Chapter 84- Taking the blame

Rocko and the gang of lizardmen had arrived back at their village after a day of travel.

The guard was stunned at the fact that they were carrying Pilir by a stretcher, but Rocko did not say a word as he passed him by. No words could explain what had happened.

Yet, Rocko planned on holding an announcement to the entire village.

The announcement that the antiheroes have found the lizardmen to be enemies, and that Arlo, a conspirator with the antiheroes, was to be banished from the village with any others who sympathized with them.

This was a plan suggested by Arlo in order to keep the population from underestimating the antiheroes and carelessly speaking badly of them, however also to allow their people to not have to live with the complete terror of knowing what actually happened. It was too much for the average person to know that their ruler had been beaten to a complete loss, and that the entire strength of the village wouldn't even make a dent into the power of the antiheroes. Not only this, but if those who sympathized with the antiheroes were to be banished, then those who did would likely muster up the resolve to leave quickly. As for the rest of the village...

"I will do everything I can until my dying breath to shield our people in the case that we are attacked. while allowing the people to live with a false peace of mind until then."

"And I will do everything I can to convince the antiheroes to be merciful to our people."

If Arlo- the figurehead of the military might of the lizardmen were to all of a sudden disappear to go live elsewhere, it would put confusion and fear into the hearts of the people. If he was branded as a criminal, this too would put distrust into the hearts of the people, but it would at least allow them to aim their distrust towards Arlo. It would also show that the antiheroes were powerful enough to dominate even the strongest lizardman, and convince him to go over to their side, however the secret would remain that they were earth shatteringly powerful... and perhaps the people would not live the rest of their days preaching the end of the world.

The people already feared the Determined, and so they would also fear the antiheroes as much if not more. This was a measure that was taken by Rocko in the case that they visited the lizardmen village in order to crush the possibility of resistance. If everyone here was already aware that the antiheroes were more powerful than Arlo, there would likely not be a soul even among the proud lizardmen who would dare stand up in resistance.

Perhaps if the entire village acted submissively towards the antiheroes, their rage would be dissipated. They had spared Pilir for the sake of spreading their names after all, so Rocko would do just that. Rocko planned on using the image of Pilir as a message to the people. 'Even the 2nd strongest warrior in the village did not stand a chance.. If even Arlo was siding with the antiheroes in submission, then who could stand up to them?

Hopkin saw the group walking and ran up to Arlo.

"Arlo! You've finally returned from your journey! Wha-!?"

Hopkin stared in shock upon seeing Pilir in a stretcher.

"What happened!?! Did those bastard birdmen start a fight before the war has even begun!?! What cowards!"

Arlo smiled bitterly. It could not have been more opposite from the truth.


"Yes, Arlo?"

"I will be leaving this village soon. This is goodbye."

"What are you saying Arlo? That's not a very funny joke. Why would you leave the village? When was the last time a lizardman left here, much less the strongest warrior of the lizardmen. Everything you could ever want is here.. everyone respects you, and there is absolutely no reason to leave. Surely, you aren't scared that the birdmen will win this war?"

Hopkin's face became serious as he reached that line of thought.

"Arlo. You aren't afraid of the birdmen, right? Tell me that is not the case."

"That is not the case. The birdmen are nothing to worry about."

"Hahaha! Of course! You sure aren't great at jokes Arlo. Anyways, everyone has been waiting for you all to return-"



"I am a criminal. I was the one who did this to Pilir."


Arlo then smiled, putting on an act.

"Yes... that's right. I plotted to kill Rocko and all the ministers on the way back! I did so because I have now sworn my loyalty to the antiheroes and the determined! They wished to test me, and upon seeing me strike at Pilir and twist his arm around like this, they accepted me as one of their own! Not only this... but they decided to spare Rocko and the rest, telling them to allow me to safely come here in order to gather my things and leave! Those beings... those monsters are far more powerful than you can imagine, Hopkin, and I wanted to be a part of their domain... so I have become one of their loyal minions! Today I will be officially and publicly banished from the village. Know this though, Hopkin. The antiheroes could crush our village at any time. Do look out for them, and be careful not to breathe in their general direction should they show up. Because a single breath from them in your general direction could mean your own death."

"I... I see..."

Hopkin had a dark expression.

"You were not what I expected, Arlo. I stuck around with you because you were strong, yet now you have submitted yourself to others who are not even lizardmen. I have lost my respect for you."

With that, Hopkin walked off, disappointed.

"Was that really alright?", Rocko asked.

"It is better to make him hate me than for him to know the truth."

"I see..."

With that, the four then headed to the arena, with Pilir carried in a stretcher.


The four arrived at the arena and Igard walked over to ring the bell to call the entire village.

There was no fight going on, however there were different patterns of ringing that notified the villagers of different reasons for gathering.

This pattern notified that there was an important event that the entire village needed to be present.

Lizardmen gathered once more from all over the town, pouring into each entrance of the arena while chattering among themselves and taking seats.

"Ooh!! It seems that Rocko and Arlo and the others are back!!!"

"Are we having a fight to celebrate their return!?!"

"I hope so!! I would love to see a fight to get everyone riled up for the war!"

"Arlo! Arlo! Arlo!"

"Rocko! Rocko! Rocko!"

"Banzai! Hail the strength of the lizardmen!!!"

Once more the beating of feet and the cheers of the arena filled the atmosphere. However, as it had begun as was usual for such an event, Rocko stood up and waved his hand for everyone to stop cheering.

He had a grim look on his face. Now was not the time to put on a happy face as if everything were alright. The people needed to understand how deep the problem ran, to the point where pretending like everything was alright while dealing with the problem alone was not an option. While he didn't want his people to live in fear, he had to make them understand that the antiheroes were not to be underestimated.

Rocko took a deep breath before raising his head to address the crowd.

"Everyone.", he said loud enough to capture the entire attention of the arena.

"As you all can see, I have returned safely from the meeting with the antiheroes and the Determined. Unfortunately, the news I bring regarding the results of this meeting is not good."

This caused whispering and speculation among the gathered lizardmen.

"Do you think the birdmen are attacking sooner than we thought?"

"Perhaps we underestimated their strength..."

"What are you saying? There is no way we proud lizardmen warriors would lose to those dancing buffoons!"

"That's right!"

"What could the bad news be then?"

"Shh! We should listen up."

Rocko waited for the people to quiet down before continuing.

"I am sure you all are well aware of the strength that the Determined is said to possess... reality bending power. However... the Determined was not the only one to possess this reality shattering strength. With my own two eyes, I witnessed a strength far beyond anything describable during this trip. It was the strength possessed by the antiheroes. The strength of the antiheroes is a power so great that it boggles the very mind, making one wonder if they are in fiction or reality. Not only this.... but the antiheroes were displeased with Pilir."

'Ah.... that was a slip of the tongue... I didn't want the people to be terrified of the antiheroes, but I couldn't stop myself... it is almost like I was induced to make such a statement... as if it had been predetermined...'

"Pilir? The second strongest warrior in the tribe!?"

"Why would they be displeased with him!?! Would they go so far as to attack someone without reason!?"

"They are the antiheroes!!! You all saw the Determined, and felt her terrifying gaze! Surely each one of them was almost as terrifying!"

"What do we do!?! If Pilir angered the antiheroes, then are we not doomed, if they show the same strength as the Determined!?!"

Rocko held up his hand in silence, and the stretcher was brought by Igard and Yerth to let the maimed and twisted body of Pilir to be shown to the crowd.

His wounds were completely healed, but his skin was dried up and it looked as if the life had been sucked from him. The woman who healed him had allowed him to live- but nothing more. He would spend the rest of his life in pain, not only physically, but also psychologically.

Holding up the stretcher with Pilir on it, the crowd was able to see the disturbing state his body was in. Without a doubt, he had been not only defeated, but sucked of his very life.

"Pilir!!! How could they do this to him!?!"

"Grr!! For what reason would they do this!?!"

"Calm down! If it were to spread that you spoke badly of them..."

Rocko once more captivated the crowd's attention.

"I am sure you are all furious with what has been done to Pilir... however, I must ask you all to calm your hatred, and hide it deep away within yourselves. The antiheroes.... they are beings of chaos who have arrived to disrupt the very balance of the world, and we must not show even a shed of resistance! If you look at them in even the wrong way, you will end up in a state as bad if not worse than Pilir!"

'We've already come this far... there is no longer any need to hide the truth...'

Fear enveloped the arena. Not a single person said a word as a cold chill went down their spines.

The ones who had seen the Determined in person were especially prone to this fear, as they were certain that if the antiheroes were even half as petrifying as the Determined was, then this was no laughing matter.

It was the difference between life and death.