Chapter 225- Deceived

For a few moments, Abel stood perfectly still while watching the guinea pig.

Nothing happened.

It was just sitting there in it's cage, looking around blankly as if nothing had even happened.

'Hm? Was the concoction a failure? No, wait.... I can sense it. The mana within the animal is growing. So then, maybe the concoction is a success? If it can increase someone's magical abilities without taking over them, then maybe... just maybe this was actually a great success?', Abel thought.

It was then that Abel knew he was wrong.

The concoction, as Lorenzo had stated, was a prototype.

It was imperfect. Filled with flaws.

Abel had no idea what went into this concoction, but he knew one thing.

It was not ready to be used on humans.

The eyes of the guinea pig turned red and bulged with veins, and one by one the limbs and muscles of the guinea pig exploded in mass, distorting as if it were on steroids.

The veins on each limb of the animal protruded with a purple glow, and they pulsated with life.

A dark aura came across the animal, and it flowed through it as if it was poison, completely covering the animal.

It continued growing in size, until it was too large to fit inside the cage.

Tiny horns grew on it's head, and it glared at Abel with bloodlust.

The guinea pig then opened its mouth, to bear razor sharp fangs, tearing the cage apart violently as it thrashed about.

Lorenzo, who was at the stairway behind Abel, chuckled to himself.

'That guinea pig right there went from a harmless animal, less than a tier 1, to a tier 4 beast!! You won't have a problem killing it, but perhaps this will open your eyes, young Abel! This concoction of mine.... I've worked on it all my life, but I have only come this far. Yes, it is unworthy..... it is an unworthy concoction which destroys the body in exchange for power. I still have far to go, but if you agree to become my assistant, then we can work together to solve this issue! We can perfect it, so that it can be used to strengthen people without any repercussions!'

Watching as the guinea pig chewed up the bits of metal like it was flesh, Lorenzo couldn't help but smirk at seeing just how much it's power had multiplied by.

'Right now, this concoction is like a drug which eats away at the user, before eventually killing them, but what if it were to be perfected and legalized!?!?! The very society which we live upon will crumble! People will have to accept magic if they wish to become strong! Those who remain as simple warriors will be lured in by this concoction, and give up their views on the 'evils' of magic in exchange for this power! This is the gateway to a new world, but it must be perfected!!!'

Abel looked sadly at the poor animal which was now standing in front of him with drool dripping from it's chin.

'This was once an innocent animal.... yet for the sake of progress, it's been turned into this?'

Abel was shaken.

'And.... he wants to use this concoction on humans? I.... I cannot allow that to happen. Even if he is my instructor.... I.... this....'

Abel resolved himself.

'This is no longer an innocent animal. I... I have to kill it. It's a monster. It's not me who is killing it, it was that man.... the moment he created this thing, he killed it!'

The guinea pig seemed to be thrashing around, and Abel almost thought he saw it smile.

The guinea pig dig it's feet into the ground, scraping it with a horrible sound, and prepared to leap.

Abel closed his eyes, and made his decision.

'I can't let this thing live. I'm sorry.'

He opened his hands, and at the same moment, the guinea pig leaped at him.

A wall of soil formed in front of Abel as the animal leaped, causing it to crash into the wall with confusion. It seemed to be growling viciously, and at seeing the wall in front of it, charged once more.

This time however, it began digging.

It started ferociously scraping away at the dirt in the wall, trying to make it's way through.

Abel would of course, have none of this.


From the ground, a mass of stalagmites formed, penetrating the animal in seven different vital locations.

The animal let out a horrifying screech, emitting it's final death throes before the body became cold and dropped to the ground.

Abel opened his eyes, and the soil around him disappeared into the air.

He looked over to Lorenzo with an irritated gaze.


"Oh!!! Congratulations, my student! It looks like you've passed my examination!!!"

"Why did you do that to the poor animal? It was.... just living it's life, and yet you.... you made it into a monster. Why did you do that?"

Lorenzo hopped down the stairs and smiled.

"Abel, did you not listen to what I was telling you before? I am a scientist. I am the only one willing to dirty my hands in order that we may find a better future. There is no such thing as a 'right path' that isn't covered in blood. Did you know? Even the Emperor himself only gained such power by killing off the nobles of the old days, and warring with opposing factions. I am very similar to the Emperor. People will hate me for what I do. People will tell me that I am evil, that I am a heretic... that I am a lunatic, who needs to be stopped. But when I complete the final product, they will not so much as blink an eye, and they will realize that everything I did was for the sake of a better future.'

Lorenzo hopped down the stairs with the flutter of his labcoat, beaming on Abel with ambitious eyes.

'Look at the Emperor's achievements! I'm sure that every noble in the Empire looked at him the same way you are looking at me right now! But he pressed on, and now he is revered and respected by all! Abel. My product.... as you can see.... it is clearly unfinished. It is nothing more than a prototype, which can temporarily increase strength in exchange for destroying the body. Do you think I wanted to create such a thing? Of course not!!! I wanted to create a perfect concoction! One with no side effects! One which strengthens people through magic, without taking a toll on the body nor on the mind! But I need time and refinement to do so!!! More than anything, I need to continue experimenting!!! I need to perfect this concoction, and test it out on more subjects until it is perfect! Do you understand!?!"

Abel looked at Lorenzo, unsure what to think.

'It.... it's true. I don't believe that any good can happen without some bad side effects.... this life.... it isn't so easy. Either we can pretend to be good, and never touch that which we believe is evil, or we can move forward, trying to make things better for others at the cost of our own souls.... if... if he were to complete this, and refine it to the point where there were no repercussions, then perhaps....'

Abel felt his heart wrench.

'Perhaps people wouldn't have so much hatred towards the magicians....'

However, on looking at the dead body of the guinea pig, which had now become an abomination, he overlapped it with the cute and innocent face it once had.

'But.... through something like this.... I.... I can't support that.... I understand what he is trying to do, but..... this is exactly why I can't support this! This is the reason why people fear magic so greatly! This is the reason why everyone hates magic so much!'

"My boy, I want to offer you a proposal! Why don't you give up on your mercenary friends! Assist me! Help me to perfect my concoction! I'm sure they would understand!! You would only be doing what you think is right, after all!"

Abel looked at Lorenzo seriously, staring him down.

He was unsure what to even think of this offer.

'I.... I can't accept it. I won't stop him from doing what he does, because.... I have hope. I trust in my teacher, even if he does seem crazy... even if he did create....'

Abel looked once more to the guinea pig.


Looking back at Lorenzo, Abel voiced his decision.

"I cannot help you with that. I have a promise that I've made to my friends. I must return to them, and we will set out together as mercenaries. I won't ask you to stop your research or go against you, but may I ask you something?"

Lorenzo used his every muscle in his face to keep it from showing a rotten expression as he smiled.

"What is it, Abel?"

"Would it be possible to perfect your concoction without making any more sacrifices like that poor animal?"

'Ah. I see. So he feels bad for it, does he? He's emotional over the loss of that one stupid animal, is that it? And that's why he has rejected my wonderful offer? Because he sees my ways as evil? Doesn't that make him the same as all those others? All those people who call us heretics!??! What's the difference between me and you, Abel!?!? I use magic just like you, so tell me! How are you better than me!?!? You're not! I can't believe this.... no, I have to keep calm here. I can't risk him spreading word of this. I have to make sure he keeps quiet about this, so right now....'

"Alright. I understand, Abel. I won't perform any more experiments like this. I suppose this was.... inconsiderate of me. I will no longer use my concoction on any animals. I will continue to work on perfecting it, and the day will eventually come where magicians are viewed not as the bane of humanity, but rather as the light which guides it!"

'There's no way I could actually do that. How are you supposed to create a perfect concoction without running any actual live tests!?!? But I'll say this for now, so that he doesn't go spreading things.... I.... I should probably try to get rid of him..... but there's no way I can! He has a family, and unless he tells them that he wanted to come work with me, then I wouldn't be able to eliminate him without suspicion! What do I do here? I... I suppose I just need to be patient for now, and hope he doesn't spread anything. Maybe he'll just go away.... but....'

Lorenzo looked once more at Abel.


Lorenzo kept a complete poker face as he thought this.

'If it was me who could be blessed with such aptitude, then I would have already found the answer!!!! But no!!! I've worked all my life, with only this failure to show for it!!! No.... no, this wasn't a failure! This concoction of mine was a great success!!! A great success!! People just won't recognize something like this, because they'll claim that it's evil! That it's malicious! That it was born of chaos! But I won't give up!!! No, I won't give up.... not until I can make something that I will be recognized for..... I need..... that's right! I need that slave!!! The centerpiece, which I am going to obtain from Mrs. Fera! If I can run tests on him, I should be able to perfect it!!! Alright.... that's fine.... I just need to be patient for now, and make sure this kid doesn't blab. Just a bit more time.... he will leave as a mercenary, and I shouldn't have any troubles.... then, I can obtain that slave and do what I want! Hahaha!!! I'll do it!!! I'll create the most potent magical item in history! And I'll be the only one who will know how to make it!!! I'll go down in history as a genius who was thrown aside before he was recognized for his groundbreaking research!!!!'

Lorenzo turned to Abel with a smile.

"Forgive me, young Abel. For now, just continue your training until you have to leave with your friends. I'll guide you until that time comes."

Abel smiled, relived that he had been able to convince Lorenzo to stop this madness.

"Thank you. I'll continue to do my best! I want to fight as well, for a world where magicians are respected. Instead of doing it through experimentation, I would like to become a well known figure, inspiring people and showing them with my deeds that magic is not a practice meant for evil. I will show them that magic can be used to help and protect people!"


Another week passed. Abel continued training at Lorenzo's place, even after finishing his final exam, and he continued to grow stronger by the day.

'At this rate, he will reach tier 7 about a month from now.... he's.... insane...'

'I can't believe this.... why is he so skilled?'

'Why him?'

'Why not me???'

Just a couple days before their decided time, Lorenzo happened to attend the meeting held by Mrs. Fera.

Abel too went, and they witnessed her maimed hand, and listened to her story.

Abel was horrified.

A monster had attacked the orphanage and kidnapped the children.

It was something which he could not accept. Looking over to his instructor, he saw that Lorenzo too was completely distressed.

'Even my instructor.... look at how infuriated he looks! He's completely distraught by the fact that those orphans have been kidnapped.... I suppose he is a good person at heart, and he really does want to help people.... but.... this is horrible!!! I.... those poor orphans! I can't imagine how terrified they must be! To be alone without parents to protect them..... and in the clutches of a monster....'

Abel felt emotions flowing through him as he thought of the children.

As he was heading back with Lorenzo, he decided in his heart to get ready and attend the attack on the monster's lair.

However, Lorenzo then turned to Abel as they were walking back and asked him something.

"Abel. I have a bad feeling about this monster."

"What do you mean, Lorenzo?"

"Abel, you understand how much stronger than the average person that you are, right?"

"Yes... I understand that...."

Even though Abel didn't want to admit it, he had come to realize that he wasn't an average person.

His magical prowess gave him strength was far greater than that of the average human, to a level that was almost unprecedented.

"I have a feeling that if things go as they are, that many people will die needlessly.... of course, your friends included. Do you think they will just stand by and let this monster do what it wants? Of course not! But.... I'm sure that you could beat it! Without a doubt! If you all attend at 7 o clock later to defeat the monster, then you might not be able to save your friends! They might die before you even have the chance to do anything! But what if you went alone? They wouldn't be in any danger! Abel, think about it! You have the chance to defeat that thing right now, and the orphans won't have to suffer any longer! Why don't we go and defeat it ourselves, just you and me, right now?"

Abel thought about what Lorenzo told him.

It was true.

His friends would certainly want to defeat the monster.

They might even view it as their first real mission together, and would get careless and slip up because of the tension or the excitement.

Abel couldn't allow something like that to happen. Especially if the strength of the monster was unknown.

He had the strength to defeat almost any monster, and doing so would save anyone else from having to endanger themselves.

"Alright. I understand. Let's go."


Abel and Lorenzo quickly went back to the lab to grab some preparations before heading out to the abandoned mine shaft which the monster was supposedly hiding in.

Lorenzo viewed this as a chance.

At first, he was devastated.

His property which he planned on experimenting on was gone. He was infuriated by this.


With every cloud, there was a silver lining.

He found an opportunity within this chaos.

An opportunity to do something in which he would never have been able to do before.

The two approached the mine-shaft together. Abel wielded his staff, and Lorenzo held a single dagger in his hand.

"But Sir, shouldn't it be better if I do this alone? Wouldn't you coming with me be the same as my comrades coming with me?", Abel asked.

"I am your instructor. I can't just allow my student to go and fight a monster on his own. That's common sense. Especially since this was at my recommendation."

"I see...."

'Perhaps he really is a caring person. I suppose I've misjudged him'

The two came close to the mineshaft.

Abel couldn't feel any mana coming from the mine. His perception wasn't amazing, but if there was a strong monster inside he would be able to tell. There wasn't any being with strong magic inside, meaning if it was a strong monster it would be due to physical abilities. There was no way that there could be a monster powerful enough to hide it's own presence from someone as skilled as Abel, after all.

"Alright. Why don't you take the lead, Abel."

"Alright, Sir."

Abel stepped forward, however as he did so, he felt a sensation in his back.

He had been prodded with something.

There was a cool drip, as if some sort of liquid had been poured on his back.

What was this?

Abel couldn't feel himself anymore.

He was falling to the ground.


"Sorry kid. But this was just the perfect opportunity. 'Abel ran off on his own, only to be killed by the monster.' That's what happened here. Now I don't have to worry about being exposed at least. One problem down, one to go."

Lorenzo ran off, leaving Abel barely breathing.

'N-no! I.... it can't be! He's betrayed me! No!!! Why, Lorenzo!?! I thought you were trying to help people! I thought that you wouldn't kill anymore! Was... was that all a lie!?! I....'

Abel was unable to get his thoughts together before he found his own lungs filling up with blood. The red fluid came up from his mouth, and he died on the spot.