Chapter 138- A Determined Fate

Claire was led to the waiting room in the palace of the chief once more. The soldier who guided her seemed to tremble with fear and confusion just being next to her.

'This woman.... if I could even refer to her as a woman... is someone that I cannot even begin to comprehend... I heard about the way she arrived, and her relentless pursuit of the guards who went out to meet her.... and then, I heard her rambling in the VIP room like she was mad, talking to herself, arguing, laughing, complaining, relenting... and now, she exits and she looks completely different than before... like an angel but with the arm of a demonic figure.... could it be she is some sort of chaotic hybrid?! The spawn of some sort of forbidden ritual?!'

"R-right this way, your e-eminence... I will have the new chief sent to meet with you as soon as he a-arrives back here. I beg you to forgive us for making you wait!"

"Ah! Don't worry about it! I will wait patiently for his arrival. Tell him to take his time."

The fishman bowed frantically before leaving the room, and Claire took a seat in the chair with her hands folded, sitting straight up.

She took another look at her demonic arm.

'This... this is me... this is a representation of the evil inside me...'

She was beginning to accept that the demon who overtook half of her body was indeed her.

She knew it deep in her heart that she held a raging hatred towards the scum who would use and manipulate others, allowing them to do as they pleased.

She knew that the hatred had been suppressed and shoved into a dark corner of her consciousness, as she focused on her role as a hero- and deceived herself that she was doing things for justice.

The truth is, the real reason Claire was so focused... so obsessed with being seen as a hero, was because she wanted confirmation.

The confirmation that the evil inside her was not what defined her.

Confirmation that she indeed was a good person serving a righteous cause.

However, being faced with the evil inside her as a manifestation of herself, she could no longer deny that it existed.

Every person has a good side and an evil side to them, no matter who it is- only some more than others. Even the most heinous of villains in the eyes of most could be a hero in the eyes of another.

'Even if I am rotting from the inside... even if these corrupted thoughts plague my very being... even if this demonic form remains a part of me as a reminder of my evil... this angelic part of me too exists, reminding me that I am not a being of pure evil- that I do have kindness and compassion within me... that I do have a gracious side that truly and selflessly wants to help others... yes... I am flawed, but it is in being flawed.... it is a result of that darkness within me that the light within me will be able to truly shine.'

So Claire thought.

However, she did not realize that even a single spot of pestilence can spread to ruin the entire harvest.

A single area of corruption can destroy a person.

Claire sat in the seat patiently at first, however seconds... minutes... eventually an hour passed.

Nobody had arrived yet.

'I know that I said to take his time, but this is getting a bit...'

The demonic segment of her, beginning her left elbow had slowly bubbled up her arm, and currently it had reached her shoulder.

Her patience was running thin, and through the annoyance that festered in her, her demonic side gained more control over her.

'Is this jerk ever going to arrive? I don't have all year. I need to inform him about the attack and determine whether he is worth working with or not...'

Claire stood up.

'I guess if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. I'll take myself to him, and if he doesn't like that.... well... tough.'

Claire's demonic form was spreading from her shoulder over to her chest and neck at this point as her patience grew thinner and thinner.

She stormed through the palace, giving a sinister glare at each of the guards who dared to breathe in her general direction.

She meant business.

A devilish aura began to exert pressure over anyone who she glared at, and they all fell to their knees- both by the weight of the pressure and by the pure fear invoked in their hearts.

Finally, she reached a large doorway laced with gold. There were two long thin swirling shells connected as handles, and the guards standing at the doors fell to their knees when she approached them.

When she entered the door, the pressure of the aura was so strong due to her close proximity that their upper bodies fell to the ground, resulting in them laying prostrate.

Claire opened the door and barged into the room without any reservation, to see the new chief sitting on a throne with a fist to his cheek in a royal position. Two tables lined on either side of the room, and a number of celebrants were eating, drinking, and listening to music while happily chatting and celebrating the rising of the new chief.

Nobody even seemed to notice Claire barging in at the time she made her entrance, however at this point her body was split perfectly 50 50 with her demonic and angelic form.

"Party's over. I have an announcement to make."

Claire took the attention of the room with a demanding tone- one so rude that if she were not a higher being that she would be executed on the spot.

The eating and drinking had stopped, and nobody dared to utter a word when they noticed the ultimate presence who was making that statement.

An abomination stood in front of the fishmen- a horrifying and yet beautiful combination of demon and angel- with black flames erupting from her left side and a white glow shining from her right.

Kota sat up and stared at Claire impertinently, not aware of the magnificent presence who had just entered the room.

"Who do you think you are to barge into my banquet like this and make a disturbance? Where are the guards at the door?"

Claire's left side smirked sinisterly, and the veins throughout her left side bulged.

"They have no power to stop me from doing this, and you have no power to say anything against me. You are all in the presence of a higher being. Now.... out of my magnanimous kindness and gracious concern for your people.... I have come here with news, oh GREAT leader of the fishmen tribe."

Kota's eyes slimmed and many people in the crowd gasped. They were shocked that someone would speak to their chief in this manner, but even more shocked and left wondering at who exactly Claire was.

Kota stood up with a frown.

"Then, what is this announcement you wish to make? As a just and forgiving leader, I will at least hear you out before deciding on your fate."

"So heroic, to even allow this woman to explain her insolent actions after addressing him in such a tone!!", someone exclaimed.

"What a wonderful leader our new chief is!!"

Some people didn't understand the magnitude of the situation, while others held their breath in silence.

"First, let me CONGRATULATE you on your GREAT VICTORY. I'm sure it's one which you can look back on with pride. But let me get straight to the point, oh GREAT LEADER. The Empire is coming to attack this village with a legion of 10,000 men in a few days time. I have taken time out of my busy schedule to inform you of this, and suggest that you all make preparations for war. I would highly suggest that you form a defensive barrier where the underwater entrance is to bottleneck the soldiers and prevent them from taking over your city. I was going to offer you assistance, but you know what. You've pissed me off, so fuck that."

Kota grimaced at this.

"Are you suggesting that we simply sit back and allow our outer village to be taken over?"

"I would suggest evacuating any people from the outer village inside the underground city. If the Empire realizes that they cannot easily take over the underground city, they will likely not make any major movements within the monster realm out of fear of being attacked from behind from the fishmen waiting within the city, and your side will suffer low casualties. I'll let you in on a little piece of information- my domain lies southwest of here, and I don't want the Empire to be taking any more territory within the monster realm than necessary, so I have come here to inform you all of this. Because it would be a pain in the ass if you all got destroyed, and they marched on us. However..."

Claire's angelic side fought back a bit, covering more than half of her face, and with a lovely smile she exclaimed.

"I would also love to see a peaceful resolution to this matter! If you would allow me and my companions to mediate peaceful relations between both sides, we would love to do so in order to assist your people!"

'Didn't that woman just say she wasn't going to help us?'

'What on earth is going on with her face?'

'It's as if she is two separate people...'

Kota's eyes had turned dark with anger, and he was staring down.

"You mean to suggest that we of the fishmen village are to simply give up our outer village and rely on cowardly tricks such as strategy in order to prevent an unjust enemy from taking our lives? I will have none of that. Under my rule, each and every fishmen will be trained and live according to heroism... justice... we will not perform such a villainous and shameful act as hiding in a hole and taking our enemies down one by one with ambushes and traps! We will fight our enemies head on, with honor! And we will not give in to the evils of the Empire who dare to attack our peaceful village!!!! Those who wish to destroy us are evil from their very roots- that is right!!! They are true monsters!!! We will rally against them to eliminate those monsters, making this world a better place!!!!"


"Kota!!! So cool!!!"

"For justice!!!"

"We will crush those evil humans who dare to perform such heinous crimes!!!"

Claire's demonic side had slowly taken over her while listening to Kota's speech, and at this point...

Only her right hand was remaining in an angelic form.

"And we have no need for your help, Demonic abomination!!! Go back to your realm, resting easy knowing that we will not allow such injustice to exist in this world!!! And don't think of coming back, or we'll take you on ourselves! For we are the just, and the just will always win in the end!", Kota exclaimed.

While some were frozen fear at Kota making these statements towards such a being of terror who was filling the room with tension, many others had come to believe by his passion and bold tone that their fearless and heroic leader didn't fear this woman.

While the demonic figure in front of them was terrifying- so much so that they wanted to vomit, they had recently witnessed their leader defeat all odds in the tournament, and were assured that with such a man at their helm, he would know what he was doing.

"So you too want to play at being a hero? Just like this... this delusional piece of me?", Claire said holding up her angelic hand, and staring at it with spite.

"Fine then. I will enjoy watching your village crumble from your foolishness. Be thankful... I am a merciful demon, who wishes to see the naive slowly suffocated from their own idiocy... for I am the Determined... and it shall be Determined that you will suffer a fate worse than death... you will die in the most humiliating way possible, in an unexpected manner, but that will not be the end of your suffering. Oh no... that will only be the beginning.", she stated, pointing to Kota with her demonic clawed hand.

Claire then left the room chuckling to herself, and slowly the demonic form retracted as she walked through the hallway, until her angelic form composed exactly half of her body.

'Agh... oh no!! What have I done! I just angered that leader and said some horrible things to him...'

'He doesn't deserve kind words or a kind fate... he is a fool who will lose everything due to his own greed and shortsightedness.'

'Jeez... why am I so evil... agh!!! I can't believe this!!! Why did you have to do that!?'

'Because it's going to be fun to watch him suffer.'

'I won't let you control me! I'll fight back, and do what I think is right!'

'Haha.... we'll see about that. That all depends on how much hatred you have in your heart. You cannot control your own emotions. I am merely a manifestation of them.'


The guards standing in the hallway reeled in fear as they watched this half demon and half angel debate with herself in her mind, while quietly whispering her own thoughts.

'That woman... the Determined.... she is insane... she is beyond reason....'


Earlier, when the guard who had been assigned to cater to the Determined left to speak with Kota, he entered the room of the banquet quietly and made his way down the side aisle to whisper into Kota's ear that the Determined was waiting to meet with him.

"The Determined? Don't be silly. I don't believe in such superstitions such as those legends. Send whoever that woman is away."

"B-but sir! I have confirmed with my very eyes- she holds power beyond belief and it is certain that she is indeed the Determined. If you were to meet with her, I am sure you would understand!"


Kota held a finger to the guard's lips.

He didn't want to take any attention away from the people enjoying the banquet.

"Whoever this person is... even if they are the Determined or whatever... take a look around you? What do you see?"

"Eh? Um... I suppose I see everyone having fun and relaxing... but should we really be relaxing at a time like this!? The Determined- or at least that powerful figure- said she has a very important message for you! It isn't the time to be relaxing leisurely..."

"You're wrong there. It is exactly because of these turbulent times that we absolutely need to relax like this."


"These people... they need consolation... they need rest from the fatigue of the shift in power... look around... if I were to allow some powerful woman to come in here and make an announcement, wouldn't it shake the people? That would not be very leader like of me. If her message is so important, tell her to pass it on through you."


"No buts. This is an order from your chief. You have to be brave and face your fears. Even if she is powerful, a true hero would stand up to the danger no matter how impossible the odds were... don't you agree? Now go. Be brave, and tell her what I just told you."


The fishman walked away in defeat.

However, when he reached closer and closer to the waiting room, he found himself trembling.

He couldn't control himself.

He didn't want to tell that horrifying demon... or angel... or whatever she was... that Kota had rudely and impudently rejected her, despite her patience.

He froze in front of the door.

He couldn't open it. His hand reached for the handle, but he couldn't bring himself to open it.

"I... I won't be the one to take the blame for that leader's idiocy!! Ploritan was right!! We had to prevent Kota from taking the position of chief at all costs!! If only he had won that competition!! Why did he fall from the bar!?! Was he too worn out from the previous rounds!?"

The soldier ran.

He ran back to the armory, where he blended in among some other soldiers and pretended like he was doing his duty.

"I won't be held responsible for this...", he said while shivering in a corner.


When the Determined had arrived in the banquet hall, Kota was struck by her appearance.

It was horrible.

She was a terrifying abomination- one that could only exist on the same realm as the monster kings... no... perhaps even greater.

Kota knew immediately that he shouldn't get involved with her.

But even so.

He had to act like a hero in front of his people.

He had to put on a front so that they would see him as a kind and caring leader... so that they would trust in him, knowing that he had a great plan and had no intention of bowing to this demon.

This was a gamble he took. Even if it was a big risk, he went through with it.

He could feel a massive presence radiating from the woman, and many people around him were scared.

He had to become the beacon of light in this aura of darkness.

And so he spoke out to the Demon.

He spoke out his 'heroic' beliefs, and told her that her help was not necessary in order to hopefully discourage her from coming here.


This ended in her pointing at him, and saying that his fate had been Determined.

Could the legends be true?

Could she really be the Determined, the figure who was said to create a chaos and turn the monster realm on its side?

No. Kota would not believe that.

He had to stand proud for the sake of his reputation, and if she left peacefully then he would be able to do as he pleased... winning over the favor of the people, and ruling in the way he saw fit.

And he had at least succeeded in that.

Kota ascended from his seat after the Determined had left, and began to give a passionate speech.

"People of the fishmen village!!! We will rise to the challenge, and face evil with swords and tridents of justice!! We will carve our names into history as the most heroic and chivalrous race of monsters to ever exist!!! Do not be afraid!!! Follow my lead, and we will first beat back those arrogant humans who wish to destroy without limitation!!! We will then defeat any evil who steps in our path, whether it be that demon or any others who wish to wreak havoc in our lands!!!! For no matter how low the chance... even if the enemy is completely overwhelming... even if there is less than a 1% chance of victory... I will step forward, as this country's sword and shield, and with you all backing me I will take that 1% chance- and make it a reality"


"Banzai for Kota!!!!"

Cheering and clapping followed, as Kota managed to captivate even the people who were struck in fear when the Determined was present in the room.

He had done it.

He had gained the full support of everyone here.

Well... there was one face who looked confused.

That idiot Brot was sitting at table holding a glass of wine with a dumb look on his face, as if he had no idea what was going on.

'Good grief. The village might be better without idiots like him...'

The banquet continued, and Kota smiled.

It was his victory, now truly and fully.

But Kota forgot something.

If there truly is only a 1% chance of winning a fight, then anyone except for an idiot would run and live to fight another day.

In real life, there is no plot armor which turns a 1% chance into a 100% chance.

Anyone who takes those odds will come to regret taking on such a bet...