no point in anything anymore... hahahaha.... hahahaha!!! WERE DOOMED!!!!"

Soon enough, just as expected, the antiheroes arrived on the scene.

"What was that scream?", Garett shouted furiously, while darting his head back and forth analyzing the situation.

Upon approach, and seeing the board stuck in Helen's head, Ashley's hair all stuck up like crazy. Her eyes drooped, and they burst out in veins, twitching sporadically. She stared at the group of fighters with utter disgust and anger.

Fury was in the eyes of every single member of the antiheroes. Samantha rushed over to help Helen and heal her up, while Trevor pulled out his bow and knocked and arrow. A flame erupted in one of his eyes, and he looked about to become a psychopathic murderer.

Garett pulled out his club. His face was that of a true demon.

However, Ashley had a face that was worse than that of the devil himself.

"Your- cough! Your excellency! These people are bad guys! Save me!", Helen shouted from the building while quivering in fear.

"Yes. That's right. These people are bad guys.", Ashley stated, completely devoid of emotion.

"And bad guys need to be punished."