Chapter 112- An Unfathomable Conspiracy

Oscar took a peek at the properties of Kyle Ruthobold after promoting him to the hero of the Ruthobold kingdom.

Kyle Ruthobold: (Lvl 50) Class: Warrior- Tank specialty.

Attack: 800-1000

Physical Defense: 1000

Magical Defense: 1000

HP: 500,000/500,000

MP: 0/0

Special Skills: [Courageous Battle-cry]: Rally all your allies, increasing their attack power and health by five times.

[Perceive Intentions- You are able to understand the internal reasons for which others perform actions. Must be activated by the hero in order to take effect. Costs 0 MP]

'Heh heh... this kid has got quite the punch on him.... not that he can't be killed by a command, but he's far stronger than anyone else in this world. I can use this.... I can wrap him around my finger...I suppose I have to be careful of that skill of his, though.'

Oscar smiled kindly on the outside while plotting how to use Kyle on the inside.

He had managed to convince this brat to come and live with him as a hero.

And under the pretext of assisting his mothers!

Oscar did not know who his mother's were- or more importantly why he had multiple mothers, but they were clearly some women off the street who didn't matter. Oscar had no intention of saving them... no, rather, he would use them as the carrot to get this child to do as he pleased.

Oscar walked over to Ethan calmly and smoothly. He put his hand on his shoulder and whispered into his ear.

"Sorry, but it looks like i'm going to be taking your apprentice. No hard feelings. He's the hero of the country, after all. He can't be left in a filthy little shop like this to rot away."

With a handsome smile and a pat on the back, Oscar passed Ethan who stood breathless.

Ethan understood his position well, and knew that he could not say anything back to the Indeterminant, and so he kept his mouth shut. Normally he would have started a brawl then and there over someone insulting his shop, but he controlled himself.

He was used to the nobles criticizing him and trying to take him down, however was even the Indeterminant his enemy?

He had hoped that was not the case, and originally viewed the Indeterminant as a man of the people... but was that not actually how things were?

Was he actually just a bigot noble like the rest of them who wanted to sit on top?

Either way, there was nothing he could do. Ethan watched as Kyle gathered his things and said his goodbyes to everyone.

"I am sorry to leave so soon, Master Ethan, however I am sure you understand my reason."

"Ah, do not worry about it. More importantly... that you are the hero of this country...."

Ethan gave Kyle a hug.

He loved him almost like a son, even though he was nothing more than a brat who was raised in a brothel that he frequented. It saddened him to see him leave forever like this, however....

He couldn't be happier.

He couldn't be prouder.

To think that this little rugrat who he had known for years was now to become the hero of the country...

Kyle was raised in an odd scenario, and his sense of justice might be tainted.

However, Ethan had no doubt in his mind that Kyle would become a wonderful hero.

He squeezed Kyle hard before eventually letting him go with a pat on the head.

"Go on. Become a hero that I can tell stories about and brag that I know you personally."


'But you don't seem to want to brag about knowing me before that, isn't that right?', Kyle thought. 'I suppose that's just the way things are. Nobody wants to be associated with a bastard.'

Kyle turned to the other two apprentices, and they performed one last handshake with a fluttering motion at the end.

Oscar seemed to be ready to go, and he motioned for Kyle to follow him, and soon enough the two had walked off into the distance.

"That kid.... I can't believe it...."

Ethan was filled with a mix of emotions, but something struck him then.

"But that man... is he really trustworthy? Ah! I had better tell his mother's about this!"

Ethan decided that he would take a trip to the brothel tonight.


Oscar walked proudly with Kyle next to him. He did not mind at all that Kyle was covered in ash and soot from the smithy- as a matter of fact he could not care less about nobles spreading rumors about him and diminishing his status, because he had an easy counter to such claims.

More importantly, the people looked at him in awe as he passed and they even considered him to be gracious for allowing such a dirty kid to walk with him.

It was the best feeling.

To so effortlessly be praised, loved, seen as a hero- without even doing anything.

All he had to do was breathe and people were shouting his praises.

It was wonderful to be the man who lead the heroes- and he would lead them.

He would lead them to ruin.

Oscar had already planned his next move.

Now that he had found the hero of the Ruthobold kingdom, and convinced him to come live under his home, all that was left was to brainwash him, deceive him, and play him like an instrument.

It was perfect.

Once he had the hero of the Ruthobold kingdom under his grasp, he would then search for the heroes of the other countries of the world.

He would make them his followers.

He would manipulate them.

And he would have them kill each other off.

If the heroes were to all die through an in-fight, then who would be left to defend the people from the threat of the monster realm?

The Indeterminant of course.

He would then display his courage and love for the people by leaving on his own to defeat the demons and monster kings of the monster realm. The antiheroes, who were already likely dead, would pose a false threat, and Oscar would reap the glory of killing them.

He would become humanities savior.

Oscar had done his research on the four countries of the world, and he had decided that the Empire would be his next visit. He would head there as soon as he was able to within reason, however he still had loose ends to tie up here in the Ruthobold Kingdom.

Following this, he would visit the Sultinate, and then the Alliance. After visiting all four countries, he would make the decision as to which country would be most suitable for him to use.

Before '''saving''' all of humanity in his selfless act of kindness, Oscar would first manipulate the leaders of the countries to war with each other, eventually creating one large and united country.

This would take time, preparation, and influence.

If humanity was united as one country, then when Oscar saved all of humanity his popularity would explode worldwide- to the point where he would have enough support to overthrow the current rule and become the ultimate dictator, loved by the people.

Recalling the things he heard from the king about the legends, Oscar chuckled.

There was something about the heroes losing to some group of new demon lords if they were to be unable to work together and defend humanity, and something else about a time limit before they grew too powerful to defeat, but Oscar had no worries.

He had already been given the option to set those beings onto nightmare mode.

They were already likely long dead.

Even if by some miracle they survived, they were no match for Oscar's power. All he needed was a name, and he would be able to eliminate them for good. It didn't matter how powerful they became.

There was no way he could lose.




"I have high hopes for you. From now on, you will be entering high society as a noble- and as a hero at that. I will do my best to instruct you in that manner."

Kyle looked at the Indeterminant with glee. He was so amazed that such a wonderful person had chosen him out in particular... even if this was some sort of lottery miracle... the fact that he was now the hero and able to spend his life being instructed by such a noble and generous man filled him with excitement.

Kyle did not know any other nobles, however he had only met the Indeterminant once before, and he could say without a doubt that he was the very definition of style, grace, and compassion.

He did not look down on others, and always seemed to be working hard to help others underneath him. He was truly a gracious man.

Still, there was something that irked at Kyle, and he did not know what. It was very likely his own perception to not trust anyone, which had been instilled deeply into him after hearing the harsh stories of his mothers.

Kyle did not feel guilty about giving up his life as a smithing apprentice. He had only recently started. More importantly, there was a better way to improve the conditions and status of his mothers.

Perhaps this was his big break.

Perhaps he would be able to change the world.

As the hero, Kyle wanted to create a world where his mothers were given the respect and credit they deserved.

A world where those who lived in the darkness of poverty, struggling to survive were given the spotlight and praised for their countless efforts and immeasurable love for others.

"I will take you to your new home, and introduce you to your new brother and mother where we will raise you to be a fine hero- one who helps anyone in need and is able to fulfill his duty to his country."

Kyle merely nodded in excitement at Oscar's statement.

Just as his adventure as a smith had shortly come to an end, now his new adventure as a hero begun.