Chapter 188- Peaceful Days

There was not a single person in the entire town who dared to not attend the banquet, put on by the antiheroes themselves- the absolute dictators over the nation.

Whether it was due to absolute loyalty to their masters, or complete and total fear of the consequences of not going, nobody would even consider not attending, even if the message had stated that it was 'optional'.

Some thought that this was a test, while others merely wished to be able to bask in the glory of their beloved dictators.

The antiheroes made their way to the banquet, with plates of food hovering around and above them, swirling like planets orbiting a star.

The doors to the dining hall were saloon style, however they seemed to be made from two giant shoulder blades which swung on hinges as Trevor pushed them aside to enter the building.

On entering, it seemed that everyone had already gathered.

At one table, Arlo, Hiru, Lolop, Wara, Gotek, Lance, Melody, Charlotte, Pierre, and Iotar all sat together having a chat happily as if they all had known each other their entire lives.

"And then, before I knew it, we were surrounded by this massive ring of fire!! I could hardly believe my eyes, but the heat of the flames and the terrifying pressure I felt snapped me back to reality. We understood before we left just how powerful their excellencies were, but that really brought us to our knees.... and what happened next..."

Hiru seemed to be telling his story to the mercenaries with vibrant hand movements and exaggerated motions, however he seemed to be having a good time with the rest as they all listened intently.

Looking around, Trevor also saw many tables filled with large numbers of lizardmen. The dining hall was absolutely enormous. If you were to take the size of a regular school cafeteria, each dimension was around 4 times that size, making the total area equivalent to 16 times that of a regular school cafeteria. It could fit up to thousands of people at once if necessary. As a matter of fact, if one were to gather every subject underneath the antiheroes, they would all be able to fit into this cafeteria.

Some lizardmen seemed to be sheepishly smiling, whereas others were looking around with concern. Only a few were able to ease their concerns and happily chat with one another, as most were simply too scared to do so- however after seeing Arlo's group doing so, some caught onto the light mood.

'Maybe... maybe living under these dictators won't be so bad...'

'Life as a slave.... are the people sitting at the table over there in the same position as us? Why do they seem so happy and relaxed?'

'I don't know what to make of this, but I should stay quiet so that I don't draw too much attention and get called out....'

There was one table full of goblins and slime people, who also seemed to be happily chatting with one another, telling their own stories to one another.

"And you should have seen the looks on the faces of those lizardmen when her eminence won the battle without even having to lift a finger! When Arlo interrupted the fight, they were so shocked, as if they couldn't comprehend why such a strong lizardman would intervene and bow down to her!!! Haha!!"

Rithargus seemed to be enjoying himself as well.

The tables they were sitting on were completely made from bones, and the tablecloths which drooped from each round table were made completely from what was essentially skin stitched together to form a large cloth.

The lights at the top of the room, which were connected through the nerves which made up the power grid, looked like maggots which were luminescent, squirming back and forth which produced an effect similar to a disco ball, changing the areas around the room which were illuminated in random fashion.

Berith was sitting alone at a table, however the grin on her face was so wide that one could never possibly think that she was lonely. Rather, she was ecstatic to see her masters enter the room. If a regular person were to look over to her sitting in the dark corner with such a sadistic grin, they might be shaken with terror. The antiheroes, on the other hand, saw this creepy little girl as welcoming.

The three birdmen didn't seem to have arrived yet.

'Are they still working, or did they choose not to come?', Garett wondered. 'If they are continuing to throw reports at the Determined, she might not take that so nicely.... well, whatever. That's their own decision, and their own demise if they anger her.'

Ashley swirled her fingers about, and the plates of food hovering around her made their way over to each table, so that there was not a single occupied table which wasn't filled completely with delicacies.

Samantha then gave the crowd a large smile and spoke out to everyone.

"These are delicacies created by our personal chef! Please enjoy them to your hearts content!"

She said this with an innocent and lovable face, and just about everyone in the room seemed to be overtaken by her charisma, smiling back and looking at the food with delight.

"Thank you, your excellencies!!", many of the people shouted out, bowing their heads in delight. Many even got out of their seats and prostrated themselves, however when they did this, Trevor held up a hand to stop the movement.

"This is a celebration. As much as I would love for you all to bask in our glory, and as much as I deserve such praise, that would ruin the mood here. This is as much a celebration for us, as it is for you all- and I would like to thank you all. For what, you may ask? For giving yourselves up completely as our slaves. Every single person here managed to throw away their pride, and any silly notion of resistance in order to serve a greater purpose than merely themselves or their loved ones. Everyone here has become a part of our master plan to unite the entire world underneath us. I will say this here and now- there will come a day where the world will literally revolve around us, and when that day comes, every single person who has submitted themselves to us on this day will be the first to benefit from this. I've said this many times before, and I will say it again. We will take care of those who have submitted themselves to us, no matter who you are- so long as you do not betray us. By giving up your rights, you have gained the right to everything."

With a businessman-like smirk, Trevor finished his speech and the antiheroes sat down at the table next to Berith, and a roar of cheering began from each table, followed by clapping and the stomping of feet.

It began with the table which Arlo was sitting at, and spread to the goblins and the slimes- and finally, the lizardmen groups who had been overtaken.

"Your excellencies!!!"

"We love you!!!!"

"You are the greatest rulers in history!!!!"

"You are like no others!!! There has never been a ruler as kind towards their people as you are!!!!"

"How many rulers would throw a banquet for the entire city, regardless of status!? Only you all!!!"

"We trust in you!!!! We wish to become a part of your schemes!!!!"

"We wish to serve you for our entire lives, and if need be give our lives for you!!!!"

Ashley seemed to be giggling to herself.

'Yes... yes... heehehe.... we are everything.... we are this world.... we are the center of the world.... we can change everything.... society, politics.... people.... we can make everything revolve around us.... but, there is one thing I would like to do.... I don't want to see the fake side of people, who are submitting only to those that are more powerful than they are, sucking up for power. Anyone would do that when presented with people who hold absolute power, aside from a select few idiots... I want to see people's true colors... I want for people to show me that they are evil, before I show them that I am all the more evil..... hehehehe!!!!'

"Hey, guys... I just had an idea...."

"What is it?", Garett asked with a devilish smile. He could see the arrogant and slightly psychotic look in Ashley's eyes, which told that she was up to something.

"What if.... what if we were to run a series of social experiments on people.... what if we were to put them to the test, and reveal their true colors.... we can do this, you know!! We have power, and we can capture subjects at any time.... what do you think that people will do when subject to life or death situations? Will they become saints, and give their lives for others, or will they hold onto their selfishness and save their own lives at the expense of others? I want to see people at their roots.... I want to show everyone that people are evil, and that the one who they thought loved them was actually only in it for themselves.... I want to prove to everyone that the very concept of love is a farce!!!! It may exist, but only in a very select few cases.... so for those cases where it truly does exist, we can pat them on the back and congratulate them.... but I want to rip people apart!! I want people to realize that the person they relied on had no actual concern for them!!!! Only then will they understand that true bonds can only come through force.... through power.... through deception.... through a dictator."

Trevor and Samantha looked at each other, and both smiled sinisterly.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea.... I will begin the simulations immediately."

Berith smiled at her masters as well, in awe of their foresight and intrigued by the possibilities.

"Your excellencies, may I make a suggestion? I have been in contact with my brother, and I believe he is in a position to do so."

"Oh?? Heh heh.... then, if you will, contact him about this.... make sure he records everything.", Ashley chuckled.

Garett took a large piece of meat from the table, and began to slice it with his fingernails, cutting it up into fine pieces, then stabbing his finger into one of them and eating it right off the finger.

"Things are going to get much more interesting from here. This is only the beginning..."


Yirald, Fergo, and Relu were all rushing to finish the final report of the day, however so much had happened that even while rushing they were lagging behind.

"Do not write anything unless you know that it is perfect. If there is any chance of a flaw, then the work is unacceptable."

These were the words of Theo, one of their masters, and they took them to heart as they wrote their reports.

However, there was too much that occurred today for them to be able to write a perfect report in a reasonable amount of time, even with all three of them working hard together.

Of course, this was due to the magnificence of their masters, who returned with hundreds more slaves after just a couple of days. Taking each and every one into account would be impossible, so they had to do their best to ensure that the roles and positions of the group were accounted for in a simple and easy to read manner.

Presentation was key.

If they wrote long reports with lengthy paragraphs and unorganized information, then it would take hours for her eminence to parse what could be gone over in a few minutes if it was well organized.

This was another piece of advice from Theo himself.

So, they found themselves working late in order to take into account all the events of the day, while ensuring to put emphasis on the most important points, and taking care to present it nicely.

Another problem arose as a result of this however.

Their excellencies sent out a message regarding a banquet, which they themselves would be hosting and attending, and as loyal servants, they of course were compelled to attend, even if it was only 'optional' according to the message.

It was optional in name only.

It was as if someone told them 'make your own decision, I don't care what you do.', when in reality, depending on the decision you make, you will either be punished or rewarded.

They had to attend, but right now they worked and worked to finish this report.

"What about the group over here?"

"How is the spacing? Is it too large? Too small? Should we split this paragraph?"

"Did we forget to take into account the humans which their excellencies brought in!?!?"

"No, I wrote a paragraph on the four of them. That much should be fine."

"Whew... thank goodness. Ok boys, let's do one final check and then print this out."

Gary had invented some odd contraptions which allowed for writing and mass production of such writing. It was difficult for the birdmen to figure out at first, but given time and practice they were able to adapt to it.

"Alright, everything looks good! I hope that her eminence doesn't find any mistakes with the report...."

"If she does, our heads will likely roll..."

"It scares me just thinking about how angry she was last time we met...."

The three grabbed the freshly printed papers and stapled them together. The reports had to be kept short, as per the orders of the Determined, and so they did their best to ensure that everything important was included in the short report- however whether that was enough was concerning to say the least.

"Well, it should be fine.... hopefully... let's turn it in..."

The three headed out of the surveillance room, as the ectoplasmic cover retracted from the doorway.

However, as they were on their way out in the hallway, they ran into the Determined, who seemed to be coming their way.

She was in her fully angelic form, with only her left hand in a demonic state. She looked gorgeous as she smiled at the three from across the hall.

"Ah! I was just looking for you three. I wanted to head over to the banquet together."

"Um... your eminence.... we've produced the report from today.... we have it here for you..."

Claire opened her eyes and walked over to the three, her angelic wings lightly shaking with each step she took.

"Ah, good work all of you! Let me see it."

Yirald stood forward, and handed Claire the 2 page report.

"Ah, this looks nice and easy to read... lets take a look.... I see... very well done! It includes everything I need, and it's very simple to find everything. Why don't we all head down to the banquet now? I'm sure you all are tired after a long day of work."

"Oh... thank you, your eminence. Your praise honors us greatly.", Yirald replied as he bowed to the Determined.

"Let's go.", Claire said with a smile as she walked in front of them.

Looking onto the angelic figure who walked carefully in front of them, for the first time ever, the three birdmen felt something more than the complete dominance and overarching presences of their rulers.

They felt a gentleness within Claire, one which they had never before witnessed.

A diligent soul, working hard to ensure that all issues were taking care of.

Their hearts were filled with a greater respect than before, and they decided to devote themselves further to their masters.

"Then, we shall guard you on the way, your eminence.", Fergo stated as the three aligned themselves around Claire in an escort formation.

'See? They aren't as bad as you say they are, Clarice.'

'Heh heh.... well, they are your slaves. It's their duty to care for you, their master.'

'Just a minute... who ever said I was a slavemaster? It's the other four who are the slavemasters... I've merely agreed to comply with their ruling over others...'

'Ah, you haven't realized it yet? You are on the same level as them... no, perhaps even above them. You are just as dominant as they are, and you treat these slaves the same as they do, no? Then what are you, if not a slavemaster? Heh heh... well, I'll leave that for you to think on.'

Clarice became quiet, and Claire was left in her thoughts to think, the three diligently on guard as they walked.

"It's been a long day, hasn't it?"


After a while of eating, drinking and playing, the dining hall was reaching a state of relaxation. As this happened, the three birdmen stumbled into the dining hall with Claire behind them.

They seemed to be concerned and scared, and immediately they ran up to the table which the antiheroes sat at, and prostrated themselves.

"Your excellencies!! Please forgive our delay!!! It is not the case that we do not value your generous offer to your people, and we are not trying to spit on your kindness by arriving late! We understand well that being late to an event- even if it is an optional event- is an unforgivable offense, however we were so caught up in our work, trying to ensure that everything was perfect, that we had to cut into this precious time!"

It was Yirald who said this, as they bowed before the antiheroes.

Many were watching from other tables to see how the antiheroes would respond. Berith seemed to be looking at the birdmen with disgust.

'How dare these incompetent fools take so long that they disrespect their excellencies like this... they should be able to finish their work on time, and arrive so as to not disrespect their excellencies!'

However, on thinking this, Samantha held out a hand to Berith.

"Their intentions were not wrong, and we did state that this banquet was optional. Prioritizing work over this banquet is actually the correct decision on their part.", she explained.

Trevor continued where Samantha left off.

"Indeed, rather I would ask that everyone learns a lesson from this- we hold no expectations for any of you. I view every single person here as useless- unable to perform even a single task properly. However, because of this- I am challenging you all. Prove me wrong. Show me that you all are not useless drones, and that you can produce results for us! It does not matter how long it takes. It does not matter how much effort you put, or what dirty tricks you use.... how many people you may kill, how many minds you may destroy.... it all matters not, so long as you do not harm anyone within this family of ours!! Show us that we made the right decision to take you under our wing, and allow you into our family!!!"

Once more the hall was filled with cheer and laughter, and the prostrating birdmen lifted their heads, teary eyed.

"T-thank you, your excellencies!!", they simultaneously shouted.

Trevor merely smiled, and gestured towards the table they were sitting at, inviting them to have some of the food.

"That is!? Are you inviting us to sit with your esteemed selves?! I cannot accept that offer, your excellency!"

"Sit down, and relax. This is an order from your master."

"I... I will do so then!!"

The three birdmen scrambled into the seats, and began eating without restraint.

"This meat is delicious!!"

"Thank you so much, your excellency!!"

"It's such a good thing we chose to come here..."

"Perhaps we should invite the rest of the birdmen as well to come here..."

Ashley smiled sinisterly.

"I hope you all like the food... hehehe.... it was courtesy of our new chef."

"Whoever the new chef is, their skill is fit for this great nation!"

Samantha, on reading the minds of the birdmen, put her hand on her chin, and her elbow on the table, and smiled victoriously.

'It seems the three idiots have finally come to love and respect us.'

Claire then walked forward gracefully taking her seat.

All talking seemed to cease at her entrance. She walked with such pride and reverence that one could not help but to hold their breath in awe of both her beauty and her posture as a ruler.

As she sat down, and her angelic wings seemed to lightly flap complementing her appearance.

"It seems that all tasks have been finished for today. Ah, what is this? It looks delicious.", Claire said as she took a steak made from the heart of a man.

"This is one of the juiciest pieces of meat I've ever had... and it's so tender... mmm... I have to ask, where did you all get this from?"

"That would be spoiling the chefs secrets, don't you think?", Trevor asked.

Claire smiled back while eating properly.

"I think this beats even the roast which we had a few weeks ago. The flavor is on an inhuman level."

Garett let out a sinister chuckle.

"Keh keh... indeed it is..."

Authors Note:

Hello my readers!!!! I can't tell you how excited I am to finally be finishing off this final chapter of Volume 8: The Annihilators of the Incompetent.

This volume was amazing to write, and amazing to edit. I love this volume.

This is perhaps the best thing I have ever written. I can't even describe how much I enjoy reading this. I desperately hope that you readers enjoyed it at least a fraction of how much I enjoyed it.

It's finally over. This entire arc has been planned from the beginning of Volume 6, with most of the events between Volume 6 and 7 leading up to the climactic events of Volume 8. I especially love the purpose of Bella in the series. This arc started out with Bella, and it ended with Bella, so in a sense she was my VIP over the course of the entire arc. She is one of my favorite characters that I've ever created, so I hope you all enjoyed her story as well.

Why did I enjoy this Volume so much?

As you all may know, my main characters are a whole lot of things, but I enjoy greatly writing stories about characters who are kinda good, kinda evil, and somewhat insane- but with a distorted moral compass, taking on people who have somehow managed to do something even worse than my demented characters.

I enjoy writing villains that are easy to hate, but also not completely out of the blue.

Kota for example, was a villain who was completely delusional in his own sense of justice. He truly believed that what he was doing was just, and that everyone around him who opposed him was doing something wrong.

He truly believed that using strategy and tactics were something only a coward would do, and that lead to a horrible scenario in which even the women and children were not saved.

He truly believed that through courage and hard work that people would be able to surpass their limits and do anything, and these expectations for everyone else were betrayed- just as he was betrayed.

Caspus was a man of society. He was someone who wanted desperately to rise to the top, and was willing to use any tactics in order to do so.

He was a military leader who was perfectly fine with sacrificing his own men. He had no qualm with slaughtering people when they were asleep- even the people who fought on his side, if they were a liability to him. And most importantly, he had no issue deceiving those who had surrendered, and slaughtering them all after they had invaded the homes of those who had accepted their defeat.

And yet, is what Caspus and Kota did wrong?

Most would argue yes, I believe. I would. However, from their own perspectives, they were simply doing what they believed to be right, and doing what they thought would allow them to win in a way that they could be proud of.

However, the very existence of my antiheroes stopped these two forces from being able to claim their own victories. Neither side has won. Both sides have lost. And only those who have sided with this third party remain.