Chapter 222- Noble Ambitions

Walter and his group were currently walking back to their homes from the training ground after a long day of training.

His arms ached from the repetitive exercises. He had been continuously swinging his blade at the dummy, followed by lifting up his shield as if he was blocking a blow, and after hours of this repetitive training his arms felt like jello.

One might think that merely holding an object is a simple task, however just holding something even while standing perfectly still for a long period of time takes quite the toll on ones muscles. Of course, it becomes even more gruesome if one is actually performing a repeated action such as swinging a blade.

"Haha... that was quite the workout for today. I can barely even feel my arms, and somehow even my legs are sore... must have been all the quick movements.... but I suppose this much is obvious! If we want to become the strongest mercenaries in the Empire, then of course it isn't going to be easy! We just have to keep at it. If we take this one day at a time, and continue practicing, then even if our bodies ache, that just means we're making progress!"

"Well, I suppose that's right. I do feel a bit more comfortable with these.", Logan said while gripping his daggers.

"Abel! You were amazing today! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw you create that enormous disc of soil! Even the Colonel was impressed, so he must have never seen anything like that before! And it was so cool when you started making small bullets out of the dirt and shooting them off at the targets!", Walter shouted, excited.

"Yeah, your accuracy was much better than mine was... and I'm supposed to be the ranger here. I need to practice a lot more.", Cody lamented. "But, I do feel like I made a good amount of progress today."

"You guys are being too nice. All I can do is hold up a bit of dirt, and most of it was because of the wand and the cape....anyone could do it if they had the same equipment probably. Well... I don't know.... something just clicked and felt more in tune as I made that stance that the Colonel showed me. It wasn't even really something I did, it just happened. You guys on the other hand, are really learning and becoming skilled. For me, it feels like I haven't even really done anything...."

"That's what they call a genius, Abel! Haha!", Byron exclaimed.

"Yeah, you're quite the genius alright. Do you know how few people can use magic at all? And yet, your magic seems to be so powerful that even a Colonel in the military acknowledged it. Give yourself a bit more credit.", Logan stated.

"Haha... but I need to practice a lot more to really get in tune with things. I.... I'm not sure why, but I don't feel like I'm anywhere close to unlocking my full potential."

"Haha! That's the spirit, Abel! We need to look forward, and focus on getting better. If you don't become arrogant and always think that you still have a ways to go, then there will be no stopping our progress!", Byron exclaimed.

"But you all were doing great as well. Cody, you may have not been able to hit any bullseyes, but this was the first time you picked up a bow in your life! You started out not being able to hit the target at all, but by the end of the day you were able to hit the target almost every shot, even if it wasn't perfect."

"Well, I suppose you're right. At least I'm improving."

"As long as we're improving, then we don't need to think about anything but practicing and getting better."

"That's right! You know what I think guys? I think that we should keep this up for.... let's say another month. I think that if we give ourselves about a month to train, then we should be good to go on our first mission!", Walter proclaimed.

"Hmm... a month eh? I suppose that should be fine.", Logan said while gripping his daggers. He had been working on just jabbing and moving around the target quickly all day, but he felt somewhat clumsy and needed to work on his footing.

"I definitely have a long way to go, but.... I suppose in a month I can make it to the point where I should be able to survive in an actual fight."

"Sound's good to me!", Byron said with a laugh.

"I'm fine with that...", Abel said shyly.

"I'll do my best to be ready at that time. Then, we can leave this town and go on a real adventure together!", Cody exclaimed.

The five laughed together. Their aches and pains were eased through the laughter and camaraderie that they shared.

"But Logan, can I ask something? Why did you choose to be an assassin? Is it because you wanted to become someone like Slith?", Byron asked.

Logan's face seemed to cringe at the name.

"Well... no, not exactly. I don't exactly like Slith. To be honest, when I was younger I looked up to him as a hero, but not these days. I heard that he became a government dog recently, working under one of the Senators to do their bidding. Senator Brutus I think it was? One of those power hungry leeches in the Capital who try to gain off the success of the Emperor. You know, Percius is a great man. I don't think there has been an Emperor in the history of the Empire who has achieved as much as he has, but I've heard that there are some people like Brutus who are taking the credit for that success. The Emperor is a really humble guy, from what I've heard, and he's always trying to say that the things he does are 'obvious', and that any good leader should do these things. But you know what? Not a single leader has ever been like him. Everything that he says should be obvious are things that have never been done before! Why do you all think that is?"

"Mmm... would it be because power corrupts?", Abel asked quietly.

"That's it! Percius is a one in a million Emperor! He is one of the few people who hasn't been corrupted by power! He isn't some naive kid who doesn't know what he's doing, and despite this, he's managed not to be taken in by the allure of power and prestige! How often do you find a leader like that? That's why it makes me sick when I think about people like Brutus who try to steal the credit from him. I've heard some rumors of some of the stuff going on in the Capital.... and to be honest, I don't trust any of the Senators. I think the Emperor is the only one who is worthy of our trust. But Slith went and served Brutus so easily! I heard he made a contract with him for the sake of wealth! It's not illegal, but it shows that he was nothing more than a scumbag who wanted to become the best for the sake of the money! I don't want to be like him. I want to show everyone that you can become a powerful mercenary without being driven by riches and prestige."

"Oh.... that's a really noble goal, Logan. I didn't know you had put so much thought into this."

"Of course I would! You know, there's another story I heard about an assassin.... well, she isn't exactly an assassin by traditional standards, but I heard about her and it made me really wonder... is being a mercenary really just about the money? About the glory? I mean, of course we're doing it for the money to make a good living.... but don't you all want to become something more than just that? More than just money hogging, greed filled fighters?"

"Well, I think that's obvious... we don't want to be getting into any arguments over something as petty as payment. That would just be pathetic, for the strongest mercenary band to demand to be paid a lot just for helping people out.", Walter shouted.

"That's why I think we should do things not for the money.... but because we want to! Because we have a drive to do these things! If we pick up a mission, it shouldn't be for the reward, but for the adventure! It should be something we agree with on a fundamental level! We shouldn't be picking up tasks that we don't agree with! For example, if there is some sort of black market mission to capture someone who owes debts, do we want to become the type of mercenaries that people look for to do that type of job?"

"Of course not."

"We want to be the type of people who bring criminals to justice. Who help others and protect people, right?"


"Then, we had better establish this right now. When we're a group of mercenaries, we won't take a mission unless we agree with it on a fundamental level. And we won't worry about things like the pay. If someone who can't afford to pay us comes up to us with a mission that we want to complete, then we will do it, and we won't hold them to payment! Alright?"

"Yeah!", the others replied simultaneously.

"Ah, but Logan, what was the story you heard about the other assassin?"

"Well.... it was a pretty horrible story. From what I heard, there was an assassin who was nicknamed the Scarlet Fever. Apparently she was so skilled that she used both magic and martial arts, as well as weapons. I heard that she wasn't just skilled in everything she did- that she was literally a master of every trade. She would fight anyone, on any terms, and no matter what mission she had to do, she would accept it."

"Oh.... I might have heard that name before.", Byron said.

"But because of this, she became ruthless! She was hired by the black market to do all sorts of horrible jobs! Assassinations of nobles, poisonings, robbing caravans, capturing people as slaves for the black market so that their organs could be sold.... all sorts of things. This story made me really wonder. What does it mean to be a mercenary? It means that you play on your own terms. Both Slith and the Scarlet Fever must have been corrupted when they got strong. I heard that they both came from poor backgrounds. I haven't actually heard much about the Scarlet Fever recently, but that must be because she slipped deep into the underworld or something."

"I see... so power really does corrupt.", Cody said while thinking. "Well, as long as we keep each other in check, we should be fine, right?"

"As long as we do that, and commit to our morals here and now. So, are you all with me on this?"



The five then separated at an intersection, each heading separate ways towards their homes, where they would each go to rest for the night.

They had a big day tomorrow after all. The Colonel had told them that he would try to bring a couple new mentors to teach Cody and Abel their trades.

As Abel walked home in the dark, he found himself shiver a bit.

'That story about the Scarlet Fever.... I wonder just how she became like that? I... I don't want to become too strong, but.... no, I want to become strong! I want to become so strong that my friends have no risk of getting injured so long as I am with them! I'll do it. I'll make sure that none of my friends become corrupted with power, and they'll keep me in check as well. Together, we will fight for what we believe!'

Abel smiled as he walked home, resolving himself.

'I wonder who this new teacher is going to be.... I'm so excited to meet him!'


The five woke up bright and early the next morning.

The sun was barely peeking out from the horizon when the group met up at the intersection to go and begin training.

They were all excited.

After their first day training, they couldn't help but tremble with excitement at the thought of improving.

"I wonder when we will be good enough to spar....", Walter thought out loud.

"Haha... soon enough, but surely not yet!", Byron replied.

"I suppose you're right."

The clanking of weapons and armor were the only sounds that could be heard among the group as they walked through the empty town this early in the morning.

"So, has everyone here eaten?", Logan asked.

The others all nodded.

"Great. Let's get going then."

When the four arrived at the training grounds, they were empty. This was to be expected, as no soldiers would get up this early- not even the most diligent ones.

Walter's arms still ached from yesterday, but that too was part of training. He would now have to work out even while under fatigue. Of course, he shouldn't overwork his muscles, but a few days in a row was acceptable.

"Let's get started."

The boys all went to their respective stations. The warriors practiced different swings and attack patterns on the training dummies, followed by some running to improve basic stamina. Cody and Abel started out with some target practice before joining the other three in the running as well.

It was while they were running laps around the field that the Colonel showed up.

It was barely 7 am in the morning at this time. They had arrived at 6, so they had only been there for an hour.

"Well if it isn't the five aspiring mercenaries? I'm a bit surprised to see you all here so early, but that's great! Diligence is important in training. You have to be willing to consistently put forth effort."

"Yes Sir!", the five replied while jogging in place.

"Keep on with what you've been doing. I'll be doing my own routine, so don't mind me. I was able to get into contact with the other two. The archer was delighted to be able to see a young face interested in the trade, so I'm sure he'll be happy to teach you, Cody. As for the magician... well, to be honest he seemed a bit bothered at first when I asked him to teach a kid how to use magic, but when I described what you did yesterday, well.... he was all ears."

"Oh, thank you very much Sir!", Abel and Cody replied, saluting to him.

"At ease. Now then, continue as you were. I'll be over here if you feel you need any guidance on your next steps."

"Thank you!"

The boys all continued their training, and the Colonel went over and started doing some shadow boxing on his own. He wasn't even using a training dummy, but his moves were expert.

The boys couldn't help but take a peek over to see him in action, even while they were doing their own running.

"Puff puff.... sorry guys.... physical activity isn't really my thing....", Abel said, out of breath.

"It's alright. Go take a break. You're not the one who needs the stamina here. You need to increase your mana capacity more than anything, and your ability to control your magic."


"Don't be! Put your chin up!"


The four continued running without Abel as he rested.

The training continued, and as the day progressed so too did the sun progress across the sky- and as it did so, the temperature increased.

The boys at this point had returned to their basic skill training. The Colonel shouted out to the boys from across the grounds.

"Don't forget to hydrate yourselves! Take a water break!"

The boys all stopped their training and sat at a table, where the Colonel grabbed a jug and started filling some clay cups with water.

"Thank you so much, Sir! We should be pouring water for you instead!", Logan said.

"I said before, didn't I? Ranks don't matter. If I'm not willing to serve someone else below me, then why should I expect them to serve me?"

"Oh... that's a very unique perspective. I'll take it to heart."

"I wish that more people would."

The five chugged down the water, which disappeared from each cup in an instant. This showed the thirst that they had built up.


"Oh, well would you look at that.... it seems our two new teachers have arrived.", the Colonel stated while pointing to the two men who were walking towards the grounds in the distance.


The five boys stood up, ready to greet the ones who would be assisting in their training.

As the men came closer, they could make out their appearances.

One man seemed to be an older man. He had an extravagant pitch black bow on his back, that seemed to be made from a sturdy wood, and carried a quiver which was made from a well tanned leather with many arrows. His eyebrows seemed to cover his eyes almost completely, which seemed to be closed. He wore his long white hair tied together, and had no facial hair.

The other man was wearing what looked like a white labcoat, and seemed to have frizzled hair. He had bags under his eyes, and seemed to be thrilled with excitement as if he had been stuck in a lab for a long time, and this was his first time seeing the outside world for a long time.

"This is Mr. Gherbalt. He may not be a soldier, but he is a champion of many archery competitions, and he can teach you everything there is to know about using a bow. And the man next to him is Mr. Lorenzo, who has been studying magic since I ever knew him. Even back in the day when it was considered a heresy, this man was continuously studying in secret and trying to find ways to keep it hidden. Now of course, it is legal, and he has taken up residence in this town."

The two men walked up to the five boys.

The older man smiled, and approached Cody.

"So, you are the one who wishes to learn to become an archer? Haha! How exciting. I haven't had a pupil in over a decade...."

The man put his hand on Cody's shoulders, and felt his arms all the way down to his fingertips.

"Hmm.... interesting.... good firm hands, but they lack experience. No callouses at all. I suppose were starting almost from square one here then?"

"Yes, Sir. I apologize for being so new to the field."

"Oh no, not at all!! The fact that a young one has taken an interest in archery delights me!!! I am happy to teach you!!"

The man stepped forward.

"Son, could you show me something?"

The man bent down, felt around, and picked up a rock, and placed it in the hand of Cody.

"What is it?"

"Go 10 meters away from the target, and throw this rock at it."

"Oh... ok."

'Is he testing my ability here? But, throwing a rock? That seems a bit.... well, it doesn't seem like it really applies to archery. I suppose I'll listen to him for now. Is this geezer really so good at archery though? Well, whatever. Either way, I can keep practicing on my own.'

Cody walked over to the spot he was previously taking shots at, which was a significant distance away from where they met the group.

Cody shouted over to the man.

"Am I good to throw it now?"

"You've given me too much information. But that's fine. Go ahead."

'Eh? What does he mean by that? Too much information?'

Cody threw the rock, and it landed hitting the target almost right on the bullseye, and then fell to the ground with a clack, before rolling a bit.

"I see... hmm.... so that's how it is...."

"Was that alright Sir!?", Cody yelled from across the distance.

"It was fine. But step back from the target now."

"Yes, Sir!"

Cody stepped away from the target, and the old man drew his own bow.

'Eh? Is he going to make a shot from there? He's probably around 70 meters away! Can he really make that!?'

The man drew the string, and the arrow flew through the air with great power, hitting the target right in the bullseye.

'Whoa! This old man is amazing! I underestimated his skill.'

The man made his way over to Cody.

"It was too easy, even to get a bullseye like that. You gave me too much information there."

"Eh? What do you mean by that, Sir?"

The old man held his finger towards his eyebrows, which were covering his eyes, and lifted one up.

To reveal pure white eyeballs.

He was blind.

"You gave me not only your own position, but the position of the target when the rock hit it. All I wanted was the target's position, but by telling me your location you also told me the exact orientation- that is, the direction the target was facing! That's far too easy for a target that isn't even moving, don't you think? Hahaha!!"

Cody was stunned at the man explained this.

He was blind, and yet by just hearing the location of Cody and the rock hitting the target- and from such a distance at that- he was able to determine the exact location and orientation of the target.

It was outstanding.

This man was a legend.

'This is the man who is going to train me!? I.... to be honest, I can't wait! If it's this man training me, then I'll become a professional in no time! But... it sure won't be easy. I had better ready myself.'

"Sir, that was outstanding."

"No no. To be honest, I wanted to go off the rock alone. If I was able to make that shot, then that would be something."

"But Sir, how do you know that you hit the bullseye? From the sound as well?"

"No no, there's no way I could tell that from the sound. It would sound the same way when the arrow hit the target, no matter where it hit it. I'm not some sort of all knowing wizard you know! I just have a good image for the location of things based off the sound. You become that way when you've been blind all your life you know. But... the reason I knew that I hit a bullseye was because of the way you reacted. Your breathing. It was the same way that a person breathes when they're astounded and struck in awe. I know that pattern very well."

"I see...."

'This man is crazy! Even if he says something like 'I'm no all knowing wizard', he might really be one! I'll be able to leave my life as a farmer for sure if he is the one training me!'

"Then, I'll be in your care, Sir."

"Haha! Let's get started then. My training won't be easy."

"Exactly as I would expect."