Chapter 232- Those who remain

Sitting around a campfire now were a total of 35 people.

A spiderlike humanoid wearing all sorts of gadgets and weapons, with a backpack the size of a boulder on his back.

A humanoid wasp queen who seemed to be leaning on the shoulder of the spider, her eyes gleaming with joy.

Thirty children who were of all ages ranging from only three years old to fourteen years old.

And finally, three people who were lying down on the ground, wrapped in cocoons like flies trapped in a web.

Coran made a move to get up, however when he did this Alicia only pressed herself more onto his shoulder.

"Alicia, if you do that, then I can't get up or else you'll fall and hit your head."

"Then don't get up."

"I have work to do for the mission."

Coran ignored the pleas of his 'wife', and slid over, causing her to fall down, smashing her head into the log which they were using as a seat.

"Oof! Why would you do that to me!?! I was just trying to rest...."

"I told you. I have work to do. No time to be sitting around leisurely. And aren't you supposed to be my slave? What happened to listening to my orders?"

"So mean...."

Coran made his way over to where there was a massive building made from cloth, and placed his hands on one of the walls.

As if he was sucking it up like a bowl of noodles, the building which was previously sturdy collapsed in on itself to become a mess of bandages, which then were strung in by the hand of Coran, disappearing within his body.

After removing the large building, the cave seemed to become much larger and far more empty, but at the end of it- at the location where the mineshaft entered the actual cave system- there was a single woman standing there waiting with arms crossed.

"Veronica. Come join us by the fire. We've finished eliminating the scum and sieving out those who we believe are.... worth our time."

"Oh. I see. I'm coming."

Veronica, who was waiting near the exit sprung into action making her way across the cave to where the campfire was located.

Coran now looked around and sat back down next to Alicia after confirming that everyone was present.

"Alright.... then, I suppose I should explain to everyone here what's going on. Children, could you quiet down for a bit?"

"Yes, dad!!"

Many of the children replied happily and sat down by the fire. Some seemed to be twitching with excitement, unable to control their curiosity.

It was as if they were for the first time in their lives allowed to be children.

Coran turned to the three people who were trapped in cocoons, and walked over to them.

He cut the cocoons, freeing the people.

"Are you.... are you going to eat us??", the young man in the center asked, filled with fear.

"No, the people who are here are the ones who I have deemed to be worthy of using for other purposes. I don't intend to eat you. As for the others who entered... they are a different matter. But worry not. Everyone in this cave, as of right now, is under my protection."

"What do you mean by that?"

Dr. Kraven asked this question as he stood up and brushed the bits of cloth and string off himself.

"What do you mean we're 'under your protection?'"

"A good question. How should I put this? I may be a monster, but I am only a monster to those who consider me to be a monster. I have no intention of killing mindlessly, for that would make me nothing more than a beast. Rather, I instead would like to get along with you people, and live a regular life as a human."

"Live life.... as a human?"

The one who said this was the blonde woman, who seemed to have come to her senses, and now understood that she was not under the influence of some strange drug, nor was she inside a dream.

"You want to become a human?"

"Of course. It is for that reason that I've come here into the human realm, with my beautiful wife. We want to make a family, and live with other humans in unison. We want to show you humans that beyond our monstrous appearances...."

Coran grabbed the hand of one of the children, interlocking his own hand as he looked the upon the young boy with kindness.

"That we are not people you should be afraid of."

"But... what of the people you killed today?", Dr. Kraven asked, suspiciously.

"Another good question. Does a hero not kill a villain? Does a king not execute a traitor? Does an executioner not take a criminal to the chopping block? Killing in of itself, is not wrong. What is wrong, is to kill those who are innocent."

Coran picked up the child and laid him on his lap.

"Do you see these children? What do you see in their eyes? You're a doctor, right? So tell me, Doc. Isn't there something wrong here?"

The doctor looked around at all the children, but he already knew the answer to this question.

"They've been... desensitized. Some sort of major trauma has completely misaligned their sense of fear and primal instincts."

"Exactly. Well done, as expected of a doctor. Exactly. Someone.... no, dare I say.... something.... some monster did this to the children. And it was not me who did this."

"What are you implying?"

"Did any of you actually ever see the condition of these children? Doctor, did you ever once treat any of these children ever since the leadership of the orphanage changed?"

"No.... none were brought to me."

"You, young man in the middle. What's your name?"


"Patrick, what about you? Did you ever witness the conditions of the orphanage which these children were staying in?"

"Well... I work as a courier for the village, so once or twice I did stop by the orphanage to drop off a letter or two.... but as far as I could tell, the orphanage was abandoned. I didn't think too much of it at the time, and just minded my own business."

"And you, woman? Let's hear your name."


"Then, Niri. Have you ever witnessed what was going on in that orphanage?"

"No. I work as a mercenary, and am often traveling from town to town for my work.", the girl replied.

"There we have it. Nobody here knows what was going on, but I'm sure from Patrick's explanation you all have a slight idea. Veronica. You know, don't you? Why don't you explain to these people exactly what was going on in that orphanage. I'm sure they'll listen to you more than a monster like myself."

"I understand."

Veronica stood forward and explained the entire situation to the three.

From start to finish, she told the three every last detail about the remodeling of the orphanage from the moment Mrs. Fera took over, to the new policies she implemented, to the children who died off, to the horrid conditions they were living and working in.

It was a disturbing story, and the three shuddered in terror as they heard every last detail of the blatant abuse these children had endured.

"And that's where I come in.", Coran stated.

"Me and my wife here.... well, we originally planned on coming into this village and living as regular people. Sure, it wouldn't have been easy. There would have been many who would try to kill us. But... take a look at us."

Coran showed the three people his hand, which resembled a human hand.

"We are not humans, but we are not monsters either. In the monster realm, we were considered abominations- freaks of nature for our humanity, yet here in the human realm we are considered beasts for our monstrosity. To put things simply.... there was no place in this world for ones like us."

Coran gripped the hand of Alicia as he said this, and she seemed to fidget to herself as he continued speaking.

"Until.... well, until I met a certain group. They took me in as their slave, and raised me to become what I am. Something beyond a mere beast. We came into this human realm to make peace with the humans, and to show them that we are able to live among them. Even if it meant facing opposition at first."

Coran then looked sadly toward the children.

"But... what I did not expect was to witness something so gruesome.... something so inhumane, that even life as a slave seemed like a blessing. I took it upon myself to free these children of their bonds, by kidnapping them. That woman.... she never once used the word slave. She avoided it like the plague. The very notion of owning slaves was something which made her queasy with concern, and one in which she was desperate to deny."

Coran's face was filled with disgust and his own voice seemed to spit with a rotten tone as he spoke of the woman. Looking over the children around him, Coran's face lightened and he closed his four eyes with a smile as he placed his hand on the head of one child.

"I have every intention of making these children into the slaves of my masters, but look at them, and look well. Look at their faces. Are these faces which tell you that they are being oppressed as slaves?? Nay, I say. So tell me again, who is the real monster here? Myself, the creature who kidnapped these children in order to make them into slaves, or that woman- who claimed that she was merely introducing them to work, while driving them to their deaths in conditions not even fit for an insect to survive?"

"So, you mean to say that you had no intention of eating the children in the first place!??!", Kraven shouted.

"And you only wished to take them away from that abusive woman!?", Patrick added.

"Snifff.... those poor children...."

Niri seemed to be wiping her tears.

"And that is when we met Veronica, who had been trying to take down that woman in her own way. We simply accelerated her progress by implementing our own measures. This brings us back to why we killed so many today. Why, out of the 30 people who attacked us on this date, did only 3 survive? A mere 10%."

Coran looked around.

"It is because I have determined that the others were scum. They were not humans, but rather garbage which would not be willing to even listen to the truth, instantly accusing us of being unreliable monsters and rushing to kill us. These people were too focused on the glory of killing the beast, or on money and rewards, or whatever else to be able to think straight. Some were too focused on their own forms of justice to even look at the children in front of them and try to save them. Yet you three.... I have determined that you three were the only decent and reasonable people of the bunch."

"Wait just a minute!!", Patrick shouted. "I... I have something to say. I know this is about myself, but..... I have something to admit that might effect everyone around me."

"Go on."

"I.... I'll be honest, there is something.... there is something living inside me. I'm not sure exactly what it is, but it seems to be another side of me.... and it's unpredictable!! Three times in my life now, this other side of me has taken over, and each time I have woken up, the people around me are all either injured or dead! It simply isn't safe for me to remain living! I came here with the resolve to die because there was a monster living within me that needed to be killed! Please, I'm begging you! If you let me live, I might end up harming the children!!"

"No, I don't think that's true.", Kraven noted. "Patrick, you told me about the three situations." Turning to Coran, Kraven asked "May I explain?"

Coran nodded, urging Kraven to proceed.

"It appears to me that there is a similarity among all three situations. They were situations in which you were alone, surrounded by enemies, and under extreme stress. But you said that aside from those three situations, you've never once experienced anything similar. Do you really think that by coincidence it would happen two times in a row recently, and both of those times would be when people are trying to harm you?"


Coran smiled monstrously at this.

"Interesting. So there is a monster within you, but one which only appears when you are under attack. Very intriguing. Patrick, let me tell you this. I believe my master once said something similar to a comrade of his, when she was concerned about becoming a monster herself."

Coran smiled at Patrick, and spoke.

"It doesn't matter if there is a monster living within you. For we too, are monsters. And it is our duty as fellow monsters to prevent you from becoming a true monster- one without reason and only living for chaos. It is our duty to give a purpose to the destruction you may cause. There is no need to fear that which is within you. Rather embrace it! Know that by coming underneath us, there is nothing more to fear, for we can CONTROL that monster within you."

Patrick looked up from his pleading, with a gleam of hope in his eyes.

"Do you... do you mean that? You... can you truly stop me, even if I go berserk?"

"I've already done that once before.", Alicia stated. "It can easily be done again."

Patrick smiled at the two, and tears flowed down his face in happiness.

"I.... I can live..... I can live, without the guilt or fear that I will become a monster! Thank you!!"

Coran smiled as he gripped the hand of Alicia and held it firmly.

As he did this, the chest of Alicia tightened, and she felt as if her heart skipped a beat.

"Now then.... I think all of you seem to not only understand, but sympathize with our cause, no? Then, will you all not assist us in the rest?"

Kraven looked up, and looked around at all the children.

'To think that such a tragedy was going on right in my midst..... Mrs. Fera.... I can't believe you would do this....'

Patrick looked around with glee, knowing that he would never have to worry about harming others, but on seeing the children, he too was reminded of the horrors that they went through only recently.

Niri as well looked determined to help.

"Yes. We'll help.", the three agreed.

"Excellent. Then, let me ask you all a few things. First, do any of you have a family?"

All three of them nodded no.

Kraven was too busy with his work as a doctor to have a family, while Patrick was still young and had not yet found a wife- though after deciding to turn himself in and be executed, this was the last thing on his mind. Niri was living her life traveling as an adventurer, so settling down with a family was not something she ever considered.

"I see. Then, there is no need to spare anyone else in this wretched town. I want you all to return alongside Veronica, and claim that 'the monster was powerful beyond belief, and killed everyone else. You were just barely able to escape with your lives.' This will likely force the leader of the town to take great measures, and send in one final exterminator- an exterminator which, if I kill, will strike fear into the hearts of the people. It is after this, that I will make my final move- and take over this town for myself."

The three smiled and nodded.

"We'll do it."

"I'm counting on you all. It really is great, you know? To be able to get along with you humans so easily. Why is it that barely anyone is like you all?"

"I could ask the same. I... I know almost nothing of monsters, so I never could have possibly imagined that there were some like you who could communicate with people.", Kraven noted.

"I.... I'll be honest.... I was pretty terrified when I first saw you.", Niri said, speaking to Alicia. "I once saw a nest of wasps, and... well, they were all terrifying. When I saw you, I thought it was over... who ever knew that I would one day be speaking with a wasp monster as if you were a fellow person!"

"Oh? You once saw a wasp nest? What was it like?", Alicia asked in curiosity.

"Well, it was enormous, and there were hundreds of wasps flying around it. It was a bit to the west of the wall, but not too far out."

Coran looked at Alicia with a strange face.

'Could it be?'

"But those wasps were nothing more than monsters! I never imagined meeting one like you who can speak! Oh, and I forgot to thank you.... thank you, for helping me finish off that man. I would have done so myself if I wasn't struck with fear but... I couldn't move at that time. But you helped me. At first, I thought you were just sadistically killing, but now that I understand your motives.... I can't help but thank you."

"It was nothing.", Alicia replied. "I was merely ridding the world of a piece of scum who tried to take advantage of a woman even in such a scenario."

The four people then got up, and prepared to return to the town.

"I.... I won't stay ignorant of what is going on around me anymore.", Kraven said, while waving goodbye to Coran. "But, can I ask your names?"

Coran looked over to the humans who were leaving, and with one final smile spoke.

"I am Coran, the slave of their excellencies and her eminence, and this is Alicia, my wife."


[The Fishmen Village, the night of the day in which the village was overtaken by the antiheroes.]

After having many lizardmen assigned to the reconstruction of the village, progress was going smoothly under the guidance of Ploritan, who was acting as the current chief of the fishmen- a puppet underneath the antiheroes.

Since there were no fires started in the underground sector of the village, the damage of the city had been kept to a minimum, and so a single day with hundreds of lizardmen workers was enough to finish all the repairs.

Brot now walked proudly down the street, bathing in his victory.

To be honest, Brot didn't really understand what was going on.

But he knew one thing.

He listened to orders.

Now, his orders were to go home and rest.

"Brot go home! Brot tell mama about his success today!! Mama will be proud of Brot!!!"

Brot was excited to see his mother. He hadn't seen her since he left for the tournament and lost.

How could he have returned?

He was supposed to become the chief, but for some unknown reason, Kota instead became the chief.

Brot did not understand why.

He clearly should have won that battle.

"Brot is stronger. Brot is smarter. So why did Brot not become chief? Brot don't understand, but Brot will listen to chief. Brot did very well. Brot listened to chief! But now there is new chief. Ploritan is new chief. Ploritan was good chief before, so Brot will help him!"

Ploritan had incidentally hired Brot as second in command, as per the orders of the antiheroes.

Therefore, Brot had a great responsibility now for the people of his village.

"Brot will do his best!"

Brot made his way down the streets, looking around to see that many lizardmen seemed to be partying and celebrating in the homes of the fishmen, who they were now in good relations with.

As fellow beings who were under the rule of the dictators, they shared the same sufferings and successes.

They were more united than ever before.

Brot finally made it to his mothers house.

It was not a large house, but it had an extremely homey feel to it. He walked in the oversized door, and blurted out "Mama!!! Brot is back!!!"

"Brot!!! My son!!!"

Brot saw his mother, Brotta, rush down the stairs at hearing Brot enter.

"My son!!! Where you go, son?? Your mama has missed you!!"

"Mama! Brot have big news!!"

"Sit at table, son! Mama cook you feast, and you tell me news!"

"Ok mama!"

Brot eagerly sat down at the table, as his mother put on a load of food for her son to feast on.

'Mmm.... Brot loves mama's cooking... Brot cannot wait....'

After a few minutes, Brot's mother placed multiple dishes filled to the brim with all sorts of seafood delicacies on them in front of Brot.

"Mmm!! Thank you for food, mama! Brot eat!!"

"Of course, Brot!!"

Brotta then went back into the kitchen, and brought out just as many plates of food, setting them at her own spot at the table.

"Brotta eat too!!"

The two chowed down, devouring the food in mere moments, stuffing their mouths with it.

Soon enough, the food was gone, and Brotta turned to Brot.

"Brot? What is news??"

"Mama! Brot sorry! Brot fail to become chief! But good news! Brot listen to chief, and Brot get promoted! Brot now second in command! Brot is strong! Brot is smart! Brot has respect!"

"Brot!! Mama is so proud of you!!"

"Brot good son!! Brot do mama proud!!"

"Brot is very good son!! Brotta is very proud!! Brotta make more food for celebrate!"

The mother then went back to continue cooking yet another set of meals, and the two had a fine night together, celebrating Brot's success.