Chapter 122- Two faced

Oscar led Kyle through the city streets of the capital of the Ruthobold kingdom. As they walked, many people willingly stepped out of the way upon recognizing the Indeterminant. Oscar had become a well known face throughout the kingdom, and when the citizens saw him they could only think one thing.

He was the image of a hero.

Good looking, caring for the people, forgiving, and always working hard to fight for justice.

Kyle couldn't help but to be even more impressed than before with Oscar and his demeanor as he saw the calm attitude Oscar kept while kindly smiling and making small talk with each of the people he passed- as if he were a mere civilian who was on the same level as the average person.

There were no nobles in the country who would even dare to walk around the peasant sectors of the cities without a parade of guards and servants marching before them, and yet this man did not so much as consider the status of a person before approaching them and lending a hand.

A man was loading a crate of fruits onto a high shelf when he dropped it. The man jumped out of the way in order to avoid being harmed, however before the food even hit the ground, Oscar held out a hand.... and the crate full of the fruits merely froze in midair.

[\Freeze Object]

[\set coordinates]

Oscar, while holding out his hand used some sort of spell to teleport the crate back on top of the shelf.

"Thank you so much, Indeterminant!", the man said running up to Oscar.

"Oh, no problem. I am here to help people.", he said with a friendly smile.

Then, a while later as Kyle and Oscar were making their way through the noble sector, a noble family was out for a walk with their daughter. The man wore a light blue suit which was embroidered, looking like something from the 1800's in England. The mother and daughter wore matching yellow dresses which were thin however well made and with elaborate patterns.

The buildings around them were much larger then the ones in the other sectors and had grand entrances and large metal fences surrounding each one.

Suddenly, Kyle heard the sound of whinnying accompanied by loud bangs and crashes, and looking back he saw a horse running rapidly through the town, zigzagging back and forth and uncontrollably hitting itself into the buildings before continuing to run through the town.

"Somebody help!! That horse has gone mad!!', a man shouted.

Once more Oscar held up his hand and made some typing motions with his fingers before the horse stopped.

[Properties: Entity, horse]

[Set behavior: Calm]

Just before the horse ran into the noble family, injuring the little girl, it calmed down.

"Were you the one who did that, Indeterminant?", Kyle asked.

"Of course. Something as simple as this is easy for me.", he said, petting the horse who was licking him happily.

The noble father bowed to Oscar.

"Thank you so much for your assistance, Indeterminant! My daughter might have been injured gravely had you not intervened!"

"Ah, please spare me the praise. This is obvious for the savior of humanity, is it not?"

"So humble! May I speak with you for a moment?"

"Is something wrong?"

"It is over the matters that have been discussed recently regarding the decrease in the allocation of labor towards food production... you don't seem to have taken a stance, however what position do you have on this matter?"

This was Ulbert Trachau, the leader of the Trachau noble family line. He was one of the activists who proposed the radical yet practical theory of allocating more resources to the citizens in order to spur overall economic production and increase the overall welfare of not only the civilians but also of the nobles due to the satisfaction of the civilians, thus stabilizing their rule.

However, many nobles were deadlocked against this practice. They were not willing to give up any of their own wealth for the sake of the civilians, and were even trying to get a law passed that would increase the well being of the nobles while decreasing the production of the basic necessities for the civilians.

"Of course, I am for it. However, I am afraid that it is my duty as the Indeterminant to stay out of political matters- for taking part in political activism would prevent me from performing my role here in this world- to protect humanity and unite the heroes. I am afraid that I won't be able to assist you in your endeavors, however I do wish you luck."

"I see... well, if that is the case then I will not ask for any assistance. I thank you for your concern for the people. Please continue to do as you have, and thank you very much for assisting our family. If you ever change your mind, please let me know."

With a firm handshake and a bow, the noble family walked off and Kyle and Oscar continued their walk home.

Along the way however, they made a stop at the grand mansion of another group of nobles. There were guards stationed at the gates who opened them as soon as they recognized Oscar, which led to an area with hedges shaped into various people- the leaders of the noble house they were entering, along with marble fountains in the shapes of angels spitting out water.

The mansion was a large building with a red tile roof and made primarily of stone with a pillared entrance and metal fences on the balconies of each floor. The doors had golden lions on each one with doorknockers in their mouths and a cobble path led from the gate through the courtyard to the entrance.

Kyle and Oscar walked through the area and knocked on the door, to be answered by a maid.

"I am here to see Sir Meral. I have commissioned the blacksmith of this household with forging the armor of the hero of this country, and I am here to retrieve it."

"Ah, but of course! Just one moment, Indeterminant!"

The door was closed and a few minutes later opened once more.

Standing in front of him was a man wearing a fancy light green suit wearing a similarly colored tophat with a cane at his waist and wearing white gloves. He had a well trimmed beard that connected to his brown hair through sideburns, and a delighted look in his eyes.

He held a pair of well crafted iron armor in his hands that had an 8 pack on the chest and large shoulder pads connected to it.

This was the leader of the Meral Household.

"Here is what our family smith had come up with. I hope it is to your liking, Indeterminant. Who is this lad with you?"

Robert Meral's face looked slightly sour on seeing the child next to Oscar.

"This is the hero of the kingdom himself. I have just recently found him."

"Wha-! This child is the hero!? Interesting... shall we allow him to try on the armor? You said there would be no problem with the fitting, however it would shame our family if we were to produce an unsatisfactory piece for the hero himself."

'I can't believe this dirty peasant child is the hero... ah! No point thinking about things like this. I need to get on the good side of the Indeterminant if I am to increase my status. Regardless of whether he is a peasant or not, if I am able to come to terms with that then I will end up ahead of the others...'

Oscar started typing a few commands before the armor begun to shrink and creak lightly before settling in a certain position.

[Properties: Kyle Ruthobold]

[Properties: Iron Chestplate]


He had changed the properties of the armor to meet the specifications which fit to Kyle.

Kyle slipped into the armor like it was tailored exactly for him with no issues.

"Amazing! To think that this piece was made without ever taking any of my measurements...", he exclaimed.

Robert seemed to be wiping sweat off his forehead with a handkerchief.

"It suits you well. Please remember our family, should it save you from death.", Robert stated in a politically correct manner.

"I will. Thank you very much, sir."

The two turned to leave but before they left, the man held out his hand towards Oscar and called for him to wait.

"Excuse me, Indeterminant! There was something I wanted to ask you about actually. I have noticed that ever since you took the position of the leader of the Harxeau family that you have stayed silent among the debates that have been raging recently. Is there a reason why? Do you not have an opinion on the matter?"

Oscar smiled benevolently towards the man.

Robert Meral was one of the nobles who favored the allocation of labor towards the production of luxury goods, arguing that the peasants had more than enough to survive and that they should be giving back more to their country with their labor.

"Ah, of course I agree with you that the peasants should be doing more to assist their leaders- however as the Indeterminant I have decided that it is critical for me to stay out of any political affairs, for that may effect my duty as the savior of this country and of humanity as a whole. I must focus on my duty in gathering the heroes in order to assist everyone, and so I cannot lend any aid to you during the debates- lest I get caught up in a political battle."

"Ah... what a shame. If you were to take a stance on the matter then I am sure we would be able to overthrow the opposition so easily. However, I understand."

With that, Oscar and Kyle left the home and headed back towards the Harxeau estate.

'Didn't he say before that he supported the ones who wanted to assist the peasants? Why did he change his mind so suddenly?', Kyle wondered.

It was something above Kyle's intelligence to think too hard about. Perhaps politics were much more complex than he could imagine or understand. He should focus simply on helping people- just as Oscar had done when they traveled through the town. He didn't have to wonder about what to do in those situations, and he knew for certain that what Oscar had done was the right thing then- so perhaps what he was doing now was also right, even if Kyle didn't understand it.

After all, Kyle saw nothing wrong with lying and deception. 'What was it that Olivia told me before? Sometimes you have to lie through your teeth and pretend to be someone you aren't in order to earn an extra buck with certain customers... perhaps this is something along those lines.'

Kyle and Oscar, after a long walk and many distractions made it to the home of the Harxeau family.

It was glamorous- just as much so as the previous mansion, however made of wood and brightly painted this time. The courtyard had a very similar aspect to it, and the home felt comfortable on seeing it.

The guard at the gate held it open for Oscar and Kyle as they walked into the home before Oscar unlocked the front door and motioned for Kyle to follow him.

Oscar called down two people.

"Lydia, Eric! I'm home! I have some great news for our family!"

A woman wearing a black dress and clear gloves with a pearl necklace stepped down carefully in her high heels as she made her way down the stairs. She had long black hair and was relatively beautiful.

"Darling! You've arrived home! Who is this child with you?"

"Before that, let us wait for Eric. This is an important piece of news that I would like everyone to be present before sharing."

Eric came down the stairs with a bothered look on his face. He was previously studying hard for his exam, and had almost completely forgotten about the fact that Oscar had come into his household.

"This is the hero of the Ruthobold kingdom. From this moment on, he will be adopted into our family, and educated as a noble. Eric, say hello to your new brother. He will surely achieve more than you ever will, and he is already 15- the age of adulthood- so I am assigning him to take the place as my heir in this noble family. When his duty as a hero is completed, he will inherit this home, the lands under the control of this noble house, and the responsibility of leading these people. I will take care to ensure that he becomes an heir fit for this prestigious line."