Chapter 207- Betrayal of ones Kind

"How about this then. You said that you were willing to offer me a proposition earlier. I am curious. Let's hear it. Or were you just bluffing, trying to get information out of me, stalling for time?"

These words, which slipped out of the mouth of the beast in front of Veronica, cut deep into her heart.

She had been read like a book.

Indeed, she had been trying to stall for time.

She had no such proposition.

She entered this lair in a spout of drunken heroism, where her body didn't seem to listen to her mind.

But now, she had come to her senses, It was as if her heart had been shocked back to life, and she was now wide awake, only to realize the peril of her own situation. Her heart was now beating, but her aorta had a gaping hole in it. If this hole wasn't plugged, she would die.

She had to think.

Think. Think. Think.

This creature was not just a mere monster.

It could comprehend human language.

It could take part in exchange.

She could use this.

She could think of a way to survive, if only she had enough time.

But time was short.

She had to spit out an answer, and now.

However, was this not the position she was always in?

Trapped in the net of a monster who held complete dominance over her?

Was she not always able to use the system to escape these situations?

To bargain and sweet talk people in order to listen to her, and manipulate them as she pleased?

She was always an underdog.

On her own she was powerless.

But even with the power to do nothing, she was able to twist and turn reality so that even the power to do nothing became her own power.

She would survive here.

But how?

There was a great weight holding her back right now.

She didn't want to admit it, but she wanted desperately to save both herself and the children.

She could have easily accepted the option given to her by this monster, had she not cared for the children.

While she understood that this was the only option to save her own life, she clung desperately to the notion of finding another solution.

Little did she know, it was this desperate clinging that had allowed her to barely escape a gruesome death.

For had she chosen herself above the children, Coran would have slaughtered her in an instant.

Not allowing to live those who would choose themselves above others without a moments hesitation.

This was Coran's version of justice.

A justice which he learned from his masters.

To choose ones self over others, this was only natural. And sometimes, it was logical.

But what if it were not?

Could this woman really live with herself after killing 30 children who would go on to do more than she- a single person- could ever accomplish?

The logical decision would be to kill herself, if only she did not care about herself, but rather the overall result.

Though, this brings a new question

What result is one trying to achieve?

Depending on the answer, perhaps choosing ones self would allow one to achieve them.

Coran did not expect this woman to be a saint.

He had only hoped that she would not be so heartless as to accept the deaths of the children without hesitation. And she had succeeded.

"Well..... on your end, you will spare both the lives of me and the children....", Victoria stated, while continuously thinking about what she had to offer in exchange for this.

"I see.... so that is what you wish of me. Understood. However, what is it which you have to offer me in exchange for this? Is it something that is worth that much to me? After all, giving up 31 humans..... my food source might just run dry, you know."

Veronica was now hit with a brick wall.

Why was her mind so filled with panic?

Why could she not think straight, in the face of this beast?

Was it because of how overwhelming it seemed when she faced it? Perhaps.

She looked over to the wasp, who seemed to be cradling the children in her arms. She smiled monstrously at Veronica, as if mocking her and saying 'Go on. Say something. If you don't hurry up, I'll consume these delicious children here and now.'

What could these monsters possibly want?

Ah! That was it!

The basics of negotiation!

To find out what your opponent desires, and provide them with it in exchange for something which you desire!

But, what did they desire?

Veronica decided to give up her facade and ask directly.

"You said before that you wish for people to come here, correct?"

"Yes, I did say that."

"Then, what if I were to assist you with that?"

"In what way?"

"Well, to begin, I happen to hold information, and as a human I can easily find out about the actions and plans of the humans who are coming to this cave. If I report this to you, and assist you where I can, will you allow me to go free, and keep the children alive?"

The spider seemed to be considering this.

The ticking of his legs as he paced across the stone floor echoed through the cave system.

"That is an acceptable deal. However, let me make something clear. What if you were instead to betray me, and go and summon a large group of humans to attack me? I will be honest. That is not something I am concerned about in the least. As a matter of fact, I left a woman alive yet injured just earlier for that exact purpose. I want her to gather the humans, and have them flock to this cave, where I can test them, just as I have tested you."

"Tested me?"

"Yes, I have tested you. And you have passed. Congratulations. You are not a complete piece of scum, therefore there is no pressing need to wipe you from this planet. I feel that you can be of use to me and my masters, and their goals."

"Who are your masters?"

"That information, I cannot reveal."

"I see."

"But, let me tell you this. In case you do actually betray me, or provide me with false information, then I will have 30 children hostage. For every lie you tell me, I will kill off one of these children. Do you understand?"

Victoria shuddered slightly as the monster said this, but responded firmly.

"There will be no such betrayal. Can I ask you one more thing before I provide you with the information I know?"

"Go ahead."

"Did you say earlier that you disagreed with the way that the children were being treated?"

"I did. It was disgusting. Truly fit for the inferior beings that you humans happen to be. This woman was treating these children far worse than slaves, and yet she seemed to take offense at when I brought up the topic of slavery. It was truly horrifying, for someone to be so obsessed with connotation and reputation, while performing such horrid actions simultaneously. The very definition of hypocrisy. Take a look around. Do you see any child here who is sad, or terrified of me or my wife?"

The wasp woman seemed to flinch as the spider said the word 'wife'.

"No, they all seem...."

Veronica looked over to the children on the trampoline.

While she thought at first that they were being put under some strange torture, they all looked like they were having fun.

The children sitting by the wasp woman did not seem scared, but rather comforted.

Just what was going on here?

"That woman screwed with the minds of these children to the point where they see monsters like us, yet do not even blink an eye, for we are only a fraction as terrible as the pain which they endured on a daily basis. Just look. We've given them food, drink, and basic necessities. We've allowed them to rest and play. These are simple things, which are considered to be a given even back in my homeland, and yet.....because they have been denied everything in their lives, these children are willing to completely ignore and overlook the fact that we are literally..."

Coran held up his human hand, and another arm which was spiderlike, which was covered with one of the metal cones. He slid the cone off and compared the two arms, side by side.

"Abominations. Unholy beings, which should not exist. Moving and living horror stories. Yet, these children have overlooked this, because the monster they dealt with was one far scarier than us. Appearances do not define whether one is a monster. It is actions which do this."

Veronica was shaken to her very core at hearing this.

She was almost brought to tears, at hearing a literal monster denounce the treatment of Mrs. Fera towards the children.

She was disgusted with herself, for having sat back and waited patiently- even though she knew there was nothing she could do.

Yet this monster, this abomination, who seemed at first to want nothing more than to consume people, had done more good than she had done in an entire lifetime for these children.

By kidnapping them. By enslaving them.

Victoria then recalled the people of the city.

Their ignoring of the situation.

Their happiness at being relieved of financial burden, at the cost of the children.

Their respect for that monster- Mrs. Fera, who did all this for the sake of profit and popularity.

It disgusted Veronica.

It was at this moment, that she decided to betray humanity.

She decided to take the side of the monster in front of her.



"Please allow me to assist you, and to come under you."

"Oh? What is this? You've already saved your life by agreeing to work with me. If there something else?"

"I wish to help you in your goals. The people of this town.... do not deserve to live. They have ignored the situation of the orphans, only claiming to assist them for social appearances, and perhaps other rewards. Please allow me to lead them all into your trap."

Coran smiled devilishly on hearing this.

"That is exactly the proposition I was waiting to hear."


Veronica went on to introduce herself, her role, and her entire life story to Coran. She explained why she wanted to save the kids, her former position, and her attempts to stop Mrs. Fera. Coran and Alicia invited her over to the firepit, where they sat patiently and listened to the woman.

'This is likely how my masters wanted things to be. Monsters and humans, working together for their goals.', Coran thought.

Coran did not give away information about the Dictatorship or his masters- only that they were great people who were benevolent and caring, yet unforgiving and ruthless. That their goal was to rid this planet of the scum on it, and that he was working to that end.

He explained his actual goal here in the city.

"I wish to rid this city of scum, leaving those who are not scum. I wish to begin with this one single city, and transform it into a city of peace and prosperity. That is why these children are vital."

"The children?"

"The way they have been raised is unique. These children have suffered so many horrors, as I am sure you know. But it is through these horrors, that they are able to truly see things for how they are, and not for how they appear."

Veronica nodded and urged for Coran to go on.

"They are a fresh generation. If we can eliminate the old generation- those who are stuck in their prejudice towards the humanoids- and raise a new generation of people among them, we can foresee prosperity under the rule of my masters. These young ones will make up the entire city, along with anyone else who is willing to fall in line with the views of my masters. By accepting our rule, and coming under me as a subordinate, you too will be included in this. However, I must warn you. Take note. My masters may be benevolent, however they are not just. They do as they please, and for that which benefits them. They do not have any notions such as good or evil. They only know of those who are useful and those who are not."

Veronica recalled the false justice of the people of Porta, and did not flinch at this statement.

She had seen enough people pretending to be heroes and saviors, and was ready for someone who wasn't trying to look like a hero to step up to the plate.

Rulers who were clear and straightforward. Rulers who were honest when they had ill intent.

She was ready to accept the rule of monsters, if it meant that Mrs. Fera and that corrupt Senator were removed from power.

"That is fine."

"Very well."

"Now, let me tell you about what I know. As far as I have been told, there will be a civilian force who will gather today at 7 pm, in order to attack this mineshaft. I can attempt to take charge of them, and lead them into a trap, but that is all. I cannot guarantee that they will listen to me."

"My master always told me not to have any expectations for anyone aside from myself. That is acceptable."

"I see."

"Alicia. Or should I say darling?"

'Eep! Darling!'

" A....Alicia is fine.... cough..."

"I'm going to be setting up a little.... maze. I can use my own thread to do so, and this area is open enough. Victoria, if possible, when you reach this maze of mine, I would like you to separate the people so that they are split up, making it so that each person takes a different path. They will be separated, abandoned, and picked apart one group at a time. Heh heh...."

"I see."

"Well, just wait and see. I have a little plan to test each and every person. I suppose I should test them in groups of 5? Yes, that sounds about right. After all, it should be fun to see the scum argue among themselves...."

"Just what do you have planned?"

"Haha, it would spoil the fun if I were to tell you. For now, just return to the village and join the militia. Ah one last thing. I would like to assign you as the rear guard. When everyone splits up and goes their own ways..... all I need you to do is make sure that nobody runs away. If there are any cowards who run back in an attempt to save themselves, I will leave it up to you to take care of them."


Veronica looked back as she stood up.

She looked around at each and every child.

Was it really fine to just leave them like this?

No, there was no point in considering otherwise.

She had made this decision already. She would help this spider monster.

Even if he wasn't exactly a comforting figure.

Even if he was shady beyond belief.

It was better than letting things go back to the way they were before.

This was her chance.

Her golden opportunity to free the children.

Could she even call herself an opportunist if she didn't take this chance?

She would manipulate the people, and ensnare them in whatever nets this monster had prepared.

Whether she would be doing the right thing, she did not know.

But she did not care.

She only wanted to further her own goals, and this monster seemed to be the best way to do so.


Coran and Alicia sat together.

The children had grown tired, and were now all huddled around the campfire.

"So, what do you think?", Coran asked.

"What do I think? About what?"

"Hmm.... about anything."

"I don't really know...."

"Well, I suppose that was too broad. What do you think about the way I handled that human girl?"

"I can't disagree with anything you do, master."

"Call me Coran. Master is too.... It doesn't sit well. There are only 5 people in existence who should have the title of master."

"Alright.... Coran....."

"I saw something in that woman. Promise. She seemed.... like the type of person who could prove useful, and so I allowed her to step into our fold on her own. She has ensnared herself."

"You're very smart, Coran."

"No, I am nothing compared to my great master, Theo. His schemes are far above anything I could ever come up with."

"I see..."

"But... I think we are doing quite well. It seems my plot to gather the humans has been successful thus far, if they are gathering to attack."

Coran looked at Heather, an 8 year old girl who was twiddling her thumbs and seemed to be peeking glances at him.

"Is something wrong?"

"N... nothing...."

"Are you hungry? Do you need to use the restroom? Thirsty? Everything should be set up over there.", Coran said while pointing to a few buildings on the side made of string.

"No.... I just..."

Heather stood up, and walked in front of Coran.

"I just wanted to sit with you..."

Coran smiled, and scooted over so that there was room between him and Alicia.

He patted the stone seat.

"Come here."

Heather smiled and gratefully climbed up, sitting between the two.

"Can I call you two mom and dad?"

"Yes. You can."

"I love you, mom. I love you, dad.", Heather said while grabbing one of each of their insectoid arms.

A normal girl of this age would be disgusted to feel these insectoid arms, yet this girl didn't so much as flinch. She hugged the two as if they were her real parents.

Coran used his human hand to pat the girl on her head, running it through her long hair.

"There there.... the nightmare is over. We will protect you from the monsters who come to get you."


Veronica made her way back to the village, through the mineshaft.

She was a changed woman.

Before, she had been stumbling around, waiting for an opportunity to present itself, but now the opportunity had come.

Even if it was in a form which she never could have expected, she clung to it, and prepared to get to work.

A pure city.

A city of those who lacked corruption, and only held loyalty to the monster who took over it, and whoever his mysterious masters were.

It was strange.

It was suspicious.

It was something which she should report to the people, without a doubt.

As a matter of fact, this was no small matter.

This was a crisis for the entire country.

No, perhaps for all of humanity.

But for some reason, she felt no will to report this.

Was it because she had come to hate people?

Was it because, after seeing Mrs. Fera destroy the minds of those children, she no longer saw the humans of this town as people?

Was it because she saw people willingly ignore and support these actions?

Veronica didn't know, but she headed back to her home to prepare herself once again.

Shears could not cut the webs of that monster.

She didn't know how strong it was, or how many people it would take to kill, but she didn't care.

With plotting and strategizing, she would be able to defeat any opponent, no matter how powerful.

'Well, perhaps.'

Her opponent was an entire militia, however this was a small village.

Not including the orphans, only about 70-80 people lived here.

If only the men went on the mission, exempting a few who were in no condition to do so, there would be only about 30 people.

This was a reasonable number. One which could be overcome through strategizing.

Veronica arrived at her home, and went inside.

She was excited.

She was fired up.

For once, she now felt like she could do something.

She had a goal to work towards, and she was no longer firing in the dark, hoping that she would hit something.

'Just you wait.... I will have that monster deal out punishment to all you selfish freaks....'


A bit later, as Coran was preparing for the events of the night, he received a call from his sister, Berith.


"Brother. I have called at the command of their excellencies. They have told me that that they have another task for you to perform while you are in the human realm."

"Oh? Is that so? I've been quite bust recently, but do tell. I will donate my entire being to fulfilling their demands."

"They want you to run some human experiments on people, testing whether or not they are good people or scum not worth saving, for their entertainment. According to her excellency, they should be psychological of nature, and test the true nature of the people, but the way in which it shall be done is up to you. According to their excellencies, you can take as much time and preparation as you need, and you shouldn't allow this to get in the way of your current prerogatives."

Hearing this, Coran smiled devilishly as an idea popped into his head.

"No, that's not a problem. I think I already have a plan to do so."

"Oh? That's great. I look forward to seeing for myself what you do. Then, I'll take my leave."